2022 Rules:
It is not the intention of the executive to create more rules on a continual basis, but it is the executive obligation to address concerns which arise each season. If an incident occurs that is not covered in these rules, a ruling based upon the Official Slo-Pitch Rules distributed by Slo-Pitch National will be consulted. If a team, or player, is found by the league to be consistently testing the league rules, with or without violation, the executive has both the obligation and the right to consider reprimanding that player and/or team to the extent of expulsion from the league.
- League structure will be dependent upon the number of teams who have committed to play prior to the start of the season.
- If there are 12-20 teams the league will be divided into 2 divisions according to the final standings. Top half in one division and the bottom half in the other division.
- If there are less than 12 teams, the league will be structured around one single division.
- If there are 24 teams, the league will be structured around three separate divisions.
- If there are 32 teams, the league will be structured around four separate divisions.
- If there are 40 teams, the league will be structured around four separate divisions.
Any glove may be used.
- Bats – Bats must have a USSA stamp. Grandfathered bats from previous seasons (banded) will not be allowed.
A pitching circle will have the center at 50 feet and have a radius of 8 feet.
- NO steel or plastic cleats will be allowed (plastic refers to large soccer cleats). Plastic baseball cleats and multi-turf cleats are acceptable.
The home team must supply one (1) new baseball for each game played, including double-headers. The new ball supplied is the designated game ball.
- The home team will not be required to supply a new ball if they have previously been the home team 12 times in the past (league supplies only 12 new balls to each team).
- If the designated game ball is hit over the fence, it shall be put back into play once it has been retrieved.
- If the designated game ball is deemed to be unsuitable for play by the umpire, the home team is responsible for providing the umpire with a suitable replacement.
- A Division will play big ball small ball format.
- Balls that are hit over the fence (home runs, or foul balls) must be retrieved within a reasonable time by team that hit the ball over the fence; as well that team is responsible for providing the umpire with a suitable ball in the interim.
- All teams must supply their own equipment, with the exception of game balls and bases. Game balls will be purchased by the league through fees and distributed to each team. The league will also provide bases. Home plate will be 2’ x 4’ feet and placed so that the center intersects the baselines.
- Each team will receive 12 large balls. Division A teams will receive 6 small balls
- The entire roster must bat.
- The league will supply official score sheets.
- Once the game has been completed the scores must be submitted by both captains through the Team Linkt app
- A minimum of 3 members of each sex must be on the field and in the batting order for the entire game.
- A total of eight players is the minimum number required to play.
- Of these eight there must be a minimum of three of each sex.
- If there are only two then one out is taken automatically each time through the batting order.
- Maximum of ten players may be in the field at any given time.
- There is no limit on number of players in the batting order.
- The following male: female ratios must be observed:
- Up to 9 males can bat for the first 3 women listed in the batting order.
- If 10 - 12 males’ bat in a batting order, 4 women must bat, or an automatic out is taken for each woman missing in the batting order.
- If more than 12 males’ bat 5 women must bat or the outs taken. Total substitutions will be allowed.
- Each player listed on the game roster must play in the field for a minimum of one inning.
- If a Player plays using the name of someone else on the roster to deceive the eligibility rules both the player who played and the player whose name was used are suspended for the entire season. The team questions the identity of the player at the game and then reports it to the league for review. If it is confirmed the team is fined $200.00 and further disciplinary action will be taken which may include the suspension of the captain for the year as well.
- A player can play with another team as a guest player but shall only play with the team for which they are on the Softball Saskatchewan roster for the playoffs.
- Any additions to the team after the initial roster is submitted must be made by the team. The team will e-mail the updated roster to the league secretary. No changes to the roster will be permitted after the cut off date for submission as determined by the Secretary.
- The league will use the scheduling software (Team Linkt) to track league statistics. Teams are to enter their scores after each game they play.
- The foundation of this league is based upon good sportsmanship. Conduct conducive to this belief is expected of all teams and participants.
- Any continuous unsportsmanlike conduct during a game could result in the offending team being penalized and an out if the umpire sees fit.
