Rivers Edge Ladies Golf Association

IMPORTANT NOTE:  This section contains 6 articles in the following order:  (1) Welcome Letter, (2) RELGA Bylaws, (3) RELGA Registration Form, (4) GHIN Instructions, and (5) Game Opportunities (6) Scheduling of Tee Times.  Scroll down to see the article you want. 


On behalf of the Rivers Edge Ladies Golf Association, I’d like to welcome you to our organization. We are always excited to have new ladies join us in playing at our beautiful golf course.  

The Rivers Edge Ladies Golf Association  (RELGA) was established in 2016 to promote and encourage women to play and enjoy golf.  Since then, we have grown and have added lots of activities from weekly play, tournaments, clinics and educational updates.  Many of us have been here to see the progress, but last year we added several new women to our organization and found the need to develop a welcome packet as there is quite a bit of information to share.  Hopefully you will find this packet to be helpful and get you on your way to playing with the ladies’ group. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or call me. Looking forward to having you join us on the course,


Maralee Martin, President RELGA 2024

maraleemartin@gmail.com or (315) 569-8898





The name of the organization shall be: Rivers Edge Ladies Golf Association, hereinafter known as the RELGA. 


Section 1.  The purpose of the organization shall be to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship among the members of RELGA, to encourage the active participation of its members in playing and enjoying golf, and to promote, educate and maintain the best interests of the game of golf.

Section 2.  To keep the members informed about the rules and etiquette of the game.

Section 3.  To promote a uniform system of handicapping as set forth in the WORLD HANDICAP SYSTEM, which will be the basis for all RELGA handicap postingand tournament play.

Section 4.  To provide opportunities to participate in competitive golf events for all members who have met membership requirements. Tournaments sanctioned by RELGA require a World Handicap Index. Handicaps shall be posted via the GHIN electronic score posting system utilized by the Rivers Edge Golf Club. Scores are expected to be submitted within 24 hours of finishing a game. Members are encouraged to learn the rules of golf, practice good sportsmanship, and embrace the fun and competitive nature of the game.  


Membership in RELGA is open to female residents or property owners at Rivers Edge Plantation who are at least 21 years of age.  RELGA members must acknowledge that they have read and accept the RELGA Bylaws.  

• “RELGA members may invite a guest to play in our tournaments, including those that are employees of Rivers Edge, assuming there is sufficient space, the guest has a valid GHIN handicap, and the tournament planning committee is notified in sufficient time.”


The RELGA shall be governed by USGA rules and any local rules.  Local rules shall be posted.


The 2023 annual membership cost for RELGA will be ten dollars ($10) per eligible participant. Other moderate fees may be assessed for specific activities. Changes shall be determined by the Board. Any changes will be provided to the membership by email, including justification for changes. 


Each active member shall be entitled to one vote in person or by written proxy on each matter presented for decision at a meeting of the membership. 


Section 1. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held in the Fall of each year, provided however, that in the case of an emergency or other good cause, the Board Members shall have the right to fix another date. Emailed notice shall be sent at least 10 days in advance.

Section 2. QUORUM. A quorum shall be 10% of the total membership in person or by proxy.


Section 1. GOVERNANCE/TRANSITION. The Association shall be governed by Board Members consisting of not more than seven voting members of the Association who must be in good standing at the time of their selection and remain so throughout their term of office. In order to ensure successful transition, the active President will serve for two years, then become Past President.  The active Vice President shall serve 2 years, then succeed the active President. The active Past President, after a two-year term, will retire from the Board.  The other Board members (i.e., Treasurer, Activity Chair, Members at Large) will serve a term of two years. No board member shall serve in any one position longer than 2 years and shall not serve on the Board for more than 6 consecutive years. However, if suitable replacement candidates are not available, current Board members may continue beyond their 2-year term if approved by a majority of theBoard members. If, for any reason, a Board member cannot, or chooses not, tocomplete her term of office, the remaining Board members will name an interim replacement for that role. The interim replacement will become a full member of the Board upon an “aye” vote of the full membership at the annual meeting.

