Gather Your Old but Gold Outdoor Gear
Come one, come all to buy and sell new and gently used gear! We’re hosting a Gear Swap at Winter Sports on August 30th & 31st 2025
We’re focused on all outdoor gear, so bring skis, snowboards, bikes, camping equipment, and outdoor clothing!
Sales will benefit Team Angel Fire Ski & Snowboard. Sellers receive 80% of the sale price, and 20% goes to the Ski & Snowboard Team!
Saturday, August 30th
Sunday, August 31st
*Any unsold gear not picked up by the owner by Monday, September 1 at 12 PM will be donated to local charity shops.
Bring cash because we will be raffling off a pair of used demo skis. Raffle tickets will cost $5 each, or 5 tickets for $20. All money raised will be going to the Angel Fire Ski Team.