Saskatoon Mixed Slopitch League
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    1.   RESULTING IN: Suspension from all Saskatoon Mixed Slopitch League Games  and Tournament Events. First Offense - One (1) year. Second Offense - Three (3) years. Third Offense - Life time suspension.
  2.  All league games must be played as required. Games that are not completed by year end deadlines WILL NOT be awarded points in the standings. Teams CAN NOT split games and/or points for games not played. These games will be listed as UNPLAYED. Score sheets will be checked by the Executive. The executive will reschedule games at their discretion if teams have not rescheduled in a timely manner.
  3. ALL DIVISIONS – The distance between home plate and 1st base and between 2nd base and 3rd or 1st base must be 60 feet. The distance from home plate to the pitcher’s mound must be approximately 50 feet.
  4. The batter’s box may be described as an area extending 3 feet back and 4 feet ahead from the two mid-rear corners of the plate, and 3 feet wide on either side of home plate with a 6” buffer in between. Prior to the pitch, the batter must have both feet inside the batter’s box. If the batter steps out of the batter’s box while hitting the ball or if the batter steps on the home plate(or the strike plate) when the ball is hit, he/she is automatically out.
  5. Umpires and Team Captains must discuss ground rules before each game.
  6. Absolutely NO STEEL CLEATS, SANDALS or BARE FEET will be allowed in any game. Rubber molded shoes are permitted. Players assuming a competitive position on the field of play wearing steel cleats will be ejected from the game. THERE WILL BE NO WARNING!
  7. No smoking or drinking on the diamonds while playing or umping. MUST STAY OFF THE FIELD AND BENCHES.


  1. All teams may field a maximum of 10 players for each scheduled game with a minimum of 8 players.

2. All teams must field 3 members of the minority sex. However, if a team does not have enough minority players, they may still play with 2, but must record an automatic out each time the third minority player would have appeared in the batting order – therefore only fielding 9 players. When teams have only 1 member of the minority sex, they will default the game.


2A)There is free substitution throughout the game; however you must play in the field in the inning prior to batting in order to take your turn at bat. It should be clear that a change in position (i.e. from 2nd base to outfield) for a player will not change his/her place in the batting order. This must be marked on the scoresheet for each substitution


  1. A completed inning will consist of 3 outs or once through the batting order. You cannot exceed ten batters in an inning. (Based on batters in the line-up. 9 Players means 9 batters. You can not bat 10 in an inning if you only have 9 players.)
  2.  EXTRA PLAYERS(EP) may be used, but must be one of each(M/F) to make 12 batters in the order. 11 batters is not allowed.
  3. All pitches will be release at a moderate speed and must be delivered with a perceivable arc of 6 to 12 feet from the time it leaves the pitchers hand until it crosses home plate. Any pitches, in opinion of the umpire, not adhering to this rule shall be deemed a ball by calling "No Pitch"and stating low or high. Any ball hit after this declaration is considered to be live and judged accordingly.
  4. Batters will gain 1st base without hitting, when in the opinion of the umpire, 4 pitches are judged to be balls.
  5.  If a batter is walked on 4 pitches or less (the first 4 pitches – no strikes), the batter advances to second base (a ground rule double). If there are runners on any bases, they will advance to the next base accordingly. Male or Female batter does not matter. (i.e. if there is a runner on second base, they would advance 1 base to third base and if there are runners on 1st and 2nd base, the runner on 1st base advances to 3rd base and the runner on 2nd base goes home)
  6. Bunting is not allowed. Anyone who bunts is automatically out.
  7. If the third strike results in a foul ball, the batter is out.
  8. A batted ball striking either plate (home base and the strike board) is considered a foul ball.
  9. A foul tip is a live ball that can be caught by the catcher at any height. If it touches the fencing or goes out of play, it is considered a dead ball, and a foul will be called.
  10. There is no stealing or lead offs allowed. A player may leave the base when contact with the ball is made.
  11. On an overthrow the batter/runner will be awarded the base they were going to at the time of the throw plus one more base. The overthrow rule DOES NOT apply to the 10th batter in the inning. The ball is live and the play will continue until the out is made. A batter standing still when the throw is made will be assumed to be returning to their previous base
  12. The infield fly rule will apply in all games. An infield fly is a fair ball, not including a line drive or groundball, which can be caught by an infielder when 1st and 2nd, or 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bases are occupied before two are out. When it seems apparent that a batted ball will be an infield fly, the umpire shall immediately declare “Infield Fly – Batter is Out!” The ball is live and the runners may advance at the risk of being caught on re-touch after the ball is touched or caught. If the hit becomes a foul ball, it is treated the same as any foul ball.
  13.  If a live ball is deflected off a player in the playing fields and goes out of play UNINTENTIONALLY, it will be ruled as ground rule double and the runner/batter will advance the base he/she was moving towards plus one base.