The Board is authorized to appoint new, non-voting members to RELGA committees for the purposes of providing learning opportunities to RELGA members interested in joining the Board and/or to take advantage of specifically required skill sets. For 2023, the Board will seek new members for two committees: (1) Activities, (2) Teamlinkt Liaison.

Section 2: OFFICERS.  At a minimum, officers shall be:  President, Vice President, Treasurer, Activities Chair, Past President, and two Members-at-Large (one representing the 18-hole group, one representing the 9-hole group.) In order to maximize skills and efficiency, the Board shall have the right to modify titles and responsibilities of the Board members at any time.

Section 3. ELECTION. New members of the Board shall be nominated by the current Board members and elected by a majority vote at the annual meeting each year.  No Director shall be eligible for re-election or appointment to the Board for a period of one (1) year after the expiration of their previous term unless waived by majority vote of the Board members.

Section 4. QUORUM. A quorum of the Board members shall be "two-thirds" of the Board's membership in person or by proxy.


Section 1. PRESIDENT. The President shall have general management of the current affairs of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the membership and the Board. She shall act as principal representation to Brunswick Ladybirds and to Rivers Edge professional staff. She will let the TEAMLINKT Liaison know of any dates or special events that need to be added to the calendar.

Section 2. VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President shall assume all duties of the President in her absence. She will be the successor to the current President at the end of her assigned term. The Vice President shall perform such duties as are incident to the office or as assigned by the President of the Association. She shall maintain the “Welcome Package” for new members that will be available both in hard copy and electronically. She will coordinate and lead all activities associated with the annual Rivers Edge Ladybirds Tournament. * First year in the role is a learning process.

Section 3. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall maintain full and accurate records of the financial affairs of the Association and report financial standing to the Board as required.  She will collect and disburse all monies related to RELGA and Ladybirds.

Section 4.  ACTIVITY CHAIR.  The Activity Chair shall plan and lead all primary and recurring RELGA activities, including but not limited to, Clinics, Ringer Board, andBirdie Board. She or the President will gather and publish results of all Ladybirds tournaments. She will mentor members of the Activities committee. The Activity Chair will work in co-ordination with the MAL representatives.

Section 5. MEMBERS-AT-LARGE (MAL).  The 18-Hole and the 9-Hold Members-at-Large shall each act as lead advocate to the Board for their respective group. Each is responsible for advising the Board of the wants and needs of their group.  Each will encourage group members to participate in appropriate RELGA activities andencourage other RE golfers to join RELGA. These MAL’s will also be responsible for arranging RELGA sponsored activities such as “Birthday Bash” and clinics. 

Section 6.  PAST PRESIDENT. Provides experience and guidance to the Board and especially work with the current President on all tournaments and events.


Section 1. OFFICER. A vacancy in any Officer position shall be filled for the unexpired term by majority vote of the Board members.

Section 2. BOARD MEMBERS.   In the event a vacancy occurs on the Board, Board members will fill the unexpired term with any active member of RELGA.

Section 3. COMMITTEES. Committees will be established as needed by the President. 


These bylaws may be amended or supplemented at any Annual Meeting of the Members of the Association by a majority vote of the Members present and those voting by written proxy. Notice of the Annual Meeting shall be given to the membership at least ten days prior to the date of the meeting.


The decision of the Board members shall be final and conclusive with respect to all questions concerning construction of the bylaws.


The fiscal year of this Association shall be the calendar year beginning January 1 and ending December 31st of the same year.


The Association shall continue until the event of dissolution by its members, at which time the entire assets of the Association, together with any and all accumulations thereto, shall be distributed to such charitable organizations as are described in Section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.  Specific organization will be determined by remaining Board members.


