North Peace Minor Baseball
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Rally Cap House Rules


I. Collective Group

i. Responsible for setting up bases, tee’s and practice equipment in the field.

ii. Soft tennis balls are to be used.

II. Each team is to remove garbage and debris from the field after use.


2. Game and Field Rules:

I. Regulation Games:

i. Games are to be a mix of infield game simulation and skills practicing in the field, split up by 3 teams.

ii. Teams doing infield game play are to play 15 minutes at a time. After 15 minutes, the offensive team moves to the field for skills practicing, the defensive team move to batting and the team doing skills practicing in the field moves to the defensive position.

iii. No scores are kept in Rally Cap.

iv. No outs are officially recorded. Ensure to acknowledge to a player that an ‘out’ has been made, but the base runner still stays on base.

v. Unlimited Substitution – every player present bats; players are allowed to move in / out defensively without restrictions except that if the pitcher leaves the mound to play another defensive position, that pitcher may not return to the mound or catch in the same game.

vi. All players who are present for a game and in uniform (unless injured and unable to play or suspended) must be listed on the batting order. You may not sit out a player to gain a competitive advantage.

3. Base Running Rules:

I. Base Stealing & Leadoffs:

i. NO base stealing or lead offs permitted.

II. Dropped Third Strike:

i. Dropped balls on third strike is not observed in Rally Cap

III. Head first slides are not permitted:

i. Offending players will be automatically called out. Diving headfirst back to a

base legally acquired is permitted.


4. Pitching Batting Rules:

I. Pitching

i. Players are NOT permitted to pitch in Rally Cap.

II. Batting

i.  There are no strike outs in Rally Cap.

ii. Bunting is not permitted in Rally Cap.

5. Over Throw Rules

i. Runners cannot advance on overthrows in Rally Cap.



U9 Coach Pitch House Rules


I. Visiting Team:

i. Responsible for field set-up to include infield raking, lining base lines, and setting the bases at 60’. Pitching distance is 44’ measured from the point of home plate.

ii. Supplies one new ball and one good ball to the umpire.

II. Home Team:

i. Responsible for putting away all field equipment and ensuring all gates are closed.

ii. Supplies one new ball and one good ball to the umpire.

III. Each team is to supply one scorekeeper per game.

i. Scorekeepers are to keep count of outs and runs.

IV. Each team is to sweep and remove garbage and debris from their dugouts after use.

V. Umpires

i. Umpires are not provided for U9.

ii. Calls for foul balls, base outs are to be made by the coach that is pitching.


2. Game and Field Rules:

I. Regulation Games:

i. Shall be seven (7) innings in length.

ii. Time of game start is to be noted on scoresheets.

iii. No new innings to start after 2 hours.

iv. 4 run limit per inning.

v. 10-Run Mercy Rule is in effect after 5 complete innings (or after the Top of the 5th if

the home team is ahead)

vii. There are NO open innings in U9.

viii. Bunting is NOT allowed in 9U.

viv. Unlimited Substitution – every player present bats; players are allowed to move in / out defensively without restrictions.

vv. All players who are present for a game and in uniform (unless injured and unable to play or suspended) must be listed on the batting order. You may not sit out a player to gain a competitive advantage.

vvi. PARTICIPATION RULE – A player may not sit more than 2 consecutive defensive innings. No new inning starts after 2 hrs of play.

3. Base Running Rules:

I. Base Stealing & Leadoffs:

i. NO base stealing or lead offs permitted.

II. Dropped Third Strike:

i. Dropped balls on third strike is not observed in U9

III. Head first slides are not permitted:

i. Offending players will be automatically called out. Diving headfirst back to a

base legally acquired is permitted.

IV. Slide or Avoid Rule:

i. Mandatory for all players to slide and/or avoid a collision at all bases and home


a. Failure to do either will result in an automatic ‘out’.

b. The ball is dead and no runner may advance beyond the base that was last

legally acquired.


