Join us for our exciting camps and clinics! Improve your skills, make new friends, and have a blast.
From development to rep, we have something for everyone.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your game to the next level.
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-- We want to remind you all about the importance of training.--
Training is crucial for improving your skills, performance, and overall fitness. It helps you become stronger, faster, and more agile on the court.
Make sure to set aside time each week to focus on your training. Whether it's hitting the gym, practicing drills, or working on your technique, consistent training will set you up for success. Remember, the more you put into your training, the more you'll get out of it. So let's all commit to putting in the work and reaching our full potential.
Julie Mota is a former professional athlete and certified multi-disciplinary personal trainer. The past 11 years Julie has played professionally in some of the most decorated volleyball leagues in eight countries across three different continents. She founded Twelve Strong, which provides athletes with high-level professional training and a specialized focus on Volleyball fundamentals and development from beginner to elite competitor.
Need help perfecting your skills?
Twelve Stong can Help!
Reserve your training time with Julie Mota today.
Join us in partnership with Nike and Spikes to bring you Barries Volleyball House League.
Young athletes will work on volleyball fundamentals, developing their skills and confidence on and off the court, all while having fun and meeting new friends.