Assigning Games
This section will outline who assigns hockey games to referees; the procedure of how hockey games are assigned; and once a game is assigned, how an official can go about performing a game change.

Assignor Contacts
SMHA Minor Hockey Referee Coordinator  - Christa Parent or 306-270-3316 or 306-244-1363

Please contact the Referee Hotline at 306-382-7337 (this is a mobile # and may be texted) to notify of Game Changes and No-shows at the Rink

How Games are Assigned

The SMHA Referees Division uses Arbiter Sports to assign officials for all games for the Saskatoon Minor Hockey Association and for Senior Hockey Leagues.

SMHA minor hockey games are generally assigned in the following manner:

For all levels of minor hockey, the Assignor(s) are required to (via email) request unavailable dates from each official prior to the 1st of each month. Officials will then log on to the Arbiter website and enter their unavailable days (blocks) for the time frame provided. Assignor(s) will then schedule the officials based on SHA level, skill and availability for the upcoming period.

Officials will receive an email that they have received new assignments and will log onto the Arbiter web site to view these assignments. There is no option to Accept or Decline games - by not marking yourself as unavailable for the date and time that you have received games, you are confirming that you are available, confirming these assignments 

Once assignments are at this stage, they are the official's responsibility.   

Please note that if you believe that you are ranked lower than where you think you should be, or if you would like to be evaluated, contact or to set up an evaluation.

Trading Games

  • Once you receive a game, that game is YOURS!
  • If, for whatever reason, you cannot referee your game, you must find your own replacement.
  • Your replacement MUST come from your pool or higher.
  • A current contact list has been provided in the password area of the Arbiter website.
  • If you suffer a major tragedy (death in the family), major illness or injury, please contact the Assignor or a member of the Referees Division Committee  and we will attempt to cover your affected assignments. 
  • When a game is traded, the Assignor must be contacted by the referee taking the game and the referee accepting the game.
  • Failure to follow this procedure will result in the official now working the game not getting paid.
  • If this occurs, it then becomes the responsibility of the official who worked the game not the responsibility of SMHA to get the money from the official he or she received the traded game from.  Note: This also may result in Disciplinary Action

    If the proper procedure is followed and there is a discrepancy in your pay cheque, please contact and we will get the problem resolved ASAP.

    Thank you for your cooperation.