League Rules


  • Age Limit 30+
  • Team Fee: $4000
  • First Game Teams must pay $2000 to play
  • Between game 15 and 16 the full team league fee must be paid in full or every game will be forfeited until the full team fee is paid.
  • If a team is up by 6 goals in the 3rd period there will be running time
  • Unlimited players per team but only 12 skaters plus 1 goalie may dress
  • Teams must have 6 A players and 6 B players on their roster.  If short players teams may substitue with other players from the league or other players outside the leage of equal caliber.  A players playing on the B line MUST play defense and MUST NOT rush the puck.
  • Rosters must be submitted by the first game of the season
  • Fights: First fight is a one game suspension.  Second fight is a suspension for the rest of the season.
  • Slap Shots ARE allowed
  • Red Line Icing
  • Verbal Abuse of an official will be handled by the official
  • Physical Abuse of an official will not be tolerated and will automatically result in a season long ban on the first offense
  • Cages and Half Shields are optional
  • Regular Season Standing will be determined by Points, then by head to head
  • Teams must try their best to play A Line vs. A Line and B Line vs. B Line
  • 12 minute periods.  No overtime or shootouts
  • 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss
  • Dangerous or violent acts will be reviewed by the WSHC Directors and will vote on the punnishment
  • Each team Captain is a Club Director by default
  • 3 Penalty per person per game limit.  On the 4th penalty the player is automatically ejected from the game.


  • Players must play at least 8 regular season games in order to play in the playoffs
  • No subs without approval of opponent
  • Ties will be settled with a 5 minute overtime followed by a 5 round shootout.
  • Round 1: 3rd Place Team vs 6th Place Team,  4th Place Team vs 5h Place Team
  • Round 2: 1st Place Team vs Lowest remaining, 2nd Place Team vs Remaining winner
  • Finals: Winners of round 2