Jun 12 2022

• NCAA Rulebook will be used
• 60 Shot clock will be kept by the officials and or field
• Time Factors: 25 minute running time periods, including playoff and championship games. Exceptions are: the clock stops on all whistles during the last 2 minutes of the second half if within a 3 goal margin.
• Penalty Time: Penalty time does not start until the whistle is blown to start play and the player is in the penalty area. Penalty time is stop start.
• Time-outs: One time out per half. Live ball time-outs can only be called in the offensive zone (over the midline). Time outs in the last 2 minutes stop the clock.
• Substitution: No horn, done on the fly and through the scorer’s table area, except after a goal is scored.
• Clearing/Over & Back: teams do not need to touch it in the box once cleared. Once cleared, the ball cannot go back over the midline unless it makes contact with a post or body of a player causing a bounce back
• Restart: Emphasized VERY QUICK restarts. Responsibility of defending player to give a 5 year buffer. Failure to give 5 yards results in a delay of game.
• When there is a time-served penalty, restart shall occur after foul is signaled to scorers table and the ball is set.
• Dive Rule: dives are permitted. A goal is disallowed only when an offensive player is in the crease BEFORE the ball crosses the goal line. the NCAA dive rule (ie. Goal mouth) is NOT USED. Diving player may not make contact with the goalie. If contact is made with the goalie that constitutes crease violation.
• Long sticks: The allowable number of long sticks on the field is five (5)