Prairie Fencing Club

Frequently Asked Questions for Prairie Fencing Club (PFC)

1. When is the fencing season?

The competitive fencing season is September to May, however we do continue to run some classes in the summer months. 


2. Can I join after the season has started?

Prairie Fencing Club (PFC) welcomes new fencers throughout the season (if we have room in our classes).


3. What age is best for starting fencing?

It's never too late to start fencing, even competitively. 

In fact there is a very welcoming community of older fencers competiting at our local tournaments. 

Our U12 beginner class has a minimum age of seven years old. 


4. What equipment do I need to start fencing?

Beginner fencers should bring: a pair of indoor shoes, sweatpants or leggings, and a water bottle.

PFC lends protective equipment (jacket, mask, glove, etc.) to beginners to take home between classes, and swords/wires stay at the club and are availalbe for beginners ot borrow.

As fencers advance to higher levels, they are expected to gradually buy their own protective equipment and swords.


5. Where can I purchase equipment?

Equipment can be purchased online at:

6. Are there fundaising requirements if I join the PFC?

Currently, there are no fundraising expectations or requirements for the PFC.


7. Where can I learn more about fencing?

There are three weapons (swords) used in fencing: foil, sabre, and epee. To learn more about these, please read more here:


8. What is electric fencing?

Electric fencing: this is referring to when we wear body cords under our fencing jackets to allow for electric scorekeeping during bouts of fencing.

The wires are connected to a reel and to the sword of choice.

In foil fencing, the body cord is also attached to an electric vest worn over top of the jacket. The area of the electric vest is the target in foil.

In sabre fencing, the body cord is instead attached to an electric jacket and the entire upper body (waist up and head) are target.

In epee fencing, no electric jacket is worn, because the entire body is target.


9. What is the three-command start when fencing?

  1. En garde!: get in defensive position!

  2. Prêts?: are you ready? 

  3. Allez!: go; start fencing!

10. In what order do I put on the equipment? 

This blog post has great instructions for the order of putting the equipment on: