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  1. Purpose

The objectives of this Code of Conduct is to promote a positive, safe and supportive environment for all members of Hanover Youth Basketball League. HYBL recognizes the need to support our volunteers and set a minimum level of expectations for the players, their parents and spectators involved in our league.  In addition, this will act as a guide to encourage respect, commitment and considerate relationships within HYBL.

  1. Policy Statement

HYBL is committed to fostering an environment where there is Respect for yourself; Respect for others; and Responsibility for your actions. HYBL discourages any form of inappropriate behaviour within our programs, sanctioned events, in written or verbal communications (including email or phone) or at any other location where HYBL is represented.

  1. Scope

  2. This procedure applies to all members of HYBL (Director, player, official, spectator, etc) at /during games (on the court and in the stands), programs, or at any other location where HYBL is represented.
  3. HYBL members are not expected to suffer verbal abuse nor put themselves at risk or jeopardize anyone’s safety when dealing with any real or perceived situation. If at any time HYBL members feel threatened, they will call the Police for assistance. 

  1. Inappropriate behaviour or actions for the purpose of this Code of Conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviours:

  1. Aggressive or intimidating approaches to another individual (including verbal threats)
  2. Attempts to incite anger in others
  3. Throwing of articles in a deliberate or aggressive manner
  4. Physical striking of another individual 
  5. Theft of property
  6. Possession of weapons
  7. Consumption of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, vape products, and/or cannabis related materials
  8. Contravention of policies, or procedures
  9. Vandalism: the deliberate destruction, damage or defacing of property utilized by HYBL
  10. Harassment: “engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome” as defined by the Ontario Human Rights.

Consequences of Non-Compliance 

Action(s) To Be Taken will be dependant on the severity of the incident: 

  1. A verbal warning or letter of warning may be issued to an individual advising them of appropriate and/or expected behaviour.  This may include providing details of the specific behaviour that is not tolerated and any actions to be taken. This record will be retained by HYBL for the duration of the person’s eligibility in HYBL.
  2. An individual may be suspended from HYBL programs, games and or events for a period of time. The length of the suspension will be determined by the appropriate Director(s) and will depend on the severity of the situation.
  3. Individuals who engage in any inappropriate behaviour, as defined in this procedure, may, depending on the severity, be removed immediately from the premises where HYBL is conducting their programs, sanctioned events, or location where HYBL is represented.
  4. Incidents where behaviour is grossly inappropriate, or threatening towards anyone (Director, player, official, spectator, etc) or for repeated incidents, may lead to a ban from all HYBL programs, sanctioned events, or location where HYBL is represented.   The duration of such ban will be determined by the Directors of HYBL. A “Letter of Discipline” may be issued to the identified individual indicating that further participation with HYBL is no longer welcome at which time a refund would not be warranted.
  5. Severe incidents may warrant Police involvement which could carry undesired consequences.

This policy is designed to provide members with a positive approach to promoting appropriate behaviour and actions. HYBL may use this policy as a guiding principle. Parents and participants are responsible for behaving and acting in a manner that respects the rights of others in order to promote a safe and healthy environment that can be enjoyed by all.  

CODE OF CONDUCT:  HYBL recognizes the need to support volunteers and set a minimum level of expectations for the parents of the players involved in our system. This Code of Conduct is intended to establish a policy that will return a level of mutual respect to the game. 


1. I will do my best to be a good sport at all times. I will not condone, permit, defend, or engage in actions, on or off the floor, which are not consistent with good sportsmanship. 

2. I will do my best, have fun and demonstrate good sportsmanship. I will win and lose gracefully. 

3. I will respect the rules of the game. I will remember that I am part of a team and will work hard for the good of the team. 

4. I will respect the rights and feelings of the officials, coaches, players, volunteers and administrators. I will work to support, not undermine their efforts. 

5. I will refrain from comments or behaviour which is disrespectful, offensive, racist or sexist and will NOT engage in verbal and/or physical abuse.

6. I will not engage in activity or behaviour which endangers the safety of others. 

9. I understand that team performance goals take precedence over individual goals. 

10. I will support HYBL Zero Tolerance policies by: 

a. Not publicly criticizing players, coaches, officials, volunteers and administrators. 

b. Not being under the influence of alcohol, or any illegal drug while at HYBL events. 

c. Not using profane, insulting, harassing, or otherwise offensive/derogatory language.

d. If I feel that something needs to be addressed, I will bring it to the appropriate officials and administrators with honesty and respect.