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  1.       League & Divisions
    1.        The Slo Pitch League consists of the following categories: men’s, Women’s, Co-ed Masters (including Seniors). To qualify for the Seniors Division a team must come from within the Saskatoon Amateur Slo Pitch Association, having placed within the last two positions within the Masters Division in the previous season. All team players must be at least (45 yrs of the current season) from that year on all team players must be at least 50 yrs of age.
    2.        The Slo Pitch League will organize as many Divisions as are necessary to accommodate the member teams.
    3.        The Executive Council shall designate the team membership n each Division. Every effort will be made to make each Division competitive within itself. The Executive council decision shall be final.
    4.        The Division standings of the previous season shall be used as a guide in establishing membership in the Divisions. The top two teams in a Division must move up to the next higher Division; the bottom two teams in a Division must move down to the next lower Division. The top two teams will be based on the highest ranking team in the playoffs (other than the team that finished 1st in the division standing during the season) moves up a division next season. If for any reason a team moving up does not continue in the league then the next highest ranking team which has dropped down will moved back up and so on.
    5.        In Categories with more than one division, there will be year end realignment. The top two teams in a Division must move up to the next higher Division; the bottom two teams in a Division must move down.
    6.        The Executive Council shall assign playing fields for Division and Playoff Competition.


  1.       Player Registration and Loan
    1.        Eligibility
      1.        A Player shall be eligible for registration in the Slo Pitch League provided that:          
        • He is not under suspension by Slo Pitch National (SPN) of the Saskatoon Amateur Slo Pitch Association Inc.
        • He is not already registered with another team in the category
    2.       In order to be eligible for Slo Pitch League tournament and playoffs, a player must have played in at least three (3) regular Division games.
    3.        The age limit is the provincial legal age.
  2.         Procedure for Registration of Players
    1.        All players must be registered twenty-four hours before their first game. Registration shall not exist until the player’s completed registration card/form is in the hands of the Executive.
    2.       Registration cards/forms must be neatly completed to be accepted by the Executive.
    3.        Players may be registered up to midnight, June 1st only
    4.       Players may be registered with only one team in any category at any time. Failure to observe this regulation may lead to suspension.
    5.       All players become free agents at the end of the current Slo Pitch season.
    6.         Each team shall be allowed to sign an unlimited number of players. A maximum of 20 players per game will be allowed.
  3.        Procedures for Releasing Players
    1.        A team may release a player by completing two copies of the Slo Pitch League release slip. One copy of the release slip should be given to the player while the other copy must be presented to the Division Representative designated to handle registrations.
    2.       Players may be released up to midnight, June 23rd only.
    3.        In the event that a player requesting a release is refused, he shall have the right to appeal this refusal to the Executive Council of the Slo Pitch League. The Executive Council shall render a decision on the appeal as soon as possible.


  1.       Suspension, Discipline and Appeals
    1.        Players, Managers, Coaches and teams are subject to suspension from the Slo Pitch League and its activities for the following:
      1.        Players, Manager, Coaches….
        • For ungentlemanly conduct or use of abusive language to any official, player, or fan on or near the playing field.
        • For knowingly playing with or against a player or a club that has been suspended.
        • For any action detrimental to the game of Slo Pitch or the Slo Pitch League as defined by a majority vote of the executive Council.
    2.       Teams..
      • For refusing to play games when they are ordered and able to field a team.
      • For playing ineligible players
      • For any action detrimental to the game of Slo Pitch or the Slo Pitch League as defined by a majority vote of the Executive Council.
  2.        Procedure

The power of suspension and discipline is vested in the Executive Council. If any member of the committee is involved in the matter to be examined, he shall relinquish his position for the duration of the investigation.The Executive Council shall fill the temporarily vacated position by appointment.The Executive Council will have the authority to gather information by written report or personal interview regarding the issue in question. They alone will determine the length of the suspension or nature of discipline. In the case of any suspension in excess of one week or 3 games the General Council shall be so advised.

  1.        Appeals of Suspension

The procedure for appeal of suspension or discipline will be that established in Article IX of the Associations’ Constitution and Bylaws.


