Richland Lacrosse Club
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Richland Lacrosse Club Mission Statement

We strive to provide our players a safe, positive, fun experience. We will provide players the opportunity to lead, work hard for themselves and their teammates, and overcome adversity.

Our Ultimate Goal  

For our club to be an example of excellence in competition, in sportsmanship, and in leadership. We want our players to be better people for being part of Richland Lacrosse.

RLC Articles of Incorporation

RLC By-Laws

RLC Conflict of Interest Policy

Club Directors and Officers
Bonnie Mitchell
Alyson Pyles
Vice President
Jamie Wunneburger
Joel Biggs
Chad Mitchell
Boys Program Director
Elizabeth Harker
Boys Youth Coordinator
Jeremy Soma
Girls Program Director
Sarah Loveless
Girls Youth Coordinator
Jennifer Potter
Sponsorship & Fundraising
Ben Griggs
At-Large Representative - Fields & Equipment
Lance Harker