Worcester Diocese Volleyball
congratulations to our 2024 champions! Mount Carmel (Rec) and St. MAry's (Comp)!
See you next Summer!
2024 Quick Links
Final Standings Clarifications
1) Tiebreaker D (Total Point Differential) is breaking the tie between C2: St. Joseph's (57) and C1: St. Bernadette (30).
2) Tiebreaker B (Win Percentage in Head-to-Head Matches) is breaking the tie between R4: St. John (A) (1.000) and R5: St. John (B) (0.000).
3) Tiebreaker B (Win Percentage in Head-to-Head Matches) is breaking the tie between R3: Millbury (1.000) and R7: St. Louis (0.000).
Past Division Champions
Competitive: St. Mary's (Jefferson)
Recreational: Our Lady of Mount Carmel/Our Lady of Loreto (Worcester)
Competitive: St. Bernadette (Northborough)
Recreational: Our Lady of Mount Carmel/Our Lady of Loreto (Worcester)
Competitive: North American Martyrs (Auburn)
Recreational: Blessed Sacrament (Worcester)
Competitive: St. Brigid (Millbury), Competitive Team
Recreational: St. Brigid (Millbury), Recreational Team
Season not held due to COVID-19
Competitive: St. Brigid (Millbury)
Recreational: Mary, Queen of the Rosary (Spencer)