4. Pitching Batting Rules:

I. Pitch Count

i. Players are NOT permitted to pitch in U9.

II. Coach Pitch

i. Pitches can be thrown by either coach or mechanical pitching machine

ii. Pitches to be tossed by offensive coach.

iii. A maximum of six (6) pitches may be made to each batter unless the batter strikes out.

  1. Balls and Strikes will not be called. Only swings count as strikes.
  2. A batter is permitted to keep batting on foul balls until the 6th pitch. If a foul is made on the 6th pitch, they are out.
  3. If a batter is hit by a pitch, the ball is considered dead, but the batter is not permitted to advance to first base.
  4. If the ball hit strikes the adult pitcher the ball is considered dead and the batter advances to first base

iv. A strike out is made only with 3 swinging attempts. If the 3rd swing is a foul ball, they are permitted to keep swinging up to a maximum of 6 pitches.


5. Over Throw Rules

i. If in an attempt to retire the batter/runner at first base, the player covering first base fails to catch the thrown ball, no runner may advance more than two (1) bases from where the runner was at the time of the hit, regardless of whether or not a play is made on any advancing runners.



U11 Coach Assist House Rules


I. Visiting Team:

i. Responsible for field set-up to include infield raking, lining base lines and setting the bases at 60’. Pitching distance is 44’ measured from the point of home plate.

ii. Supplies one new ball and one good ball to the umpire.

II. Home Team:

i. Responsible for putting away all field equipment and ensuring all gates are closed

ii. Supplies one new ball and one good ball to the umpire.

III. Each team is to supply one scorekeeper per game.

i. Scorekeepers are to keep pitch counts for their team and record the counts in

the scorebook.

IV. Each team is to sweep and remove garbage and debris from their dugouts after use.

V. Umpires

i. If the league has not been able to supply an umpire for the game, coaches (or assigned volunteer) will substitute as needed. It is recommended that if a coach does umpire, that they umpire their own defensive team.





2. Game and Field Rules:

I. Regulation Games:

i. Shall be seven (7) innings in length;

ii. Time of game start is to be noted on scoresheets

iii. No new innings to start after 2 hours.

iv. 6 run limit per inning;

v. 10-Run Mercy Rule is in effect after 5 complete innings (or after the Top of the 5th if

the home team is ahead)

vii. The last (and last inning ONLY) may be declared an open inning by the Home

Plate Umpire provided that the last out of the previous inning is recorded before 2 hours

viii. Bunting is NOT allowed in 11U

viv. Unlimited Substitution – every player present bats; players are allowed to move in / out defensively without restrictions except that if the pitcher leaves the mound to play another defensive position, that pitcher may not return to the mound or catch in the same game.

vv. All players who are present for a game and in uniform (unless injured and unable to play or suspended) must be listed on the batting order. You may not sit out a player to gain a competitive advantage.

vvi. PARTICIPATION RULE – A player may not sit more than 2 consecutive defensive innings. No new inning starts after 2 hrs of play.


3. Base Running Rules:

I. Base Stealing & Leadoffs:

i. NO base stealing or lead offs permitted.

II. Dropped Third Strike:

i. Dropped balls on third strike is not observed in U11.

III. Head first slides are not permitted:

i. Offending players will be automatically called out. Diving head first back to a

base legally acquired is permitted.


IV. Slide or Avoid Rule:

i. Mandatory for all players to slide and/or avoid a collision at all bases and home


a. Failure to do either will result in an automatic ‘out’.

b. The ball is dead and no runner may advance beyond the base that was last

legally acquired.


4. Pitching Batting Rules:

i. NUMBER OF PITCHES AND REQUIRED REST: Pitchers for 13U House are limited to 2 innings, regardless of pitch count

ii. Once a player has been removed from pitching, they may not return to pitch or back catch in the same game.