16)If a live ball is deflected off of a player in the playing field and goes out of play (i.e., it is thrown or kick out of play by the player) INTENTIONALLY (as determined by discretion of the umpire), the ball will be considered to be a live ball and the player who intentionally caused the ball to be redirected will be ejected from the game for unsportsmanlike conduct.

  1. Where a fake tag has been made, the faking player will be ejected from the game and the umpires rulings as to the position of the remaining runner(s) will stand.
  2.  Obstruction is the act of a fielder, while not in possession of the ball, or in the act of fielding a batted ball, or about to receive a thrown ball, impedes the progress of a base runner that is legally running the bases. In the umpire’s judgement, the base runner shall be awarded the lead base at the time of obstruction.
  3. A base runner obstructed in a rundown shall be awarded the lead base at the time of the obstruction. Any preceding base runner, forced to advance by the award of bases for obstruction, shall advance without liability to be put out
  4. The “line of commitment” rule will be effect for all divisions.
  5. If the runner touches home plate instead of the safety line, the runner is out. The base runner must run behind the strike plate. The commitment line will have an additional line drawn out at the mid-way point between third base and home plate. A runner crossing the mid-way line must continue to home plate.
  6. The batter running to 1st base may be tagged out in the base path. But not between Third and Home
  7. Pinch runners can only be used in case of injury. Any existing injuries must be declared and identified to the other team before play begins. Where a pinch runner is required for previously disclosed injured player, the original batter must reach 1st base and remain on 1st base prior to substitution. If the batter is able to reach 2nd or 3rd base, a pinch runner is not allowed. A pinch runner must be the most recent out of the same gender. If there are no outs of the same gender in the inning, the pinch runner substituted would be the player furthest from the hitter in the batting order of the same gender (the number 2 hitter would be replaced by the number 10 hitter if they are both the same gender). There is no courtesy runners allowed after first base and only in case of on play injury, or previously disclosed.  
  8. A batter that bats out of turn in the line-up shall leave the batter’s box as soon as it becomes known. The actual batter shall take his/her place in the batter’s box while assuming the count taken by the ineligible batter.
  9. Use of illegal bats is strictly prohibited. It is up to each team to ensure that they are not using illegal bats. (Correctly stamped via NSA guidelines, without any modification or rolling). Bat testing will be done twice a year, and previous years test results will be applicable until the second bat testing date. Any team(s) and /or player(s) found to be violating this, will be ejected from the game, and will be dealt with at the discretion of the Executive. Any issues of bat modifications should be brought up to the executive immediately.
  10. A home run over the fence will be considered a walk off home run. There will be no running of the bases. Mark your score and immediately retrieve the ball. Each team is responsible for retrieving the ball they hit over immediately.
  11. A team shall have no more than 4 home runs than the opposing team during a game. Any additional home runs hit by a team in excess of 4 home runs greater than their opponent will have the home run disallowed and the batter will be out. Batters may not advance. Definition of Home Run is any ball hit over the outfield fence and between the foul line poles. A ball hit within the fence and in the field of play that results in the batter scoring a run in the same play shall not be considered a home run.



