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Rules & RegulationS
Rules have been adapted for simplicity and condensed and are based on Volleyball Canada 2024-2025 Rules & Regulations.

Teams will only call fouls committed by their own players. Players will not call fouls against their opponents. If there is a dispute, re-serve the play. Captains should contact a league coordinator for clarification of rules after the match is completed.

​All players will conduct themselves in a polite and sportsmanlike manner. Individuals who do not abide by these criteria will be removed from the league. 

We encourage all participants to have fun but alcohol and other controlled substances are never allowed on or to be consumed at any of the facilities, including the grounds we rent for volleyball. Any player found to be under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substances will not be permitted to participate in the game and will be asked to leave. Non compliance may result in ejection and/or permanent ban from the league. Volleyball captains, officials and players are responsible for reporting such incidents.

Indoor Co-Ed rules 

1) Players/Roster: A Roster of at least 6 players is required to begin the season. Subs must be listed on each team’s roster. New players/subs can be added at any time during the season. Rosters are maintained in the TeamLinkt App.

​     a. Substitutions:

  • Subs from lower tiers may sub for higher tiers without any limitations.
  • Subs from higher tiers may not sub for lower tiers.
  • Subs may only play for 1 team from each division.
  • Subs must play 2 full games to be eligible to play in playoffs.
  • Subs must be listed in the Team roster on the app in order for the league to verify eligibility. (Or emailed with game dates to

    b. ***September 2024*** 

    A Libero is allowed to replace any player in a back-row position. The libero must be identified on the roster at the start of the game and be obviously identifiable on the court by a manner of dress (different color jersey/shirt). Captains must identify the libero to the opposing captain prior to the start of the game, or the start of the set. (Libero may be redesignated each set).

  • He/she is restricted to perform as a back-row player and is not allowed to complete an attack hit from anywhere (including playing court and free zone) if at the moment of the contact, the ball is entirely higher than the top of the net.
  • He/she may not serve, block, or attempt to block
  • The Libero cannot set an attack from in front of the attack line with an overhand finger pass/movement. (Bumping is permitted)

    c. Teams may play with five (5) players, but all efforts will be made to field a full team of 6 at every game.

2) Ineligible Players: Players must be 16 years of age or older and may not play in Tier 1-2 of any Winnipeg League, Club, or College/University team. Priority will be given to teams with players residing in the South-East.

3) Attire: Appropriate gym-wear is required, including non-marking shoes. Please remove jewelry that may be a safety concern to yourself and others. Uniform jerseys/shirts are encouraged, but not required.

4) Teams are encouraged to bring their own warm-up balls.

5) Points/Scoring: The best of three (fall) or five (winter) games determine a win. Games will end upon time allocated, no exceptions. Points are given for games won as well as match scores. In the event of time limitation, winning team may call the game after majority winning games (2/3 or 3/5). Teams are encouraged to play all scheduled games. Games 1-2 (fall) and 1-4 (winter) of each match are to 25 points, must win by 2 with a cap of 27pts. Game 3 or 5 is to 15 pts and must be won by 2 points, with a cap of 17. Signed game sheets with roster and scores must be kept by the home team and entered via the app within 48 hours of the game.

6) Calling the Play: We do not have officials, we operate on an honour system. All players are expected to understand the rules and call your mistakes. If there is a concern, team reps should take a time-out and discuss. Fair play is held to the highest standard. Our purpose is to have fun and play good volleyball. RESPECTFUL SPORTSMANSHIP is held to the highest expectation for all league players. Teams who do not call their own fouls will be considered to be conducting unsportsmanlike behavior, and will be subject to ejection from the league after three (3) complaints.

a. Contact with the net (except for hair) in any way constitutes loss of point. 

b.  Playing the ball in the opponent’s air space during their possession is not permitted except for following through a legal block or an attack. Under no circumstances can contact of the ball be initiated in the opponent's airspace. A Player may only cross the threshold above the net during in defense of a return or legal follow through movement where initial contact with the ball is made on the player's own court. 

c. Crossing the center line is not a fault providing it does not interfere with another player, the net, or the ball in play.

​d. The serving team must call the serve into play to ensure the receiving team is prepared for the serve. Failure to do so may result in loss of serve and loss of points.

​e. No more than three touches may be made before the ball is returned; a block at the net is NOT considered a touch however a block of the serve is illegal. A served ball may not be blocked or spiked directly back over the net. 

​f. A ball is considered “IN” if it touches the court lines.

