Eagle Men's Lacrosse
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The EHS Lax program is thankful for the participation of our athlete's parents! 

It takes a considerable amount of volunteer teamwork to ensure our athletes have the opportunity to play competitive high school lacrosse here in the Treasure Valley. The strong support of our entire LAX family is required for the program performs at the highest possible level. Your participation is greatly appreciated!

Please click the link below to review available volunteer opportunities. 



Volunteer Tutorials


Recording stats during the game may seem complicated at first but it gets much easier after you've done it once or twice. Here is a great resource for a quick overview on how to properly keep the scorebook. The Scorebook volunteers should arrive approximately 30 minutes before the game starts. 



The Spotter assists the scorekeepers at the table by calling out the action that occurs during gameplay for specific players. For example, "shot by number 55". It's important to relay as much of the appropriate information as possible. SWILA (South West Idaho Lacrosse Association) uses the recorded stats for year-end assesment of individual player honors such as All-Division and All-State. Here is a list of the stats that SWILA focuses on.  The Spotter should arrive approximately 30 minutes before the game starts. 

  • GP = Games Played
  • Goals = Goal
  • Asst = Assist
  • TS = Shots
  • SOG = Not used
  • GB = Ground Balls
  • TO = Not used
  • TA = Caused Turnover - This is a turnover caused by a specific defensive effort that directly results in a turnover.
  • UE = Not used
  • FW = Faceoff Won
  • FA = Not used
  • MIN = Not used
  • GA = Not used
  • SV = Save
  • ShutOut= Not used
  • W = Not used
  • L = Not used
  • T = Not used
  • P = Penalties
  • PM = Penalty Minutes
  • PS = Penalty Seconds

*Goalies are attributted a ground ball if they save a shot that occurs outside the actual goal. For example, a high shot that the goalie reaches above the goal to save is recorded as a ground ball.


The timer is responsible for maintaining the official time remaining in the game. During Fallball, the Timer will be at the table on the field and use an airhorn to signal quarter/half/game ending to the officials. During Springball, the Timer will be in the pressbox at Thunder Stadium and operate the official time on the scoreboard. Also during Spring, the boardmember responsible for the facilities management will be the main point of contact for this volunteer position. The Timer should arrive approximately 30 minutes before the game starts. 

Field Set-Up and End Line Ball Manager

End Line Ball Managers are responsible to line each endline with additional lacrosse balls and replenish the endline balls at the end of each quarter. The field set up crew arrives approximately 1 hour before the game starts and assists with the following. 

  • Placing the lacrosse goals in the appropriate crease area.
  • Setting up scorer's table with 4 chairs. During poor weather, a shelter may also be required.
  • Placing cones at each corner of the field and on each sideline at midfield.
  • Placing cones at the end of the player substitution area