II. Coach Assist Pitching

i. If a pitcher throws 4 balls, the coach of the offensive team will throw three (3) additional pitches. If the batter cannot hit those three pitches they are out.

ii. There are NO walks on balls at any time


III. Batter Hit by Pitch

i.  Batter will advance to first base if struck by a pitch from the pitcher.

ii. Batter does not advance if struck by a pitch from their own coach. If that happens the ball is dead and the pitch is not counted as one of the three allowed.


5. Over Throw Rules

i. If in an attempt to retire the batter/runner at first base, the player covering first base fails to catch the thrown ball, no runner may advance more than two (1) bases from where the runner was at the time of the hit, regardless of whether or not a play is made on any advancing runners.



U13 House Rules


I. Visiting Team:

i. Responsible for field set-up to include infield raking, lining base lines and setting the

bases at 70’. Pitching distance is 48’ measured from the point of home plate.

ii. Supplies one new ball and one good ball to the umpire.

II. Home Team:

i. Responsible for putting away all field equipment and ensuring all gates are closed

ii. Supplies one new ball and one good ball to the umpire.

III. Each team is to supply one scorekeeper per game.

i. Scorekeepers are to keep pitch counts for their team and record the counts in

the scorebook.

IV. Each team is to sweep and remove garbage and debris from their dugouts after use.

V. Umpires

i. If the league has not been able to supply an umpire for the game, coaches (or assigned volunteer) will substitute as needed. It is recommended that if a coach does umpire, that they umpire their own defensive team.





2. Game and Field Rules:

I. Regulation Games:

i. Shall be seven (7) innings in length;

ii. Time of game start is to be noted on scoresheets

iii. No new innings to start after 2 hours.

iv. 8 Warm-up pitches will be given to new pitchers.

v. 6 run limit per inning;

vi. 10-Run Mercy Rule is in effect after 5 complete innings (or after the Top of the 5th if

the home team is ahead)

vii. The last (and last inning ONLY) may be declared an open inning by the Home

Plate Umpire provided that the last out of the previous inning is recorded before 2 hours

viii. Bunting is NOT allowed in 13U

viv. Unlimited Substitution – every player present bats; players are allowed to move in / out defensively without restrictions except that if the pitcher leaves the mound to play another defensive position, that pitcher may not return to the mound or catch in the same game.

vv. All players who are present for a game and in uniform (unless injured and unable to play or suspended) must be listed on the batting order. You may not sit out a player to gain a competitive advantage.

vvi. PARTICIPATION RULE – A player may not sit more than 2 consecutive defensive innings. No new inning starts after 2 hrs of play.


3. Base Running Rules:

I. Base Stealing & Leadoffs:

i. Base stealing and leadoffs are not allowed in house 13U.

II. Dropped Third Strike:

i. Standard baseball rules apply (with first base unoccupied, or if first base is

occupied and two outs, the batter may advance to first).

III. Head first slides are not permitted:

i. Offending players will be automatically called out. Diving head first back to a

base legally acquired is permitted.

IV. Slide or Avoid Rule:

i. Mandatory for all players to slide and/or avoid a collision at all bases and home


a. Failure to do either will result in an automatic ‘out’.

b. The ball is dead and no runner may advance beyond the base that was last

legally acquired.

c. The umpire will have the option of ejection if the incident warrants such a


V. Force-Play Slide Rule:

i. On a force play, runners must slide directly into a base or to the side opposite

the fielder to avoid altering the play of the fielder.


4. Pitching Rules:

i. NUMBER OF PITCHES AND REQUIRED REST: Pitchers for 13U House are limited to 2 innings, regardless of pitch count

ii. Once a player has been removed from pitching, they may not return to pitch or back catch in the same game.



U15/18 House Rules


I. Visiting Team:

i. Responsible for field set-up to include infield raking, lining base lines and setting

bases at 90’. Pitching distance is 60’ for 18U and 54' for 15U measured from the point of home plate.

ii. Supplies one new ball and one good ball to the umpire.

