2025 Hustlers Summer Classic Tournament Rules Official Softball Canada guide and Rule book will be used for its interpretation in playing the game of Softball.  Modifications to the official rules as stated in the Softball Saskatchewan 2025 Handbook will take precedence over those in the Softball Canada Rule book unless otherwise noted below:

1. Tournament specific rules:
a) The infield fly rule applies.
b) All age divisions can steal home on a passed ball.
c) U13 - base running. Runners may leave the base when the ball has left the pitchers hand. If they leave early, they will be called out.
d) No metal spikes or shoes with detachable cleats are allowed in the U13 age category.
e) Unlimited substitutions in all age divisions.
f) All players will bat. (U13 are required to bat everyone in lineup) Note: in U15 and U17 divisions if a team decides NOT to bat everyone in the lineup then this team will be required to do a line-up card and announce lineup changes to both the umpire and score keeper. Teams CANNOT add players to the lineup mid game. For example if a team starts the game batting 9 players then they will bat 9 players for the entire game. DP/Flex rule will NOT be allowed.

2. Absolutely no protests of games allowed.

3. Decisions of the Umpires and Host Committee are FINAL.

4. All games will start on time as scheduled. A team more than fifteen minutes late will forfeit the game. The umpire’s watch will be the official time used. No infield warm-ups.

5. Home team is determined by the flip of the coin. Home team is responsible for scorekeeping. Completed score sheets must be placed in the box at each diamond after every game. Official Start time of all games must be recorded on top of the score sheet to eliminate all disagreements as to when the time limit is up in any game.

6. Game inning and time limits:
a) All round robin games will be 7 innings, however no new inning shall be started after 1-1/2 hours from the start of the game. Teams deliberately delaying games to take advantage of time limit rules will forfeit the game being played. Umpires will give one warning, then call the game if the problem continues. Please hustle on and off the field.
b) All U13 Playoff and medal games will be min. 5 innings, Note: if the 5th inning has NOT started before 1-1/2 hours from start of the game, the game will end after 5 innings. If the 5th inning has started before 1-1/2 hours from the start of the game, the game will be 7 innings. (Mercy rules to apply).
c) All U15 and U17 playoff and medal games will be 7 innings. Playoff and Medal games have no time limit. (Mercy Rules apply)

7. Extra inning rule: Playoff games and medal games cannot end in a tie. The batter that last completed a turn at bat in the previous inning shall start the extra innings as a base runner at second (International Tie Breaking Rule with no outs).

8. Maximum 7 runs per inning for all divisions except U13 which is maximum 5 runs per inning. (Finals Included)

9. Mercy Rule – All age divisions 15 runs after 3 innings, 7 runs after 5 innings (4½ if the home team is ahead). We must keep the tournament on schedule.

10. Games will end as they would in the normal course. For example, if the home team is leading in the bottom of the last inning or the home team can't score enough runs to tie or win in the bottom of the last inning, the game will end. Games will not be continued for the sole purpose of generating additional runs for ‘runs for and against’ in the tie breaking procedures.

11. Pitchers – maximum innings: a) U13 – 3 Innings per game. b) U15 – 4 Innings per game. c) U17 – no limit. d) One pitch constitutes an inning.

12. Catchers – maximum innings: a) U13 – 3 Innings per game. b) U15 – no limit c) U17 – no limit d) One pitch constitutes an inning.

13. Points are awarded as follows in the Round Robin Play a) 2 points for a win b) 1 point for a tie (no extra innings or tiebreaker allowed in Round Robin Play)

14. In the event of a tie in points awarded per rule 13, the following will be used to break the tie:
a) Winners of games between tied teams (NOTE: In order to use this criteria, all subject teams must have played each other and one team must have defeated all the teams they are tied with to be ranked higher). The remaining tied teams then go to next criteria with no reverting back.
b) Difference PLUS or MINUS of total runs scored, with a limit of 7 PLUS or MINUS per game. If still tied remaining tied teams then go to the next criteria with no reverting back. i. NOTE: If criteria b. is used, full team records of the entire qualifying round, and only 3,4,5,6 FULL innings in 3 ½, 4 ½, 5 ½, 6 ½ inning games will be used.
c) If teams are still tied after 14(b) then the least amount of runs scored against in all games will be used. If still tied remaining tied teams then go to the next criteria with no reverting back.
d) If teams are still tied after 14(c) then the total runs scored in all games, with a maximum of 10 runs scored per game, will be used. If still tied remaining tied teams then go to the next criteria with no reverting back.
e) If teams are still tied after 14(d) positions will be settled with a coin toss.

15. Wildcard teams advance based on total points awarded during round robin play. In the event of a tie, criteria in rule #14 will be utilized.

16. Rainout – In the event of any rainout or rain delay, the final score will revert back to the last completed inning. In the event of a rainout in the final game, medals will be awarded based on the score at the last completed inning. No minimum inning requirement.


We will be allowing our umpires to use the SMSL yellow and red card protocol !!!!.

Yellow Card – Indicates a caution or warning. May be given to player, coaches, or fans regarding their conduct.

Red card – Indicates a serious offence. May be given to a player, coach, or fan regarding their conduct. Results in a player, coach or fan being permanently suspended from a game (ejection).

Conditions:   Official Softball Canada guide and Rule book will be used for its interpretation in playing the game of Softball. Modifications to the official rules as stated in the Softball Saskatchewan 2024 Handbook will take precedence over those in the Softball Canada Rule book unless otherwise noted in above tournament rules.

An umpire can issue a yellow or red to a player, coach (including assistant coach), or fan for unsportsmanlike conduct or disrespectful behavior.  Yellow or Red cards will be issued if the umpire feels they are threatened, disrespected, humiliated, or made fun of – before, during, or after a game.  It is up to the individual umpire to determine the severity of the conduct or behavior and determine which card they will issue.    When a yellow or red card is issued the game must be stopped and the card is acknowledged by both teams head coach or representative. If red card is issued the penalized person must leave the game immediately (failed to leave the premises within 1 minute will result in a forefeit of the game and opposing team wins 7-0). 

 Any suspected abuse of the yellow or red card protocol by an umpire is to be brought up to the tournament committee asap.  Any use of a yellow or red card must be submitted to tournament UIC.    Both red and yellow cards must be reported on score sheet.