Q: When does the season start?
A: Season starts November 2, 2024, and ends December 21, 2024
Q: What are the age divisions?
A: Age groups start at 6U and go through 14U. See age divisions and birthdays below.
Q: Where are games played?
A: Games are played on Saturdays at Eaton High School
Q: Are we having any playoffs or tournament?
A: Yes, the end of season tournament will be held at Northwest ISD Stadium
Q: When is practice?
A: Practices are determined by the coaches. Once rostered to a team, your coach will reach out to setup practice and get uniform sizes.
Q: Are mouthpieces required for flag football?
A: Yes, mouthpieces are required
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Adam, our Flag Football Commissioner, at hsafootballcommissioner@gmail.com.
We’re committed to creating positive sports experiences for youth athletes, regardless of their financial situation, so that they can become confident, happy, and healthy adults.
That’s why we’ve made strategic partnerships to bring flag football to the thousands of schools, communities, and families.
GENYOUth and NFLFLAG created FLAGS-In-Schools, a comprehensive flag football toolkit designed for elementary, middle, and high school PE teachers to implement into their classes. Over 24,000 school communities are using NFL FLAG-In-School kits to build high-achieving futures for their students through physical education.
Every Kid Sports is a nonprofit organization with a goal of removing the financial barriers that typically prevent kids from signing up for youth sports. Starting in 2021, we’re excited to announce that Every Kid Sports will pay all NFL FLAG registration fees for qualifying athletes.