We cannot help you if you aren't registered! Pick the division/night that best suits your skill.
Summer and Winter programs open for registration annually in January
Summer registration deadline for returning players: March 1 Winter registration deadline for returning players: July 15
The GHL focuses on providing a FUN, clean, no-nonsense hockey experience. Players who behave irresponsibly will not be permitted to play hockey with the GHL.
Each division functions independently. If you register for one night, all of your games will be on that night.
Watch this video to help determine which division is right for you!
Mixed Division: A mix of beginner (Minor) and intermediate (Major) players participating in the same division Minor Division: Beginners who struggle to skate or have difficulty stopping quickly Major Division: Intermediate players who skate well but did not likely play in their youth Select Divison: Talented players who played hockey for many years and enjoy a fast-paced game
Winter - 4 CO-ED Divisions - September to April
Friday - Ridley Arena Primarily - Minor+Major Mixed Division - Game times (PM): 7:00 / 8:15 / 9:30 / 10:45 Saturday - Virgil Arena - Minor Division - Game times (PM): 7:00 / 8:15 / 8:45 / 9:30 / 10:45 / 11:00 Saturday - Virgil Arena - Major Division - Game times (PM): 7:00 / 8:15 / 8:45 / 9:30 / 10:45 / 11:00 Sunday - Virgil Area - Select Divison - Game times (PM): 7:00 / 8:15 / 9:30
Summer - 2 CO-ED Divisions - May to August
Thursday - Ridley Area - Select Divison - Game times (PM): 7:00 / 8:15 / 9:30 Friday - Ridley Arena - Minor+Major Mixed Division - Game times (PM): 7:00 / 8:15 / 9:30 / 10:45
Step 2: Try-Ins
New players to the league will be invited to a try-in so we can meet you and rank you as a player.
Returning players are not required to attend a try-in.
Try-Ins are held 4-6 weeks before the start of the season
If you are brand new to the sport and need to borrow equipment to try it out, please get in touch with us.
Step 3: Confirmation (hang in there)
We know you're excited but it takes time to confirm everything. You will be notified when you are guaranteed a spot or placed on a waitlist.
We make every effort to find every player a spot, but this is not always possible, there are limited spots in every season.
We will continue to try to find you a spot if you are waitlisted.
In the event you have PAID and do not secure a spot in the league, you will be issued a full refund.
Step 4: Payment Deadline
It is a tremendous amount of work to collect money from everyone, so please be thoughtful and pay as soon as you are asked to. If you do not pay before the payment deadline, you may lose your spot.
Summer payment deadline: May 1 Winter payment deadline: Sep 1
Step 5: Team Assignment
Summer Mixed and Select teams will be announced online roughly 10 days before the first game.
Winter Mixed/Major/Minor will be announced at the in-person draft. The draft is generally held in early September.
Winter Select teams will be announced online roughly 10 days before the first game.
Please make sure you have the necessary equipment: Equipment Needed
Step 6: Get Online
Download the TeamLinkt APP to connect with your team. Make sure to let your GM know if you will miss any games. The APP will not work until your team assignment has been announced.
To view your registration records:
Navigate to app.teamlinkt.com
Login with your registered account
Click your name in the top right and go to "family"
Click on registrations.
The GHL believes in giving back to the community and participating in social events to build our relationships. Have a look at the "Important Dates" section of the website and keep an eye out for communications relating to blood drives, food drives, toy donations, family skating, end-of-season banquets and more!
View Registrations and Make Payments
Navigate to app.teamlinkt.com
Login with your registered account
Click "Family"
Click on THE registrations TAB