ALL FIFA Rules and Regulations apply except where noted
- Have Fun!
- 7 players per side (6 Field Players + Goalie)
- 4 players minimum required to play
- Less than 4 results in a forfeit.
- COED always requires two female field players on the pitch.
- If BOTH Teams have female goalies, only 1 female field player is required.
- Must play down if less than 2 females on field.
- Field Size
- Games are played on a Field 65yds X 45yds
- Goal size is 7ft X 21ft
- Game Length
- Games consist of two 25-minute halves and a 5-minute halftime break.
- Clock is Continuous.
- Time can be stopped for excessive delays, to the referee’s discretion.
- Substitutions
- Substitutions occur on the fly.
- The referee has authority to stop subbing on the fly if deemed necessary.
- Subbing would revert to any stoppage in play if required.
- Each player must wear same colored jersey.
- Shirts are provided by the league.
- Free Kick required distance is 5 Yards
- Penalty Kicks to be taken from the top of the goal box.
- There is no rebound allowed.
- If ball is saved, restart is a goal kick
- No Offside Rule.
- No sliding at all.
- Results in an Indirect free kick.
- Slides in team’s penalty area is an automatic Penalty Kick.
- Slide Tackling results in a direct kick.
- Only exception to sliding rule is the goalie in their penalty area
- Goalkeeper Rules
- No Punting or Drop Kicks.
- Results in Direct free kick at the center spot.
- No Throwing the Ball over the Midfield Line. It must touch a player or the ground prior to crossing.
- Results in a Direct Free Kick where the ball crossed the midfield line.
- If Goalkeeper plays ball to his/her own feet:
- He/she must leave the box and be established as a field player prior to kicking ball over midfield.
- Goal Kicks
- The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves.
- NOTE: ball does not need to leave the Goal box on goal kicks
- Goal Kicks may not cross the midfield line, It must touch a player or the ground prior to crossing.
- Results in a Direct Free Kick where the ball crossed the midfield line.
- Kick-ins in lieu of Throw-ins
- Kick-Ins are indirect
- Required distance is same as free kicks.
- Blue Card
- 2-minute penalty; team plays down a player.
- Return to full strength if opposing team scores a goal.
- The following are automatic blue card offenses:
- Slide Tackling Foul.
- Swearing
- Entering field without shin guards
- Second offense is yellow card
- Third offense is red card
- Yellow Cards
- 2 minutes penalty; must play down the full 2 minutes.
- Red Cards
- Play down a player rest of game
- Player is suspended for next game
- Violent Offenses Result in elimination from the league.
- Rosters and Payment Due Prior to playing First game
- 2024 Fee is $600.00 per team
- Each Player Must Be registered on Teams TEAMLINKT roster.
- Each Player is required to sign a waiver form to be eligible to play.
- Rosters Final on 4th week for playoffs
- Player must be rostered and play in 4 games to be eligible for playoffs.
- Maximum Roster Size is 15 players
- No metals studs allowed.
- All teams will play a minimum of 7 Regular Season Games
- Games Start 06/19 for COED and 6/20 for OPEN.
- Playoff format and schedule will be determined near the end of the season.
- Standings will be updated weekly.
- Tiebreakers
- Head-to-Head
- Goal Differential
- Goals Scored
- Playoffs
- Same Rules as regular season except for:
- If tied after regulation. Tie is broken by 3 Penalty Kicks and 1 for 1 if required until there is a winner.
- One of the first 3 kickers must be female.
- Player does not have to be on the field at the end of the game to be eligible to take PKs.
- First games start at 5:45 To allow adequate time to get games played due to earlier sunset in late August.