Regina Touch Football
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Regina Touch Football 2022 Executive

Shaun Hodgkinson
  • Chairs all meetings
  • Ensures all jobs/duties and committees are followed through
  • Oversees the running of the league
Vice President
Claire Dore
  • President in training
  • Will assist President in all duties
  • Chairs meeting when the President is absent
Jordan Puscus
  • Records and makes available the minutes from all executive and league meetings
  • Distributes the minutes to all of the executive members
  • Reads past minutes of previous meetings at every league or executive meeting
Kyle Dumont
  • Responsible for the day to day transactions of Regina Touch Football Inc.
  • Provides financial statements/ledger at every meeting--league or executive
Claire Dore
  • Responsible for team registrations
  • Maintains league rosters
Referee in Chief
Nancy Lamb
Mens Rep
Jordan Puscus
Womens Rep
Melissa Park
Nancy Lamb
  • Maintains League Schedules for Pre-Season, Regular Season and Playoffs