2024-2025 Confederation Hockey Volunteer Deposit Program

Confederation Hockey is a volunteer-run organization, and as such, it depends on the volunteer assistance of its members to function successfully. Volunteers are essential to maintaining and growing the Confederation Hockey Club. The more volunteers we have, the better our association becomes!

Overview of 2024-25 Volunteer Deposit Program:

  • Every family is required to complete volunteer commitments for 2024-25 unless they have chosen to pay the volunteer opt-out fee on their registration. The number of volunteer commitments for each family is dependent on the number of players and which category they are in.
    • It is important to note that we would rather have the family complete a volunteer commitment and contribute to the success of the club than pay the opt-out fee.
  • U7 Discovery,  U7 JR Timbits, and U7 SR Timbits player families are required to complete ONE VOLUNTEER COMMITMENT per player.
  • U9, U11, and U13 player families are required to complete TWO VOLUNTEER COMMITMENTS per player.
  • There are no exemptions to the volunteer requirements.
  • There is no maximum number of commitments that a family can contribute in a given year.
  • There is no roll-over of volunteer commitments from year to year.
  • Volunteer deposit cheques or credit card purchase for March 31 or payout will be collected for every player prior to the registration being accepted and considered complete.
  • Volunteer Deposit cheques or purchases are valued at $250 per volunteer commitment
  • In the event that a family does not complete their volunteer commitments, the deposit cheque(s) will be cashed or credit cards will be charged, depending on the option selected.

Opportunities that count for 4 Volunteer Commitments for 2024-25 are:

  • Head Coach (U9, U11, U13 one per team, entire season)
  • Team Manager (Competitive Stream Team, entire season, points could be shared)

Opportunities that count for 3 Volunteer Commitments for 2024-25 are:

  • Head Coach (U7 entire season)
  • Team Manager (Development Stream Team, entire season, points could be shared)

Opportunities that count for 2 Volunteer Commitments for 2024-25 are:

  • Assistant Coach (U7 SR, U9, U11, U13 entire season)
  • Team Manager (Community Stream Team, entire season, points could be shared)
  • Jersey Parent (home or away for the entire season, bring to games and launder)

Opportunities that count for 1* Volunteer Commitments for 2024-25 are:

  • Assistant Coach (U7 Discovery, U7 JR Timbits, entire season)
  • Team Manager (U7, entire season)
  • Parent Liaison & Team Raffle Coordinator (one per team, entire season)
  • U9 Goalie Equipment Parent (entire season, bring to games and care for during the season)
  • Name Bar Parent (one per team in U9, U11, and U13, entire season)
  • Time Keeping or Score Keeping (10 games is one point)
  • Evaluation Volunteer
    • Check-in Table, Timekeeper, Bench Help – all on a shift basis
  • Confed Wear Sales Volunteer
  • Christmas Tournament Volunteer – on shift basis, over 250 volunteers required
    • 50/50 Seller
    • Sign-in Table Greeter
    • Office Support
    • Silent Auction and Raffle Table
  • Minor Hockey Week Volunteer – on shift basis
    • Cashier/Button Seller, Floater,  Arena Manager
  • Oilers 5050 Volunteer for Confed Hockey positions within specified events
  • Special Events as communicated from the club

*Please note that not all jobs listed under 1 point are not always worth the full 1 point when online signup is used. If it is different than 1 credit it will be listed that way,

Please note that not all jobs are required at all levels, therefore, the position will only be filled in the categories it is needed and credit awarded.

If you have additional suggestions/recommendations on ways to help out - bring them forward – the Confederation Board may want to add them to the list of volunteer opportunities.

​​​​​​​2024-25 Volunteer Deposit Program FAQs

How do I find volunteer opportunities?

During registration Confederation Hockey asks you to identify jobs you would be interested in for the year, such as Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager, Parent Liaison & Team Raffle Coordinator, Jersey Parent, Goalie Equipment Parent, Namebar Parent, Time Keeper, Evaluation Volunteer, Christmas Tournament Volunteer, Christmas Tournament Committee Volunteer, Minor Hockey Week Volunteer, Equipment Room Volunteer, and Confed Wear and Picture Day Volunteer. Please note that this is a process to indicate your interest in certain jobs and are not guaranteed to be available as you will still have to sign up when the opportunities are posted. Interest in Team opportunities will be passed on to your Coach, but will be assigned or signed up for once your child has been placed on a team. Club opportunities will come out via email from Confederation Hockey and involve a sign up process to participate in those opportunities. There are more than enough volunteer tasks for all families to participate.

If I complete all my volunteer commitments, when will I receive my cheque back or credit card installment cancelled?

For 2024-25, after completing the minimum number of volunteer commitments your deposit cheque and form will be held for future years Volunteer Deposit or your deposit cheque will be shredded depending on what you indicated on the 2024-25 (or prior) Confederation volunteer deposit form at time of registration or if credit card installment used it will be cancelled.

How are these volunteer jobs tracked?

Club wide volunteer tasks are tracked by the Confederation Administrator using the volunteer sign up sheets used for various events. The team jobs will be submitted to the Confederation Administrator. by the Coach and/or Manager.  The Confederation Administrator will use all data to track the volunteer commitments for the entire club.

What if I have more than 1 child in Confederation Hockey Club?

For each player in U7 Discovery, U7 JR Timbits,  or U7 SR Timbits you submit a $250 volunteer deposit cheque, or credit card installment payment, for one volunteer commitment. For each player in U9, U11, or U13 you submit one $500 volunteer deposit cheque or two $250 volunteer deposit cheques, or credit card installment payment.

Will I be contacted prior to my volunteer time as a reminder?

No, it is your responsibility to manage your volunteer commitment.

Will I be contacted prior to my volunteer deposit being processed?

Confederation Hockey will send out opportunities to volunteer to all members, but the responsibility is the families to ensure they have volunteered so their cheque is not cashed or credit card is not processed.  Our hope is we have no deposits to process because everyone has volunteered.

Do donations, sponsorships, or gifts count as a Volunteer Commitment?

No, things like bringing snacks or other items to the team, team sponsorships, or event tickets do not count as volunteering.

If I pay out my volunteer does that excuse me from participating in any fundraisers for the club?

No, although we cannot make fundraisers, such as our Annual Raffle mandatory, participation in fundraisers such as these helps to generate funds for our club and keep registration costs down as well as allow Confederation Hockey to offer the fantastic program we have!

What if I help the Coach or Manager with part of their duties throughout the year, does that count as a Volunteer Commitment?

No, although taking on some extra little tasks may be helpful to the Coach or Manager to help with things like planning a party, those tasks are already accounted for under other positions and do not count as a Volunteer Commitment.