The Fredericton Fleet are a senior men's Football team (18 years +) that play in the Maritime Football Leage (MFL). The team was founded by Dan McCullough in 2021. The MFL has been in inexistence for for more than 20 years and is currently composed of 7 teams from across the Maritimes.
1.The Fredericton Fleet
2. The Moncton Mustands
3. The Saint John Wanders
4. The Halifax Harbour Hawks
5. The Valley Razors
6. The Nova Scotia Buccaneers
7. The Island Marineers (PEI)
Mission Statement: To further the careers of young athletes in the Fredericton Region, provide a quality entertainment product, and giving back to the community.
Vision: To be a competitive championship contender in the Maritime Football Leage year in while proving a quality player experience.
Team Values:
1. Respect
2. Commitment
3. Team Work
4. Perseverance
5. Community
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