Halifax Gridiron Football Association is not liable or responsible for safety, though it will be a constant focus. Playing the game in a safe and technically sound mannor, as well as communicating about our attendance and emergancy contacts, will create a safe environment. Parents are encouraged to chaperone at practice, and encouraged to promote focus on safe and effective play.
- In the event of severe injuries (rare in youth football) or a player leaves practice without permission or notification (i.e. going missing, designated parents/guardians/emergency contacts will be called immediately.
- Attendance can be communicated through the TeamLinkt App. The better this is coordinated, the safer and better our teams will be.
- All coaches must have NCCP Certification for both 1. avoiding, diagnosing and responding to head injuries and 2. Safe Sport (all aspects of safety and maltreatment by coaches and players in sport, e.g. harrassment, abuse of power, neglect, etc.).
- Coaches should also communicate attendance, and ensure a good experience for all participants. This is more of a community standard than a rule, but we expect coaches to do their best, on and off the field.