Atoms (Pirates)
Players Born in 2015, 2016 and 2017
Runs from April to June
Practices are 5:30 - 6:30pm Monday - Wednesday - Fridays (Team will split into two and play a game)
Two Jamborees (Typically one in May and one in June.)
Peewees (Panthers)
Players born in 2014, 2013, 2012
Runs from April to June
Practices are 6:00-7:30pm Monday - Wednesday - Friday
Games are typically every Saturday (Exception of long weekends)
Bantam (Prospectors)
Players born in 2010,2011,2012 (No Grade 10s)
Registration Seperate from Fall Season
Spring Camp Starts in June to End of June (Dates to be announced)
Spring Camp Practices 6:00pm-8:00pm Monday - Wednesday
Spring Camp concludes with a Jamboree on the last weekend prior to last week of school.
Registration Seperate from Spring Seaon
Fall Season Starts last half of August to First half of November (Dependent on Provincial Play)
Fall Practices 6:00pm - 8pm Monday - Wednesday - Friday
Games are typically every Saturday (Exception of long weekends and potential week day game)
High School (Pioneers)
Based on School Grade (Grade 10 - Grade 12)
Registration Seperate from Fall Season
Spring Camp Starts in May to End of May/Start of June
Spring Camp Practices (To Be Announced)
Spring Camp concludes with a Jamboree
Registration Seperate from Spring Seaon
Fall Season Starts last half of August to End of November (Dependent on Provincial Play)
Fall Practices 4:30pm - 6:30pm Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday
Games are typically every Friday (Exception of long weekends and potential week day game)