- All coaches are volunteers. The most important responsibilities of flag football coach are:
- to provide a safe, healthy environment for play of flag football, and
- to provide mature, adult supervision for young athletes.
- Coaches have a leadership role. They are a role model and should set an example for each player..
- Coaches shall not place the value of winning over the safety and welfare of players.
- Coaches shall extend respect and courtesy to game and competition officials.
- Coaches shall not make demeaning or derogatory comments or gestures directed towards any official, player, opponent or spectator.
- Coaches must always demonstrate by actions exceptional sportsmanship. They should be the first to congratulate the work of the referee and guide their team to a post-game handshake.
- Coaches and the team must stay in its designated team area. A coach or player who goes into the other team’s areas can be penalized.
- No verbal abuse, loud discussions or disagreements within sight of any players will be tolerated.
- The coaches, through their actions, are responsible for teaching the children how to deal with winning and losing a game. This includes how to deal with questionable calls, difficult parents and other coaches.
- Your behavior directly impacts how your players act toward officials, opposing coaches and opposing players. If you become disrespectful, they will as well.