  1.       Defaults and Forfeitures
    1.        Defaults
      1.        A default shall be ruled when a team fails to field a team for a scheduled Slo Pitch League game.
      2.        A team is in default if it has not fielded a team within 15 minutes of the scheduled starting time. In the event of a double header, a team has an additional 15 minutes to field a team before it is in default of the second game. A team losing by default of the shall be penalized in the following manners:
      3.        First default –loss of one third of performance bond.
      4.       Second default – loss of remaining two thirds of bond
      5.       Third default – suspension of membership for remainder of season with no return of any registration fees. The team must reapply for entry into the league the following year.  If the suspension occurs before June 30th, then all players shall become free agents.


  1.        Forfeitures
    1.        Forfeiture shall be ruled if for any reason a team, which has legally begun a game, can no longer continue. The Umpires in charge shall have the authority to declare forfeiture.
    2.       A team loosing by forfeiture may be subjected to further disciplinary action if the Executive council deems it necessary.
    3.        If a team can give 48 hours notice to the Executive, followed with written notice, then it can cancel a game, give the points to the opposition, and not lose any part of its bond. The Executive shall inform the opposition of the cancellation of the games.
  2.        Protests
    1.        Protests of game decisions must be made in the manner set out in the appropriate government Rule book.
    2.       Protests should be forwarded to the president and accompanied by $15.00. This sum will be refunded only if the protest is upheld.
    3.        Protests should be submitted within 48 hours of the decisions being protested.


  1.        Rules, Regulations, and Operating Procedures

The Slo Pitch League shall govern itself according to the following priorities.

  1.        The Slo Pitch League Constitution shall take priority over all regulations.
  2.        The Slo Pitch League Operating Rules shall be the second level of authority.
  3.        The decision of the Executive Council shall be considered final in all matters not specifically dealt with in the Constitution and Operating Rules.
  4.        The Slo Pitch game rules shall be those established in the current appropriate government Rule Book and amended by the Saskatoon Amateur Slo Pitch Association Inc.
    1.        9-player rule: Teams will be allowed to play with 9 players. The 10th batter will be an automatic out in the batting order. If a 10th player arrives, that player may enter the game immediately.
    2.       No-tag rule: In the Masters & Seniors Divisions, a tag is not allowed at home plate.
    3.        Additional Players Rule: In the Masters & Seniors Divisions, a team may add a maximum of 2 players from their respective Division (who must be signed with another team their Division) for any regular season game. The team may not have more than 10 players, including the added players, at the game.
    4.       Additional Players Rule: In the Men’s & Coed Divisions, a team may add a maximum of 3 players from a lower Division (who must be signed with that team in the Division, player may not come from the stands or another league – insurance) for any regular season game. The bottom divisions may borrow from only their respective division. The team may not have more than 11 players, including the added players, at the game. When adding the additional players(s) for the game (s), the coach must inform the opposition at the plate conference and identify the player (s) (complete names) on the score sheet. Otherwise, if they team does protest and is success, the team will forfeit the game (s) and appropriate performance bond.   A player can only brought up from a lower division to play a maximum of 3 nights or 6 games
    5.       All Men’s Divisions have a seven (10) home run rule per team per game. Any home run in excess of this rule is an out.
    6.         All Coed  will use a Match plus 3 home run rule.
    7.        The League does not use line up cards. All reference and related outcomes in the appropriate governing Rule book are not in effect.
    8.     1-1 Count May and August for all divisions except Championship division.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Coed Division 3-4 - June and July they will not be using the 1-1 count and will start games with a 0-0 count.  All other divisions except Champtionship play with 1-1 count
    9.   Coed 3 and 4 play with a 6 run max per inning.



       Exposed metal braces are prohibited unless worn as a preventative aid and in that case must be covered with soft, pliable material.

        Casts even if covered are prohibited.


        Note II: Unexposed jewelry is legal as long as it remains unexposed. If any illegal type jewelry continues to become exposed the umpire can ask the player to remove it.