The 2023 RELGA Board members will consist of the following officers:

President – Maralee Martin

Vice President – Irene Bonner

Treasurer – Kathleen Pasquale

Activities Chair – Susan Raad

18-Hole Member-at-Large – Sandy Jackson

9-Hole Member-at-Large - Patty Camerota

Non-voting member- Julie Sande/Teamlinkt Liaison, Gay Alinea





    PURPOSE:  To promote good fellowship and sportsmanship among the members of RELGA; to encourage the active participation of its members in playing and enjoying golf and to promote, educate, and maintain the best interests of the game of golf.

    MEMBERSHIP: Beginning in January 2024, the cost of the RELGA annual membership will be $15 per person. RELGA membership open to all female residents or property owners at Rivers Edge who are at least 21 years old. Members must acknowledge that they have read and accept the RELGA Bylaws. The 2024 RELGA season will begin in January and end in December.

    BENEFITS: RELGA membership offers activities that will appeal to both experienced and novice golfers.  

  • Non-competitive Monday/Wednesday/Friday organized play with on-line scheduling (must be a member of Rivers Edge Golf Course )
  • RELGA Website Newsletter
  • Competitive Tournaments*
  • Ringer Board
  • Birdie Tree
  • Ladybirds *
  • Clinics*
  • RELGA-Sponsored Golf Outings*
  • *  Members will also be responsible to pay the normal incremental costs associated with each of these activities.

    Please complete the form below as appropriate. Place the form in the RELGA corner of the RE Pro Shop. please include a check, made out to RELGA, and place in the lock box in the RELGA corner of the Pro Shop.

    ___ Yes, I want to join RELGA.  I have read and agree to the RELGA Bylaws.

    ___ Yes,  my $15 membership check will be placed in the envelope at the Pro Shop.

    ___ Yes, I want to join Ladybirds.  To participate in Ladybird tournaments, I understand that my handicap index must be 40 or less. I have read and agree to the Brunswick County Ladybird Bylaws.


    Print Name: ________________________________________________
    Birthday (Month)____________________

    Signature: _____________________________________________Email______________



The Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) is a service offered by the USGA to golf associations worldwide. GHIN is one of the largest handicap management tools in the world, serving more than 2.3 million golfers and 15,000 golf clubs.

GHIN Instructions

  1.  Go to the pro shop to sign up for GHIN.  You will be issued a GHIN #. The current cost at Rivers Edge is $30.00 annually.
  2. Download the GHIN App in your phone.  If you have an IPhone go to the Apple App Store.

If you have an Android phone, go to Google Play.  These are free apps.

If you do not have a smartphone you can also post your score by going to GHIN.com/login.

  1. When you open the GHIN App on your phone you will be asked to create and ID, password, and your GHIN number.
  2. From the home screen you can post your scores and calculate your handicap for any course you play.
  3. When posting your score you have the option to post a total score, hole-by-hole, or hole-by-hole with data. 

Total score: This is the easiest method but you need to know your max score per hole.  For example if you have a 36 handicap for Rivers Edge, you will get 2 strokes on every hole.  Your max score on each hole will be par+2+2.  On a par 5 your max score would be a 9.  If you have a 25 handicap you will get 18 strokes plus an additional stroke for the 7 hardest handicap holes.  You will find this information on the Rivers Edge Score Card.

Hole by hole: If you are unsure how to calculate your max score per hole then it would be easier to post your score for each hole.  Your max score per hole will be calculated for you. This is usually the best way until you learn the system and how your handicap relates. 

Hole by hole with data: You can keep additional statistics for your play, for example, putts, number of fairways hit, and greens in regulation.

  • Please post your score after every round. If you choose to play a practice round, announce at the time of play to your group and you do not need to post your score. GHIN updates every evening, so you will get an up to date index daily.  If you are new to GHIN, be aware that you will have to post nine 18-hole scores or 18 nine-hole scores to receive an official index.  Golf competitions will require you to have a current golf index.

