LBMHA Managers Manual- 2023
LBMHA Constitution & Bylaws
The Policy Manual is a living document. Revisions can be made at any time upon majority approval by vote of the Executive at a Board of Directors’ meeting. Please submit (by email) suggestions for additions and/or changes at any time.
LBMHA Policy Manual
LBMHA Proof of Residency
LBMHA Code of Conduct: Players; Parents-Guardians; Coaches
Player Code Of Conduct Agreement
Parent Guardian Code of Conduct Agreement
Coaching Code of Conduct Agreement
LBMHA Discipline Policy
LBMHA Appeal Policy
LBMHA Appeal Application Form
LBMHA Release Policy
A player trying out for a team at a higher level than the LBMHA can offer does not need a release until he/she has made that higher level team.
Releases will not be granted for player to play on a team of equal or lower level than the LBMHA can offer.
Issues and Concerns: Dispute Resolution - 24 Hour Rule
Any parent or player with an issue or concern about their coaching staff should follow these steps:
1. Wait 24 hours before contacting your team Manager or Parent Liaison with your issue or concern.
2. If your team Manager or Parent Liaison is unable to resolve the situation, please contact your Division Coordinator in writing. Email contact information can be found under the EXECUTIVE tab of this site. The DC will take your issue forward to the LBMHA Board of Directors.
All LBMHA Executive have the authority to ask any parents or spectators exhibiting abusive behaviour towards players, coaches, officials and other LBMHA members, to leave the rink. If the person refuses, the Executive has the right to ask the Officials to halt the game until the person leaves the premises, and to call the RCMP if they refuse.
Respect in Sport
All new parents must complete this form by NOVEMBER 15: Respect in Sport Parent Program