- This league will not tolerate any bat throwing. In the event of such an occurrence the player in violation of this rule, at the discretion of the umpire, may be issued a warning or said player may be ejected from the game. In the event of an ejection the offending team will be issued an automatic out for that player for that inning.
- ABSOLUTELY NO FIGHTING WILL BE TOLERATED. Any player who fights will be immediately suspended from league play for the remainder of the season. No appeals will be heard. The judgement of the umpires at the game will be final.
- Verbal and physical abuse of umpires by the players or anyone associated with the team WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!!! The umpires have the right to eject abusive players or anyone associated with the team from the diamond and the ballpark. This abuse is to be reported to league executive and upon review of the incident, the league can suspend the offending player or team from league play indefinitely.
- Each player listed on the batting order must play at least one full inning on the field.
- A batting order must not have any female batters placed back to back in their line-up. The first and the last spot on a roster will be viewed as back to back. This rule can be implemented only when the male: female ratio is equal or the male ratio is higher than the female ratio.
- There is a 10 batter rule for each team during division play and playoffs except for the final inning.
- The next batter should be in the on-deck circle. If the next batter is not, the opposing team has the right to inquire who the next batter is.
- The pitcher must throw the ball so that it travels a minimum of 6 feet above the ground but no more than 12 feet above the ground.
- If a pitch does not have the required arc it will be ruled a no pitch “in the air” by the home plate umpire. (you are umpiring your own team). The player has the option to swing at the pitch. If he swings the ball is “live”.
- The pitcher must remain in the pitcher circle (8’ radius) while delivering the pitch to the plate.
- During the pitching motion the pitcher’s backswing will not exceed the height of his/hers shoulders.
- The number of practice pitches allowed at the beginning of an inning will be determined at the discretion of the umpire.
- The batter’s feet must begin in the batter’s box prior to the pitch.
- The batter is allowed to move his/her feet to adjust or improve position on the ball but is not allowed to aggressively advance forward to make contact (hit) with the ball. If the batter advances forward aggressively and swings at the ball, he/she will be called out regardless of whether contact is or is not made with the ball and any runners must remain at their original bases.
- If a runner leaves his/her base before contact with the ball, the runner is automatically out.
- A base runner may not interfere, verbally or physically, with a fielder who is attempting to field a ball. This will result in the runner being called out (It is the responsibility of the base runner to avoid collisions).
- If a base runner runs more than three feet outside the base-path in order to avoid a tag the runner will be called out.
If a base runner deliberately “runs” a fielder who is waiting with the ball to tag him/her, the runner can be called out by the umpire.
- All base runners attempting to score will cross two lines drawn on the playing field, the commitment line (halfway between 3rd base and home plate) and the home plate line (extends from the top left corner of home plate (closest to 3rd base). Once a base runner passes the commitment line, they cannot return to 3rd base and must continue on to cross the home plate line. Once a base runner crosses the commitment line they cannot be tagged out. The defensive team must touch home plate before the player crosses the home plate line for the base runner to be put out. Base runners that touch home plate will be called out. If the catcher has control of the ball while touching home plate before the base runner steps across the home plate line, the base runner will be called out. The catcher does not (and should not) tag the base runner.
- Unlimited substitutions are allowed in the field for any player listed on the batting order.
- Courtesy runners. Each team has a total of 3 opportunities to use a courtesy runner during the game. If appropriate, the courtesy runner must start at the screen and start running when the player hits the ball. The courtesy runner must be the same sex as the injured player. Players listed on the game roster are eligible to pinch run. All courtesy runners must be recorded on scoresheet.
- Injuries or players having to leave for work etc. A team will not be penalized for injuries or players having to leave as long as the team still conforms to the batting order guidelines.
- Example #1 - If you bat 9 men and 4 women and a woman is hurt or has to leave you still bat everyone and field 10 with no penalty.
- Example #2 - If you bat 9 men and 3 women and a woman is hurt or has to leave the field and take an out in her place in the batting order.
