It has been a while since I've updated this page. Much has transpired in the past 12 months, not the least of which is the launch of our new website under the TeamLinkt banner. We are moving all of our registration, messaging and team chat using the TeamLinkt platform. This includes one-stop registering for both Club fees and Football Ontario / Football Canada fees during the same registration window - no more registering wlth Football Ontario and then registering with the Eagles, trying to find the FO # and re-inserting into the Eagles registration - yuck! It was laborius and inefficient. We expect the new process to be better.
We sucessfully transitioned Girls Touch to Flag in 2022 and aim to grow this program in 2025. Same for the Boys (OPEN) program. We are excited to grow both programs.
Our Cheer program grew in participation in 2022 and we have plans to continue in this manner. New pom poms and some minor tweaking of levels are in store for next year as we prepare for the coming tackle season.
We had awesome results last year in Tackle with our Tyke's winning the Chorney Cup while at the same time both Mosquito and PeeWee landed Dean Cup (A Cup) Finalists in some great battles on the field. Bantam were in the running for the Dean Cup as well but fell short in the semi finals. Our Midget team (Nepean Broncos) also lost in the semiifinals.
The Club continues to be run by volunteers on a nonprofit basis. We very much need your support as we prepare for the 2025 season. opportunities abound from positions in coaching, fund-raising, website management, socical media presence and many more. Feel free to reach out to any of our executive if you have time and interest in helping out.
I can be reached at:
We look forward to seeing you!
Nepean Eagles Football Club