  1. All players must be 19 years of age on/or before the date of the one pitch tournament.
  2. Any outstanding league fees (ex. One pitch entry fee) will be deducted from any monies owed before reimbursements occur at the Annual General Meeting. Default/New Team Performance bonds will be reimbursed at the Annual General Meeting. Fees will be due before the first game is played unless arrangements are made with the President.
  3. All teams must possess a reasonable supply of NSA legal bats as well as playable optic gold dot balls. ie. No knicks, scars, dents etc will be permitted as a game ball. All teams must supply a minimum of 2 playable game balls per night. One game ball must be unused.
  4. Batting teams must provide an umpire. The umpire may not coach their team while umping. The umpire must stand behind the catcher slightly to the right or left (depending on the batter(Right side for left batter, Left side for Right Batter). Umpires must ensure that they are in good position to make close calls to the best of their abilities.
  5. No vocal calls are to be given on FAIR balls. Fair balls are to be indicated with a hand/arm gesture towards the inside of the diamond. Only Vocal calls on FOUL BALLS
  6. All games are 7 innings (for single games), including the year end tournament unless the home team is winning after 6 1/2 innings, in which case the game may be called a completed game. All regular season games are to start immediately at 6:00 p.m. and ending at 7:20 p.m. (7:20 p.m. end time is not relevant to double headers), with the second game starting at 7:30 p.m. Tournament schedules are at the discretion of the executive.
  7. In the case of double header games, it is expected that games will be played out in full. However, if both teams agree to modify the number of innings played prior to the start of the first game, the first game will be 7 innings and the second game can be modified to five or six innings (as a result of weather, darkness, etc.). A completed game consists of a minimum of 5 completed innings in relation to weather making the diamonds unplayable. The score reflected in the last completed inning at the end of the time restriction will be the score reflected on the score sheet. If uncontrollable interference occurs (i.e., rain, darkness, etc.) the umpires/team representatives will decide the outcome of the game.
  8. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated in any Division. The player will be ejected and the status of the player and team is subject to review by the Executive.
  9. Rained out games must be completed prior to last the last week of regular season play.
  10. Defaults: The 24-hour rule must be adhered to as follows: A team not able to make a regular scheduled game must communicate with the opposing team by phone 24 hours in advance. The 24-hour notice must be given to the opposing team rep(s) by 5:00 p.m. of the day previous to cancellation. 

    If any team defaults 3 times during the season, they will be ejected from the league, subject to Executive decision. Use of illegal player(s), only having 1 member of the minority sex, or failure to abide by the 24-hour rule all constitute a default. Each team will be permitted 3 game cancellations (or game night cancellations in the event that they are double header games) based on the Statisticians rescheduling of the game(s).

In the event of a cancelled game, the team that was cancelled against shall call the league Statistician and notify him/her of the cancellation as well as inform the opposing team that week. Teams can reschedule the game within 2 weeks. If this is not done, the statistician will then notify the 2 teams when their make-up game will be played. The statistician will try and give two weeks notice of a rescheduled game. If the team that cancelled the previous game can’t make the new date or cancels the game again, the game will be considered a default to the offending team. The other team will receive 2 points for each game and $25.00 for the default. The league will not accept No-Show Splits for these games. Loss of default will occur for both teams to recoup cost of the diamond rentals.

Due to a cancellation in inclement weather, both teams must notify the statistician of the cancellation. The statistician will then notify them of the make-up game. Cancellations due to inclement weather will not be considered a default. Executive will decide if there is a game cancellation due to weather. 

