Clippers Ice Sports
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It is recognized that team sports like hockey, by their very nature, often create competitive
environments. Healthy competition and trying to win, is a fun and exciting element of our game.
However, CIS has adopted a clear distinction between the process of trying to win (which is the
goal of the game) and winning itself (the outcome of the game). Too many youth coaches and
parents at all levels of play often confuse the two. It is the process that is important, not the
outcome. Hockey, or any game for that matter, will cease to be fun for kids if the outcome of the
game is all that matters. It’s ALL about DEVELOPMENT; it’s all about team..

Value Statements

The Values that guide CIS are reflected in this handbook are Safety, Respect, Discipline,
Commitment and Development.
CIS values people as the most important resource in our organization.
CIS values treating people with civility, mutual trust and integrity.
CIS values people working together in a Team environment to accomplish Team goals.

CIS Rules

1. All members and participants must follow the Hockey Manitoba Codes of Conduct as
outlined in the CIS Constitution.
2. Only eligible insured team players and officials are allowed on the bench. Team players
that are injured and not playing must wear helmets and be listed on the game sheet if
they are on the bench.
3. No player shall step on the ice without full equipment as per HOCKEY CANADA
requirements. Mouth guards and neck guards are mandatory for games and practices.
4. All teams must complete a Hockey Manitoba roster and submit to the league/Hockey
Manitoba for approval. Rostered team officials must have their certification up to date by
December 1st.
5. All arrangements for home Exhibition Games including referee costs are the
responsibility of the teams involved in the exhibition game.
6. Police checks may be required for all bench staff.
7. Parents do contribute a great deal to the success of the team. ALL parents are expected
to contribute in the off ice activities to support the team, by doing so this will allow the
coaching staff to direct 100% of their energies to the players.
8. Ice time is valuable and should not be wasted.
9. Discipline in the dressing rooms is the responsibility of the coaching staff and required for
the safety of the players. Horseplay in the dressing room is prohibited, as is dispute
resolution that involves physical conflict or intimidation. See CIS Code of Conduct and
Town of Niverville’s Zero Tolerance Policy.
10. The officials handling the game assess penalties but players can be assessed further
discipline by Hockey Manitoba if deemed necessary.
11. No deviation whatsoever from the game sheet with respect to suspensions is permitted
as per Hockey Manitoba rules.
12. No game can proceed without 2 certified referees without consent of both coaches.
13. For liability reasons players not registered with CIS Minor Hockey are strongly
encouraged not to be permitted on CIS ice Failure to comply may result in voiding all
registered players insurance in the event an injury should occur.

Breanne Routly
Terryl Luhowy
Vice President/Registrar
Kelli Lapointe/Janelle Kaminsky
Tournament Coordinator
Lisa Lemoine
Female Hockey Coordinator
Jonelle Donnelly
Danielle Robert
Melissa Routhier/Brock Gibson
Hockey Coordinator
Frank Carlson
Equipment Coordinator
Cher Pawluk
Fundraising Coordinator
Pat Guennette
Referee in Chief
Chelsey Edmundson
Ice Convener