Lord Selkirk Minor Hockey Association
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LSMHA Privacy Policy

  • LSMHA believes in respecting everyone’s right to confidentiality.
  • LSMHA collects personal information from prospective members, members, coaches, referees,
  • Managers and volunteers for the purposes of conducting Hockey Programming.
  • Information specific to a player such as a player's name, address and date of birth are collected to determine that the player's geographical, division of play and level of play information are consistent with Hockey Canada/Branch regulations.
  • Historical information concerning past teams played for is collected in order to determine if any LSMHA  transfer regulations may apply.
  • At no time are lists generated for the purpose of marketing, or the sale of information.
  • Team Officials must comply with the LSMHA Privacy Policy. Team lists and phone numbers are not to be shared with anyone outside of LSMHA and specifically may not be distributed to outside agencies, companies, associations or individuals.
  • Use of photos on this site are provided by coaches and LSMHA Executive.