PROMISE Youth & Sports Academy
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Welcome to the PROMISE Youth & Sports Academy website!

Our Mission

At PROMISE Youth & Sports Academy, our mission is to instill self-confidence, empowerment, and social-emotional learning in our youth. We create a pathway for the next generation to thrive as impactful leaders in both professional and sports arenas.

What We Offer

Our comprehensive program includes:

  • Personalized Mentorship: One-on-one guidance tailored to each individual's unique strengths and areas for growth.
  • Goal-Setting Mindset Cultivation: Helping youth set and achieve their personal and professional goals.
  • Creative Leadership Development: Encouraging innovative thinking and leadership skills.


  • Comprehensive Curriculum:
    • Self-awareness
    • College & trade school preparation
    • Responsible decision-making
    • Sports performance enhancement




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Chiquita Jackson
Thomas Tabbs Jr