​g. Teams must make every effort to have 6 players on the court for every game. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, games may be played with 5, without penalty. Less than 5 players will result in a forfeit due to not meeting minimum players. Scrimmage games may still be played with 4 players. In the event of a forfeit, the forfeiting team will be charged a fee of $20.

​h. 15 minutes will be given per game for delay of game. At each 15 minute interval of delay, one game will be forfeit. Ie:  start time of 9pm, at 9:15 game 1 will be considered a loss, at 9:30pm game 2 is a loss, 9:45 game three and loss of match. Not negotiable.

​i. Subs/additional players may rotate into the serve position or after the serve position, but all players must serve, with the exception of the libero (See rule 1.b).

j. Starting positions require alternating men/women positions. 

​k. All balls must be hit cleanly. No scooping, double hits, or carrying the ball. 

7) Co-Ed Variations: Co-Ed Indoor game variations

a. Team Composition: A maximum of three (3) men and a minimum of two (2) women will be on the court at all times. In the event that a team does not meet the minimum number of women on the court, or exceeds the maximum male players, the game will be automatically recorded as a loss and subject to penalty fees. Teams may still play their game upon mutual agreement of both teams, providing there are 4 or more people on the court. There are no penalties for less than 3 men on the court. (ie: All women and majority women teams are permitted).

​b. **** SEPTEMBER 2024 **** Male players may only jump in front of the attack line for any play directing the ball over the net in an upward motion. This includes tips, sets, and roll shots. Power tips and hard hit plays where the ball is directed downward may only be performed when jumping by male players who leave the ground behind the attack line (no touch to the line permitted). All methods of attack may be performed by all players from anywhere on the court providing a minimum of one foot remains on the ground. Any touch of the attack line during the takeoff or attack will be a fault. 

​c. Two men may not block side-by-side in any blocking combination.

​d. Any attack play must include a woman in the play, with the exception of an attack on the first touch of the ball.

​e. Women’s net height is used (2.24m)

8) Home Team: The first team listed on the schedule will be considered the Home Team. They are responsible for set-up and take down (net height 2.24m), providing the game ball, filling out the game sheet, initiating game start, coin toss (first and third game), scorekeeping, obtaining captain’s signatures, ensuring proper equipment return/storage, tidyness of venue, managing TeamLinkt roster, online scores, and sending in game sheets.

9) Venues: It is extremely important that gyms are left in clean order. Please observe the rules of each venue. Please remove outdoor shoes at the door, and wear clean, non-marking gym shoes only in the gym. (Keep floors free of dirt/sand, spectators included!) Spectators/children should be respectful, non disruptive to the game, remain in the gym and not wander the halls or access equipment rooms etc. Please clean up all garbage, water bottles etc. Repeated complaints could result in ejection from the league.

10) Playoffs: All teams will make the playoffs. Playoff schedule to be announced. Subs must have played two full matches to be eligible to play in playoffs.

11) Sportsmanlike Conduct/Fair Play: Participants and spectators must behave respectfully in the spirit of FAIR PLAY toward the players, team-mates, spectators and school employees. Rude conduct will be described as action contrary to good manners or moral principles, or any action expressing contempt. Offensive conduct, the use of defamatory or insulting words or gestures, or destruction of property will result in immediate and permanent ejection from the league and possible criminal charges.

12) Complaints: If your team has a complaint regarding the conduct of another team, captains must observe a waiting period of 48 hours prior to submitting a letter of complaint to the league. Upon receipt of THREE (3) complaints, the offending team may be ejected for the remainder of the season and may result in permanent ejection from the league. All complaint details will be reviewed by league coordinators (with the exception of any individuals involved in the complaint) for decision-making.

13) Cancellations: Cancellations will notified via the TeamLinkt App (due to weather emergencies only). If your team cannot make a scheduled game, it will be considered a forfeit and subject to penalty fees. Please contact the league by 4pm of the day of the game as well as the other team directly via TeamLinkt.

14) Registration payment for all players must be received by the posted deadline. Any late registrations will be subject to an administration fee.

CO-ED Fall Division New 2024

Get ready to hit the courts and show off your skills this season. We can't wait to see you in action!

***FALL 2024 COED RULE UPDATE: Attention all participants in the Fall Coed League! We have an important rule update regarding male players jumping in front of the attack line. Male players may jump in front of the attack line for any play directing the ball over the net in an upward motion. This includes tips, sets, and roll shots. Power tips, downward roll shots, and hard hit plays where the ball is directed downward may only be performed by jumping male players who leave the ground behind the attack line (no touch to the line permitted). (no touch to the line permitted). These plays may be performed by all players from anywhere on the court with a minimum of one foot remaining on the ground. 