  1. Home team on the schedule for the first game is responsible for putting the bases out and away. As well as sending in a copy of the scoresheets via teamlinkt within 72 hours of game conclusion. Failure to submit without contacting the scheduler, and other member of the executive will count as losses for those games for the home team. Must take a photograph of both scoresheets together and upload them for each game. Scoresheets are to be left in the lockbox.
  2. Batting Teams must keep score, and supply an umpire.
  3. No player shall play on two or more teams in the league during the season for any reason. This includes opening day in May until the conclusion of the Year End Tournament. The recruiting team will automatically default.
  4.  Players may play in games in divisions higher than their rostered team to a maximum of twice per year provided the statistician and opposing team rep is notified via email of who the player is and what team they are from. The statistician will keep a running list of players who are used as “call-ups” to make sure the player is only being used twice. Players are not allowed to play in divisions lower than their rostered division, but can play 2 games within their division if able. There are no call-ups allowed during playoffs or the year end tournament. If the team is using a player that has reached their two games, that player is not allowed to play, or if the statistician and opposing team was not notified, they cannot play. If this is not followed, the offending team using the ineligible player will forfeit the game. Multiple offenses will be dealt with by the league.
  5. Final rosters must be submitted to the Statistician by July 15th, as determined by the Executive. Team rosters must be completed with each player’s first and last name and signature. Any additions/changes to the roster after this date must have prior approval from the Executive. Any team permitting an unregistered player to participate after the June deadline will automatically receive a default for that game. Score sheets and ID will be checked(Via Sanctioned Umpires, or the Exec) against rosters and therefore, use of nicknames or descriptions will not be tolerated on the score sheets. TeamLinkt will also have to have these names and people signed up, using full names and their email address. 
  6. The final two weeks of the season will be adjusted for playoffs. 1v4 2v3. 5v8 6v7. With the winners facing off for first and second, and fifth and sixth respectively. The losers for 3/4 and 7/8. If there is uneven teams, the executive will adjust the schedule as required.
  7. Year end tournament is The 2nd Weekend of August. This date may change with notification no later then May 15 to teams.
  8. League alignment is at the discretion of the Executive, And for competitive sake, may not happen yearly.
  9. New team applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis, and will be accepted after completion of the YEAR-END Tournament. Team acceptance will be based upon openings in the division best suited to the applying team’s level of play, with Division 4 being the preference.
  10. If any teams are having problems with other teams in the league, they must send their complaint in writing, to the Executive at

Saskatoon Mixed Slo-Pitch League

P.O. Box 612

Saskatoon, SK S7K3L6

Or into an email to the President of the league. More information may be required.



  1. All Team Rep meetings are mandatory. One or two players from every team in the League are required to attend all scheduled meetings, but no one may attend a Team Rep meeting without being listed on a team’s roster. Failure to attend will result in a loss of part of the performance bond or default bond.
  2. Bylaws may be waived or added to at the discretion of the Executive in regards to running our league.
  3. Season playoffs and Year End Tournament are expected to be mandatory for every team on the League. Any team unable to play the season playoffs or tournament will be subject to review by the President. Requests to not attend the tournament may be sent in writing no later then August 1st to the league president
  4. No one team may have a majority of positions on the Executive.
  5. All Rules and Bylaw changes are to be submitted to the Executive in writing 30 days in advance of the AGM so they can be distributed to the Team Reps at least 14 days prior to the AGM. Unless otherwise directed by the executive
  6. Teams are to post a $100.00 performance bond, which will be returned upon successful completion of a full year of play in the League, including tournaments and all Team Representative meetings. All new teams must sign the performance bond contract prior to the beginning of the season.
  7. All teams are required to pay $200.00 non-refundable entry fee by February 1st to hold their team’s position in the league.
  8.  Each team will pay a flat rate team fee of $1200.00. This team fee includes the $200.00 non-refundable deposit to hold your team spot. ($1200 + $100 performance bond)
  9. Teams may register a maximum of 30 players on their roster by the deadline. This team fee is to be re-evaluated by the Executive at the end of every year and adjusted accordingly to expenditures.
  10. Default bond of $100.00 per team to be paid at the start of the season. There will be $25.00 paid out to the team that was defaulted; this amount will come from the default bond of the team that defaulted. If a team has more than 3 defaults during the season, only the first 3 defaults will be redeemed. This money will be paid out at the Annual General Meeting.
  11. No Post dated cheques will be accepted.
  12.  In the case of the year end tournament if a team fails to show up to its scheduled game(s) or cannot field a team (minimum of 8 players)that team shall default $25.00 to the other team for every game missed as it is done during the regular season. As well the league executive to decide if that team will be allowed to play in the league the following year.