Saskatoon Bobcats
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SAAHL (CityWide) Tryouts - U13, U15, and U18

If your (U13, U15 or U18) Player is interested in trying out for AA hockey (citywide), here is the process you need to follow:

1. Register your player with the Bobcats  – BUT DO NOT PAY now
This helps the zone have accurate numbers for Hybrid and zone teams.

After registering with the Bobcats:

2. Go to the SAAHL website and register your player for Tryouts –

Please watch for communications from SAAHL regarding Tryout schedules and details. These Tryouts will be set up and scheduled BEFORE Bobcat Evaluations.

3. Should your player be cut from the Citywide Tryouts and your player then wants to be a part of the Bobcats, full payment of fees is required before the player will be allowed to take part in Bobcat Evaluations.

Citywide FAQS