Lower Merion Little League
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Upcoming Community Events

​​​​​​​Softball Skills Camp: June 17 to 19

Lower Merion Little League is pleased to provide a three day Softball Skills Camp.   The camp will run from 9 AM to 1PM on Monday, June 17, Tuesday June, 18, and Wednesday June 19.  The camp will be led by former College softball players, including Kaitlyn Beers and Joelle Snyder, and LMLL coaches. Kaitlyn and Joelle had successful college softball careers and have experience coaching college softball and providing group and individual instruction. The camp will be held at a field within Lower Merion (TBD). The cost of the camp is $100.  Registration is limited to 50 girls, so register soon below.  

Register HERE for the camp

Top Gunn Summer Camps
​​​​​​​Register here!​​​​

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Summer Sports training
Register Here!

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