  • game conference. For the second offense the offending player will be ejected.

i.  Starting for the 2023 season, all games played will begin with a 1-1 count.

j.  Starting for the 2017 season, the mercy rule will be;

                               -20 runs up after 4 innings                                                                                          -12 runs up after 5 innings

k.   In Coed Division, it is optional to bat 11 batters.  Your 4 girls MUST be in the Top 10 lineup.

                      l.  When a homerun is hit, we use the “walkoff” rule.  It is expected instead of running the bases, you go and get your ball.

                      m.  Pitching mask rule – New 2019 Season – If pitching it is mandatory to wear a mask.  If choose to not wear a mask you are                                    removed from the pitching position. If you continue then you will be ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct.

                      n.  Designated runner for the pitcher – New 2023 Season – Designated runner for the Pitcher-A runner for the pitcher is allowed and can be anyone.                                                                                                     They require 2 pieces of equipment (facemask and shin pads or facemask and chest protector). This >me is the for the pitcher to put his or her gear on                                                                                           to be ready to pitch next inning. The designed runner does not count against your team’s courtesy runner for the game. Male pitchers can choose either                                                                                       a male or female in coed. Female pitchers must choose a female DR.                                                                                            

  1.        Ground Rules
    1.        Ground rules for all playing fields shall be established by the General council, before the beginning of the season.
    2.        The established ground rules shall be circulated to the teams and umpires involved on the particular playing fields.
    3.        In case of emergency, ground rules may be established by the umpires and teams involved if there is mutual agreement.


 G.     Division, Standing and Playoff Procedures

  1.        Division Standings
    1.        Teams shall be awarded two points for a win and one point for a tie
    2.        In case of a tie in point totals at the end of all scheduled Division games (at the mid-season break; where applicable, and at the end of the regular season), the following procedure shall be used to break the tie.
      • Win-loss recorded
      • If necessary, record between tied teams (if all tied teams have played each other). NOTE: If one team has defeated all the other tied teams, that team will automatically be placed highest of the tied teams. If one team has been defeated by all the other teams, that team will be placed lowest of the tied teams.
      • If necessary, actual score plus-minus record between tied teams (if all tied teams have played each other).
      • If necessary, actual score plus-minus record for the appropriate half of season (for Divisions with a mid-season realignment) or for the full season (for Divisions with no mid-season
      •      v.      If necessary, highest total runs scored for the appropriate half of the season (for Divisions with a mid-season realignment) or for the full seasons (for Division with no mid-season realignment).
  • If necessary, lowest total runs allowed for the appropriate half of season (for Divisions with a mid-season realignment) or for the full season (for Divisions  with no mid-season realignment)
  • If necessary, a coin toss will be used to break the tie (s).
  •        Division Standings

The order of play for Slo Pitch League playoffs shall be determined by the Executive Council and approved by the General Council.


  1.      Game Procedures
    1.        The HOME team will be determined by a coin toss.  Unless one team is not in full uniform.
    2.        The both teams will provide new and playable balls sanctioned by the Slo Pitch League.
    3.        The home team will provide approved score sheets and a scorekeeper.
    4.        Score sheets must contain the full name of all players used.
    5.        Immediately after the game, completed score sheets must be entered into TeamLinkt. Failure to deliver score sheets could lead to forfeiture of two points per game.
  2.         Postponement of Games
    1.        In the event that a scheduled game must be postponed, a member of the Executive Council will notify any teams involved as soon as possible.
    2.        In cases of rainouts, the umpire will make the final judgement at game time.
    3.        If a team has been rained out, it must be prepared to play on the next available rainout date.
    4.        If no postponement has been arranged by the Executive Council, then the umpires shall have the responsibility for determining whether the games will be played.
    5.        Postponed games will usually be rescheduled. However, if a game proves to have no bearing on the final standing, it may not be rescheduled.


 J.        Uniforms

  1.        All Slo Pitch League teams will be expected to have their players dressed uniformly. Teams dressed in uniform will receive home team advantage for both games. If both teams are uniformed home team advantage will be split.
  2.        Proper ball caps must be worn by all players in all Divisions at all times.
  3.        Teams failing to observe the requirements regarding uniforms will be subject to disciplinary action.


  1.       General Conduct
    1.        Sportsmanlike conduct is of highest priority.
    2.        Severe disciplinary action will be taken against teams or players who continually harass umpires, other players, or fans.
    3.        Yellow Card System
                   Third-Out for the following weeks games.


