Jul 15 2024
Cheer Rules and Regulations

Agawam Youth Cheerleading
● Cheerleading requires many various abilities. It takes time, effort and dedication. Cheerleading is a commitment. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY for practices, games and events such as exhibitions and competitions. Practices start at the beginning of August and will be three times per week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 4:30-6pm. Practice drops down to two times per week on Tuesday and Thursday during the months of September and October. Please remember a team can only achieve its goals when all members of the team are present. We realize that things come up, vacations and events are planned, please advise the coach immediately if you will be unable to attend a practice or planned event as soon as possible so adjustments can be made to insure a productive practice for the team.
● Agawam Youth Football is affiliated with Suburban Football, therefore at times travel is necessary for games, transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. The football season runs from September to the end of October. The games will be scheduled for Saturday morning for Jr. Varsity and Sunday afternoon for Varsity, a Saturday evening game is usually somewhere on the schedule to allow the kids to play under the big lights. All of our practices and home games are held at Kirk Parker Field on School Street in Agawam behind Phelps School. The game times and schedule as well as directions to other fields can be found online at www.Leaguelineup.com/agawamyouthfootball.
● If for any reason a cheerleader cannot attend any practices, games or events you must notify your coach. If any cheerleader needs to leave a practice, game or event for any reason, notification must be given to a coach. Any cheerleader walking home or staying must have written permission by parent/guardian NO EXCEPTIONS
● Most importantly, school academics are your first priority. All cheerleaders are expected to do their best to maintain passing grades, as well as conduct and effort.
● Each parent/guardian/cheerleader is responsible for the care and maintenance of the uniform. The uniform is to be clean for any and all events. Each individual is responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged article of the uniform, skirt, vest and sweater. The uniform is only to be worn at games or events as per instructed by your coach. The uniform is NOT to be worn to school, Halloween parties, High School football games, etc. Each cheerleader must have at all games or events all pieces of the uniform (bodysuit, socks, bow, sneakers, etc.) even if not needed at that particular time. BE PREPARED FOR ANYTHING
● Any cheerleader with longer hair is required at practices, games and events to have hair tied back or pulled up and fastened securely with elastic. No barrettes, clips or bobby pins are allowed. Elastic headbands are acceptable. THE ENTIRE TEAM at all games and events must wear the proper bows selected for each squad no exceptions. Replacement bows will be available at a cost to the cheerleader.
● NO hats, visors or jewelry of any kind are allowed. Any sort of body piercing must be removed please remember safety. In addition any jewelry worn will be the sole responsibility of the cheerleader or parent/guardian. Coaches will not be responsible for lost or damaged jewelry. Cheerleaders should not have to be continuously reminded to not wear jewelry. NO NAIL POLISH AT GAMES OR EVENTS.
● PROPER CLOTHING at all practices, games and events is required. Tee-shirts, tank tops, cotton shorts, proper cheer sneakers, warm cotton sweat suits forcolder months. NO JEANS, ZIPPERS, BUTTONS, SEQUENCE OR RAISED DESIGNS ON CLOTHING remember safety in stunting/cheering. Please clean your sneakers for all games and events. Sneakers must be acceptable to coaches at uniform checks.
● NO GUM OR CANDY is acceptable at practices, games or events. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR WATER BOTTLES
Behavior & Conduct:
● Respect each other with manners, polite behavior and common courtesy. Please, we ask that we treat all individuals the way we would like to be treated in return. Everyone: coaches, parents and cheerleaders need to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. Inappropriate language, bullying, attitudes or disrespect to other cheerleaders or coaches will not be tolerated. Everyone needs to work together as a team. Situations will be dealt with on an individual basis and could be cause for immediate suspension.
● SAFETY is the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY, as the squad requires teamwork at all times. Cheerleaders must be focused on what they are practicing, cheering, stunting, tumbling, conditioning, etc. NO talking, whispering or body language from cheerleaders while coaches or varsity helpers are speaking, it will not be tolerated. Warnings will be given on an individual basis and again could because for suspension.
● Good Sportsmanship like conduct must be displayed at all times towards each other and other athletes; WIN OR LOSE. This includes before and after practices, games, events, competition, etc. Remember Cheerleaders, you are representing the Town of Agawam.
● ABSOLUTELY NO smoking, drinking, or the use of drugs will be tolerated before, during or after any practices, games, or events. Again, situations will be dealt with on an individual basis and will be cause for immediate suspension. Please remember that The Agawam Youth Cheerleading Association is successful due to support from all of its volunteers that donate their time, effort and dedication. With the continued support of Board Members, Coaches, Varsity Helpers, Parents and most of all Cheerleaders, we can all work together for a common goal and make this one of the best seasons ever!