- If a player arrives late and the batting order has already gone through once that player will not be eligible to play unless they are substituted in for another player. Once this occurs the player that is substituted out may not return to the line-up for the duration of that game.
If a team changes pitchers, the pitcher being relieved may play another position on the field or sit out the remainder. Batting order must still conform to league rules. (refer to Section 3, Item 7).
- Infield fly rule is in effect. An infield fly is a fair ball (not including a line drive) which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort, when there is a force to third base or home with less than two outs.
- The pitcher, catcher and any outfielder who positions themselves in the infield on the play shall be considered infielders for the purpose of this rule.
- When it seems apparent that a batted ball will be an infield fly, the umpire shall immediately declare infield fly and the batter will be declared out if the ball remains fair.
- Once an infield fly rule is called, the ball is dead, and the runners must return to their bases.
- If the hit becomes a foul ball, it is treated the same as any foul.
- If a declared infield fly can fall untouched to the ground, and bounces foul before passing 1st or 3rd base, it is a foul ball.
- No team can be up by more than 3 home runs at any point in the game. (3-Up Rule). A home run is a ball which has either cleared the fence or makes contact with the fence on the way over. If the ball is touched by a fielding player before going over the fence this is considered a 4 base error and will not be counted as a home run. Each home run thereafter will be an automatic out and no runners will advance as the ball is considered dead. This rule does not include an “in the park” home run.
- The first game of a double header may end in a tie. The second game may go into extra innings. Extra innings will start with the last out of the previous inning starting on second.
- A complete game will be considered 5 complete innings.
- All single games will be scheduled as 7 innings long.
- All single games are scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. sharp. If a team is late the game may be delayed until 6:40 p.m., however the game must start as soon as the team has 8 players.
- If a team cannot field a minimum number of players by 6:40 p.m., the game is forfeited.
- Double headers will start at 6:15 p.m. sharp. If a team is late the game may be delayed until 6:30 p.m., however the game must start as soon as the team has 8 players.
- If a team cannot field a minimum number of players by 6:30 pm, the game is forfeited.
- The first game is completed after 7 innings, or any inning which has ended after 7:20.
- The second game is to start at 7:30 p.m. sharp or immediately after the first game.
- Team captains must decide prior to the start of an inning if it is the last one to be played
- Only the captains or umpires may call games on account of darkness or inclement weather.
- If less than 5 innings are played, then the game is to be re-scheduled.
- If 5 innings have been completed, then it will be considered a complete game.
- Only players on the submitted team roster are eligible to play in the post-season.
- If you are short eligible players from your active roster you can request exemptions to field a roster of up to 10 players. The first step is to contact the opposing team and make an agreement and e-mail the president. If the team denies the request, the second step is to e-mail the league, appeal the decision of the other team, and request the president (or executive designate) approve for the exemption.
- Teams with fines in excess of performance bond are required to pay the excess fine amount to be eligible for post season play. If a team does not pay the excess fine amount before post season play starts, they will be ineligible for post season play and the next ranked team (according to division standings) will then be eligible for post season play.
- All fines must be paid in full for a team to receive league plaques or trophies. League trophies must be returned the following year, failure to do so will result in forfeiting the entire team performance bond.
- Playoff structure will be as follows:
- 17-20 TEAM LEAGUE (Two Divisions)
- Top 8 teams in each division make playoffs
- 1 vs. 8 & 2 vs. 7 & 3 vs. 6 & 4 vs. 5
- Higher seed plays lowest seed in the next round.
- 2 Division Champions – No Playoffs.
- All series’ will be best of 3
- 32-40 TEAM LEAGUE (Four Divisions)
- All teams in each division makes the playoffs
- The 7,8,9 & 10 placed teams play in a one game survivor series.
- The remaining 8 teams are seeded as follows: 1v8, 2v7, 3v6, 4v5 in a single game
- The remaining 4 seeds play as follows: 1 vs lowest remaining seed, 2 vs highest remaining seed in a three-game best of three.
- A 3 game final series will be played between two remaining teams.
