Clavet Minor Hockey Association
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Bingo & Fundraising


Working City Centre Bingos is a benefit to all parents and children involved with the Clavet Arena.  The funds raised through these bingos all the Arena to provide ice time to Minor Hockey and the Skating Club at subsidized rates.  In addition, the funds provide upgrades to the facility, purchase and maintenance of the Zamboni, protective glass, heating and lighting, and many other necessary items.  This provides a wonderful facility for our recreational activities.

The following is a list of requirements that must be met:

  1. Each player/skater are required to work a minimum of two bingos for the Arena, unless otherwise advised
  2. CMHA hockey fees include $300 per player to cover the required bingos which is reimbursed once bingos are worked
  3. Those electing not to work the bingos will not receive a re-imbursement of the fee
  4. To qualify for a full reimbursement of these bingo fees, all required bingos must be worked by May 31 of current season

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Bingo Coordinator at (306) 227-2312 or Bingo dates will be posted on the bulletin board at the rink during the hockey season and periodically updated on the website.


CMHA programs are only possible with the support of enthusiastic volunteers. Parents registering their son or daughter to play with a CMHA team will be required to participate in fundraising initiatives. Because minor hockey parent volunteers work at bingos and in the Clavet Community Arena concession kitchen, the Clavet Community Arena board provides ice to us at a significantly reduced rate. Bingo fundraising guidelines are provided at fall registration. For more information contact the CMHA executive or Bingo coordinator. 

As one of the primary user groups of the Clavet Community Arena, CMHA teams are encouraged to support Arena Board fundraising initiatives, as these funds further enhance the primary facility used by CMHA teams.

Individual team fundraising initiatives will be established by each individual team at the beginning of the season based on discussions with team parents, coaches and managers. The number of tournaments the team plans to attend, and any other variable expenses (team clothing, team events, etc.) will determine the overall budget of the team for that particular season. CMHA teams may fulfill their budgetary requirements by simply dividing the cost equally among the parents, or by subsidizing with team fundraising (steak nights, bottle drives, raffles, etc.).

All CMHA teams will be required to pay for home game/practice/tournament ice times, officials at home games, official assigning fee (paid at end of season)(10% of team total season official payout), home tournament SHA sanctioning fee, conditioning camp fees, and evaluation camp fees. (CMHA Registration fees cover the cost of registering the team and players with SMHA and SHA)