The GHIN system provides a lot of information that can be found right on your app. We encourage you to explore the site. One of the most common questions though is:

What is the difference between the Handicap Index and Course Handicap?

A handicap index is a number used to represent your potential scoring ability, which is always expressed as number taken to one decimal place.  This number is used to calculate how many strokes you would potentially need to adjust your score back to par. If you have a Handicap Index of 21.3, it means you generally shoot about 21 strokes over par on an average course.

However, your number of strokes will vary depending on the par and rating of the course and set of tees you play, otherwise known as the Course Handicap.

The GHIN mobile app has a handy Course Handicap Calculator where you can find your Course Handicap using your Handicap Index and entering the course and set of tees you are playing.

If you are new to golf this can be confusing.  Please don’t hesitate to ask a RELGA Board Member to answer any questions you may have.




Birdie Tree

The Birdie Tree and Binder is in the Women's Locker Room.  Whenever you make a birdie, use one of the paper “birdies” located in a plastic bag below the board and write your name, date and hole number on the paper.  Affix it to the board with a tee (also in the plastic bag, along with a pencil) on the respective number.  For example, if you make a birdie on No. 5, locate the number “5” on the tree and attach your birdie there.  At the end of the quarter, whoever made the most birdies will get a small prize.  The Birdie Board has two flights, one for nine-holers and one for eighteen-holers.  The fee to participate is included in your RELGA dues.

Ringer Board Binder

The Ringer Board Binder is located inside the Women's Locker Room.  Once you have created your own sheet, you will record your score for the day.  This is a cumulative sheet.  When you next play, look at your sheet and compare your two scores.  Replace the worst scores with the best scores, hole by hole.  For example, if you made a “6” on No. 9 (a great accomplishment!), and the next time you play you make a “5”, proudly record that on your sheet! 

Birthday Bash

The Birthday Bash is held quarterly, with an end-of-year luncheon/meeting to discuss RELGA business.  We usually have a nine-hole tournament followed by lunch and presentation of prizes for Birdie and Ringer Boards.  At that time, we also announce the birthdays that have occurred that quarter.  Usually the tournament is some sort of group play to encourage participation and camaraderie, not competition.


Scheduling of Tee Times

Members of Rivers Edge Golf Club

  • As a member of the Rivers Edge Golf Club, tee times are allocated for the ladies for the entire calendar year.  Tee times are scheduled on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and tee times in the afternoon for our ladies who choose to play 9 holes.  
  • Through the TEAMLINKT app you are able to schedule for the current month.   We ask that you have your requests in at least 72 hours prior so we can adjust our tee time needs.  Please make any changes on the app (cancelling) up to 48 hours before the tee time is posted.
  • You will receive an email from either Sue Raad or Gay Alinea 48 hours before your scheduled play. Once that email is sent, you must email both of us for any cancellations or requests to play. We do not go back to TEAMLINKT to check for any request/cancellations after posting the tee times.
  • We know emergencies can happen and you may have to cancel at the last minute. If that happens, please “reply all” to the last email you received for your tee time to let us know. (The Pro Shop is on those emails and will be aware of your tee cancellation.)
  • We ask that all players show up a minimum of 30 minutes prior to your tee time. Most ladies like to go to the driving range and that way your cart mate will not be waiting.  The ranger often sends us out early too!
  • Occasionally there will be a tournament scheduled on one of our play dates. One those rare occasions, you will need to make your own arrangements.

Non-Members Scheduling of Tee Times.

  • Non-Members unfortunately do not get the benefit of scheduled tee times, but may join the ladies if there is an open tee time. An email will go out 48 hours prior to the tee times. If you see an opening, please email both Gay and Sue to request to play.
  • We will share with you the names of other lady golfers who are non-members and you can make your own tee time with the Pro Shop 7 days prior.  Usually there are openings though that you can join in on M-W-F.
  • As long as you are a RELGA member you will be able to play in scheduled events such as tournaments.
