- Begins- December 1, 2024
- Ends- March 7, 2025 (13-15 ends February)
- Registration can be done:
- Online- Here
- In Person- Ceraland: 3989 S 525 E Columbus, IN 47203
- Over the Phone- Ceraland: (812) 377- 5849 or Chandra Williams (812) 371-7188
***The middle school season (13-15 age group) will be ran APRIL 2ND - May 23rd***
- 4/5 - $60 (T-Ball)
- 5/6 - $65 (Coach Pitch)
- 7/8 - $75 (Coach Pitch)
- 9/10 - $100 (Player Pitch)
- 11/12 - $100(Player Pitch)
- 13/15 - $115 (Player Pitch)
- Limited scholarships are available for players. Please email us if you are in need of a scholarship!
5U Division (4/5)*on or before 04/30/2019
Players who turn 6 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in Pre-Kindergarten. Also, any player turning 7 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 5u are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
6U Division (5/6)*on or before 04/30/2018
Players who turn 7 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in Kindergarten. Also, any player turning 8 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 6u are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
8U Division (7/8) *on or before 04/30/2016
Players who turn 9 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 2nd grade. Also, any player turning 10 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 8u are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
10U Division (9/10) *on or before 04/30/2014
Players who turn 11 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 4th grade. Also, any player turning 12 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 10u are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
12U Division (11/12)*on or before 04/30/2012
Players who turn 13 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 6th grade. Also, any player turning 14 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 12u are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
15U Division (13-15) *On or before 04/30/2009
Players who turn 16 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are a freshman in High School. Also, any player turning 17 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 15u are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
*You may play up an age group if you feel your player is ready for that.*
- Evaluations are for ALL players in the 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, and 13-15 age groups.
- Evaluations will be held at the Ceraland gym or diamonds on March 8th, 2024
- Evaluations times are as follows:
- 7/8- 10 AM- 11:30 AM
- 9/10- 11:30 AM - 1PM
- 11/12- 1PM - 2PM
- Once a player is evaluated, they are free to leave. They do not need to stay the entire duration of their age group.
- Each player will be evaluated on hitting, throwing, and fielding. 9/10 and above age groups will also be evaluated on pitching.
- Please bring a bat, glove, and helmet with you to evaluations.
- NO cleats
- The draft will be the week following evaluations.
- 7/8 Division Draft - March 11th 5:30PM-6:30PM at CSA Lincoln Elementary (Coaches and board members only)
- 9/10 Division Draft - March 11th 6:30 PM - 7:30PM at CSA Lincoln Elementary (Coaches and board members only)
- 11/12 Division Draft - March 11th 7:30PM - 8:30PM at CSA Lincoln Elementary (Coaches and Board members only)
- The draft is only for 7/8, 9/10, 11/12 age groups.
- YBBC tries to keep team sizes under twelve players. However, this is dependent on our final number of players and coaches for the season.
- Rules of the Draft:
- The draft will conducted snake style (Reverse order from round to round) and draft order is chosen by drawing numbers.
- Coaches are guaranteed their child and ONE assistant coach’s child on their team.
- Wherever the coach’s child and the assistant coach’s child evaluate is the pick for that coach in that round.
- In the event that both the coach’s child and the assistant coach’s child evaluate to be drafted in the first round, the third round pick for that coach will be moved to the fifth round where they will get two fifth round picks.
- Special requests are not guaranteed. The request is known at the draft but it is ultimately determined by evaluations and round picks.
- Once the draft is complete, it is the responsibility of the coach to contact each player on their team. We ask that the coaches make contact with each team member within one week of the draft.
- ALL practices are scheduled by the coaches.
- Practices are at the coach's discretion (Time, Days of the Week, Etc.)
- YBBC asks that each coach holds at least one practice per week.
- Coaches are allowed to start practicing OUTSIDE OF CERALAND on March 11, 2024 (but note this is BCSC Spring Break week)
- Practices AT Cerland can begin on March 24, 2025.
- Team uniforms are paid for by a team sponsor.
- It is the coach's responsibility to find a sponsor for their team. YBBC will assist coaches who are unable to find a sponsor.
- If you or someone you know wants to be a sponsor for a team, please let your team’s coach know as soon as possible or contact YBBC directly at, ybbcconnect@gmail.com.
- The average cost for sponsorship is $500.
- YBBC will be doing punch cards for the 2025 fundraiser.
- Punch cards cost $10 a piece.
- 100% of the money raised goes towards YBBC.
- New catcher’s equipment, hitting nets, and low flight balls were purchased with last year's earnings.
- Punch card order forms will be given to coaches at the draft. Coaches should hand order forms out as soon as possible.
- Punch card order forms will be due back to your team’s coach during Opening Week.
Opening Week:
- Opening week will be the week of April 21, 2025. (13-15 is April 2nd)
- Every team will play at least one game during opening week, weather permitting.
- Team pictures will be taken during opening week prior to your game.
- Coaches will have more information regarding pictures.
Games/Tournament Games:
- ALL REGULAR GAMES AND TOURNAMENT GAMES are played by USSSA Baseball rules that have been modified to fit our rec league format.
- The official rule book is posted on ybbcbaseball.org, as well as all coaches have a copy.
- There will be 10 games for each team in the following age groups 4/5, 5/6, and 13/15 (if there are 4 teams or less) during the regular season.
- Games will be as follows:
- Monday- 5U, 8U, 12U
- Tuesday- 10U
- Wednesday- 6U, 8U, 12U
- Thursday- 10U
- The official schedule will be available a few weeks prior to Opening Week.
- Ceraland makes the official call on rain outs, rain delays, or any weather related delays or cancelations.
- YBBC will notify coaches and players as soon as they get the official word from Cerland about delays and/or cancelations.
- YBBC does their best to reschedule cancelled games as quickly as possible.
- Ceraland’s turf fields should help reduce the number of game cancelations.
- Tournament games are only for 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, 13/14/15 age groups.
- Tournament games will start the week after regular season games are finished. Game cancelations can affect the start and schedule of tournament games. YBBC does their best to keep all games on schedule.
- The tournament is a double elimination tournament.
- Tournament seeding is determined by the teams regular season record.
Call Up Players:
- A call up player may ONLY be used in the event a team does not have enough players to field a full defense.
- Coaches are encouraged to rotate call up players when necessary.
- During the course of the season a list of call up players and their information will be developed and shared among coaches.
- Retrictions on Pitching a call up player will be discussed during the coaches meeting and will be adressed as needed.
Equipment Requirements:
- All players are expected to supply their own cleats (NO metal cleats), bat, glove, and helmet.
- Bat requirements are outlined in the USSSA rule book.
- YBBC allows USA and/or USSSA stamped bats.
- 4/5 and 5/6 age groups cannot have a bat with a barrel larger than 2 ¼”.
- 7/8 and higher age groups may use 2 ¾” big barrel bats.
- Contact a league represenative at Ybbcconnect@gmail.com for any regulation questions, or ask your coach directly.
Board Members:
- President: Ryan Tidd
- Vice President: Skylar Rush
- Player Agent: Open
- Coaches Agent: Open
- Treasurer: Brett Findlay
- Data/Communications: Chandra Williams
- Equipment Managers: Brad Williams and Jeff Roach
- Members at Large: Blake Burke, Ashley Odle