Submitting your registration form and payment is confirmation that you have read and agreed to abide by all the rules and regulations for our games. It is also your commitment to respect all players, spectators, and property.

failure to do so may result in ejection from the league.
Let's keep things fun, fair, and friendly on the courts!
Thanks for being part of our league!

If you would like to be registered as a sub/free agent for the Beach League, email
If you are in need of a sub, contact the league for registered sub names/contact info. 


Governance & Bylaws
In the event of contradiction between the herein listed Rules & Regulations, and the organization's by-laws, the Bylaws and terms of reference shall preside.
a widget
Jo-Anne Dalton
League Coordinator, Board of Directors
Austin Enns
Board of Directors
Nicole Keyes
Board of Directors

Beach Co-Ed Overview

1) Lines & Nets are property of the City of Steinbach and are to be left as is. Any damage to any equipment must be reported immediately to (204)791-3868 or to League organizer.

2) Bring your own ball for warm ups. There is 1 game ball for every court. Please do not remove it from the playing area.

3) We will attempt to schedule multiple games in a night, all games will be 45-60 minutes in length. First two sets to 21 pts, third game to 15. We will attempt to schedule games back to back with rest as needed between games. All games are must win by 2, no cap. Play all three sets of each game, even if the win is secured after 2 sets.

4) Court Dimensions
The playing court is rectangle in shape and measures 16 X 8 meters. Court dimensions for indoor volleyball are different. Compared to an indoor volleyball court, a beach court is a meter narrower and 2 meters shorter in length. Captains should make close inspection of the sand prior to games to ensure there are no hazardous materials in the playing area.

          a) The court is marked with 2 end lines and 2 sidelines. There is no centerline.


5) All games will run RAIN OR SHINE, unless there is standing water on the courts and/or extreme weather conditions. If you are unsure of if a night of play is going to happen, please check with your captain, the website, and Facebook page first, then have captains  text 204-791-3868 not before 5pm for an update,.

  • If there is no update, then games are being played as scheduled.
  • In the event that games are cancelled, ALL team captains will be notified by group message.

    The league reserves the right to reschedule games in the event of unforeseen cancellations, however this may not always be possible.
  • WASHROOMS will be opened during scheduled games. BRING YOUR OWN WATER, STAY HYDRATED.

BEACH: Co-Ed 4's

Tuesdays/Thursdays 6:30 PM

We are here to have fun and play summer beach volleyball! We know the game and are ready to hit!  We have the highest level of respect for the game and those who play it. We save our grievances for the grass. People come to watch us play. We rule the beach. We got this.

  • 2 females on the court at all times per team. Players must be registered and waivers completed. Captains enter scores and rostered players via the TEAMLINKT app.
  • Serving rotation must be maintained.
  • Substitutions are allowed to enter before or after the serving position but all players must serve in rotation.
  • Only 1 service toss is allowed.
  • Attacking at the net is permitted by men and women.
  • No blocking/screening serves.
  • Serves that hit the net and go over are in play.
  • Overhand volleying/setting is NOT allowed on serve receive (only bump receive). Receipt of the serve must be passed with a bump, or with hands together above the waist. 
  • A block IS considered a contact (different than indoor!)
  • All sets over the net must leave the setter's body perpendicular to the player's feet and shoulders. (No side sets).
  • Two males may not block together.
  • No open hand tips. (knuckles only)
  • You CANNOT cross the plane of the net, except for blocking an attack hit.
  • If the ball hits the line, it is IN.
  • There are no antennae. If the ball hits or passes clearly outside the colored tape of the net, it is out of play.
  • The ball must be played across the net between the tape.
  • Any part of your body may be used to play the ball (including feet).
  • Teams switch sides after each set. In the third set, teams switch sides when either team reaches 8pts
  • Each team is allowed to call one 30 second time-out per set

    Beach Subbing Rules:

  • Subs from Tier 2 (Thursdays) may sub for Tier 1 (Tuesdays) without any limitations.
  • There can be a maximum of 1 rostered player (at a time) from Tier 1 playing on any Tier 2 team.
  • Subs may only play for 1 team from each division - However subs registered with the league upon request may be registered as free agents providing they are willing to be contacted and play for any team as needed.
  • Subs must play 2 games to be eligible to play in playoffs. (This can be 1 game on two dates, or 2  games in one night.)
  • Subs must be listed in the Team roster on the app in order for the league to verify eligibility. (Or emailed with game dates to

    If you would like to be registered as a sub/free agent for the Beach League, email
    If you are in need of a sub, contact the league for registered sub names/contact info.