  1.        General
    1.        Executive Duties
      1.        Duties of the president
        •   Meetings of the Executive (5 per year)
        •   Meetings of the General Council (2 per year)
        •   Prepare packages, letters, etc.
        •   Maintain divisions list
        •   Acquire and administer league sponsorship (Molson’s)
        •   Statistics, posting statistics in paper
        •   Advertising
        •   Umpires and Umpires Association
        •   Slo Pitch National (communications)
        •   Delegate Division rep’s Duties
        •   Responsible for correspondence
        •   Responsible for protests
        •   Responsible for diamonds set –up personnel
        •   Assist in budget preparation
        •   Develop short-term and long-term plans
        •   Any duties that are not delegated to the Secretary/Treasurer or Division representatives
      2.       Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer
        •   Attend all meetings
        •   Prepare for Executive and League Meetings (financial reports, proposals)
        •   Schedules
        •   Prepare Income Tax and Non-Profit Corporations statements
        •   Maintain financial records
        •   Research investment of funds
        •   Prepare and monitor budget
        •   Inventory of all assets (balls, bases, etc.)
        •   Record and distribute minutes
        •   Prepare short-term and long-term proposals
        •   Purchasing
      3.        Duties of the Past President
        •   Attend 80% of meetings
        •   Voting privileges
        •   Recommend any new policies or program
    2.       Duties of the Division Representative
      •   Attend 80% of Executive Meetings
      •   Voting Privileges
      •   Record the individual player and team registrations, releases, and rosters
      •   Ensure collection of team fees and registration cards/forms
      •   Initially handle all problems within division and report to President
      •   Maintain contact with teams
      •   Ensure raffle tickets are controlled
      •   Assist President  & Secretary/Treasurer with any function on a volunteer basis only
  2.       Duties of Committees
    •   Shall be appointed by and shall hold office at the discretion of the Executive Council

 Constitution Committee

  •    Shall periodically examine and recommend revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws as are deemed necessary
  •    Shall receive and review suggested amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws by the Slo Pitch League members.                                                                                                        

                                        ii Play downs and Regulations Committee

–   Shall draw up all league and play-off schedules and shall make them available to all teams affiliated with the Slo Pitch League.

–   Shall have the power to amend the Constitution and Regulations governing play-off competition on such matters shall be final.

iii Protest Committee

–   Shall hear all protests presented by the membership


2.       Honorariums

a.       Executive

Providing each Executive member has met all duties outlined, he/she will receive the maximum amount. The Executive can deduct an appropriate agreed-upon amount for anyone who has not met his/her responsibilities.





Division Representatives…………………..Remainder of Division    


Past President……………………………………………..$50.00 flat fee


Pay Breakdown


Total Collected:
Per Team…………………………………………………………………..$37.00


Interest from Investments…………………………………………..$13.00


Per Team honorarium…………………………………………………$50.00


36 team x $50.00 Per team honorarium =…………………$2800.00


President(40%) ……………………………………………………..$1120.00


Secretary Treasurer (35%)……………………………………….. $980.00


Division Reps…………………………………………………………..$116.66



b.      Tournament Organizing Committee

The Tournament Organizing Committee shall receive up to 50% of the Tournament profit. The Executive can reduce this amount if they do not feel the tournament was properly organized and run and/or if they consider this amount to be excessive.



3.       Attendance at General Meetings

a.       Any team that is not represented at a Semi-annual or Annual General Council Meeting shall receive a  $100.00 fine, payable to to Slo Pitch League.

4.       Payment of Fees

a.       Any returning team that has not paid the required deposit for a given season, by March 1st, will be assessed a fine of $100.00

b.      Any returning team that has not paid, or made arrangements to pay under the “Payment Schedule”, the required league fees, fines and performance bonds, by April 1st, will be assessed a fine of $200.00. If all league fees, fines ,and performance  bonds have not been paid by April 5th, the team will have its membership suspended for that season with no return of any fees or fines paid. The team must reapply for entry into the League the following year.

Payment Schedule

League fees, fines, and performance bonds may be paid in 3 instalments (post-dated cheques required)

Ø  By April 1st: 50% of amount owing

Ø  By May 15th: 40% of amount owing

Ø  By June 15th: 20% of amount owing

      Any NSF post-dated cheque (s) will result in suspension of membership for the remainder of the season with no return of any fees already paid. The team must reapply for entry into the league the following year.

c.       Refund of deposit fees to any team that is unable to participate, for any reason, in a given season is at the discretion of the League Executive