II. Home Team:

i. Responsible for putting away all field equipment and ensuring all gates are closed.

ii. Supplies one new ball and one good ball to the umpire.

III. Each team is to supply one scorekeeper per game.

i. Scorekeepers are to keep pitch counts for their team and record the counts in

the scorebook.

IV. Each team is to sweep and remove garbage and debris from their dugouts after use.

V. Umpires

i. If the league has not been able to supply an umpire for the game, coaches (or assigned volunteer) will substitute as needed. It is recommended that if a coach does umpire, that they umpire their own defensive team.


2. Game and Field Rules:

I. Regulation Games:

i. Shall be seven (7) innings in length.

ii. Time of game start is to be noted on scoresheets.

iii. No new innings to start after 2 hours.

iv. 8 Warm-up pitches will be given to new pitchers.

v. 6 run limit per inning.

vi. 10-Run Mercy Rule is in effect after 5 complete innings (or after the Top of the 5th if

the home team is ahead)

vii. The last (and last inning ONLY) may be declared an open inning by the Home

Plate Umpire provided that the last out of the previous inning is recorded before 2 hours

viii. Bunting is allowed in 15U

viv. Unlimited Substitution – every player present bats; players are allowed to move in / out defensively without restrictions except that if the pitcher leaves the mound to play another defensive position, that pitcher may not return to the mound or catch in the same game.

vv. All players who are present for a game and in uniform (unless injured and unable to play or suspended) must be listed on the batting order. You may not sit out a player to gain a competitive advantage.

vvi. PARTICIPATION RULE – A player may not sit more than 2 consecutive defensive innings. No new inning starts after 2 hrs of play.


3. Base Running Rules:

I. Base Stealing & Leadoffs:

i. Base stealing and leadoffs are allowed in this division.

II. Dropped Third Strike:

i. Standard baseball rules apply (with first base unoccupied, or if first base is

occupied and two outs, the batter may advance to first).

III. Head first slides are not permitted:

i. Offending players will be automatically called out. Diving headfirst back to a

base legally acquired is permitted.

IV. Slide or Avoid Rule:

i. Mandatory for all players to slide and/or avoid a collision at all bases and home


a. Failure to do either will result in an automatic ‘out’.

b. The ball is dead, and no runner may advance beyond the base that was last

legally acquired.

c. The umpire will have the option of ejection if the incident warrants such a


V. Force-Play Slide Rule:

i. On a force play, runners must slide directly into a base or to the side opposite

the fielder to avoid altering the play of the fielder.

4. Pitching Rules:

I. Pitch Count


1-35 pitches = no rest

36-55 pitches = 2 nights rest

56-95 pitches = 3 nights rest

95 pitch maximum in a day

ii. Pitches thrown in warm-up, bullpen, or ruled no pitch by the umpire because

time was called prior to the pitch, or thrown when ruled no pitch due to balk do not

count towards the pitch count.

iii. Pitch count is recorded after each game. A pitcher who requires rest after the first

game of the day cannot pitch in the second game. Example: A pitcher who throws

36 pitches in game one is NOT eligible to pitch in game two.

iv. If a pitcher has two appearances in the same day his total pitch count for the day is

combined for the purpose of rest. Example: A pitcher who throws 25 pitches in

game one and 30 pitches in Game two has thrown 55 pitches for the day and

requires 2 nights rest.

v. EXCEEDING LIMITS TO FINISH BATTER: A pitcher is permitted to exceed the daily

maximum pitch limit to complete pitching to a batter.

vi. PITCHING ON CONSECUTIVE DAYS: Pitchers may not pitch on three consecutive


vii. PITCHER REMOVED: Pitchers once withdrawn from the mound during a game are

not permitted to pitch again in the same game.

viii. All score sheets and pitch counts are to be kept by coaches and returned to the

division coordinator at the end of the season for player eligibility.