- 13-16 TEAM LEAGUE (Two Divisions)
- Survivor series prior to the August long weekend
- 6th place plays 5th place and the winner plays 4th place for the 4th seed.
- 4th plays 1st and 2nd plays 3rd (Takes place first week of August)
- Winners play for the championship.
- The league used the scheduling software (Team Linkt) to track league statistics. Two (2) points are given for a win and One (1) point is given for a tie. For ties in standings at season end, placement will be determined by applying the following criteria in order:
- Won – Lost record between the tied teams when they played each other in the regular season;
- Won – Lost record against teams in their division.
- One game playoff to be scheduled by teams prior to the first regularly scheduled playoff game with results sent directly to the scheduler.
- Regular season games will not have paid umpires. Each team will provide a first base and plate umpire while batting. The rulings of the umpires will be considered final.
- The league will provide umpires for playoffs.
- The home-plate umpire will have final authority on all calls but may reverse his/her decision based upon the observations/advice of the base umpire.
- The base umpire may be over-ruled by the home-plate umpire.
- All teams will be required to be familiar with league rules.
- Abuse of umpires by any player or person associated with a team will not be tolerated.
- The umpire has the full right to eject from the diamond or ballpark, any player or person associated with a team that is either verbally or physically abusive. Game play can resume, once the offending person has left.
- If the offending person refuses to leave, the umpire can call the game as complete and issue a loss to the offending team.
- Umpires for the playoff games will be paid $45.00 per umpire per game based on two umpires. If there is only one umpire per game they will be paid $60.00 per game. Amended, unanimous vote August 10, 2013.
- Portions of the Performance Bond shall be forfeited as follows:
- Forfeiting a game $25.00
- Failure to supply assigned umpires $40.00 – Not applicable in 2016-2022
- Only supplying 1 umpire $20.00 – Not applicable in 2016-2022
- Not supplying new softballs $5.00
- Not attending a league meeting $20.00
- Phoning the executive on game day regarding field condition:
Inconsiderate Idiot Call – Fine $20.00.
- A team is required to give the league 48 hours’ notice if it cannot play a scheduled game. The team is fined $25.00/ game which will be allocated to the opposing teams account. Failure to notify the league will result in an additional $50.00 fine/game. A forfeit is a forfeit no matter what length of notice is given. If a team forfeits five games, it will be up to the executive to decide whether or not the offending team will be allowed to continue to play in our league.
- If the ballpark our league is playing at reports any team for leaving a mess in or around their diamond the team responsible will be fine of $40.00.
- A fine will be imposed on all teams not submitting a Softball Saskatchewan Insurance Roster, to the league Secretary, by a date determined by the league, and the fines shall be as follows:
- For the first game day following the cutoff, the team(s) will be fined $100.00.
- For the second game day following the following the cutoff the team(s) will be fined an additional $100.00.
- For the third game day following the cutoff, the team(s) will be fined an additional $100.00 and will be suspended from the league until their Insurance Roster has been submitted.
- Fines for not submitting your game scores within 24 hours to the TeamLinkt app: $20.00
- When a pitched ball contacts any portion of the designated plate it will be classified as a strike.
- Four consecutive balls pitched to a male who is followed by a female in the batting order: The male batter will take 2 bases and the female batter has the choice to take first or to bat. The female batter must be In the on deck circle.
- Teams are not allowed to argue strikes and balls. If they persist the umpire may charge an out.
- If you miss your turn at bat, you are automatically out.
- If a team plays one girl short, one out will then be taken automatically each time through the batting order.
- If a player misses a bag and returns to his/her team area, that player will be called out.
- When a batted ball hits home plate 1st before hitting the ground, it is considered a foul ball/strike.
- Any caught tipped ball is an out.
- When a batted ball rolls back behind the plate it is foul.
- All league-designated rules will have priority over any other published rules.
- If an incident occurs that is not covered in these rules, the umpire will make their ruling based upon the Official Slo-Pitch Rules distributed by Slo-Pitch National.