Dresden Youth Softball & Baseball
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Training Information for Baseball Coaches

DYSB will continue to charter with Babe Ruth for baseball. Babe Ruth Coach Certification one-time training is required for coaches. If you completed certification in a previous year for baseball or softball, you do not have to repeat it. Go to https://coacheducation.humankinetics.com/collections/247 and select online course.  

Babe Ruth background checks and abuse training is required for baseball coaches. Visit https://memberships.sportsengine.com/org/babe-ruth-league/affiliation/dresden-cal-ripken-league and enter your information to register as a coach/volunteer. You will have to pay for the background check if you did not pay for a background check last year. The site will list any outstanding requirements you need to fulfill.

The following required training courses are available free of charge. Make sure the total is $0 before proceeding:

Concussion training at https://nfhslearn.com/courses/concussion-in-sports-2 - print your certificate to give to a board member or download certificate to email to dresdensoftball@yahoo.com.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest training at https://nfhslearn.com/courses/sudden-cardiac-arrest - print your certificate to give to a board member or download to email to dresdensoftball@yahoo.com.

Message our FB page or contact Alisha Melton with questions about training requirements.

Training Information for Softball Coaches

DYSB is joining USSSA for softball. Head coaches will set up a manager account at https://www.usssa.com/how-to-create and complete a background check through this account. Head coaches will add assistant coaches for checks as they are selected.

The following required training courses are available free of charge. Make sure the total is $0 before proceeding:

Concussion training at https://nfhslearn.com/courses/concussion-in-sports-2 - print your certificate to give to a board member or download certificate to email to dresdensoftball@yahoo.com.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest training at https://nfhslearn.com/courses/sudden-cardiac-arrest - print your certificate to give to a board member or download to email to dresdensoftball@yahoo.com.

Message our FB page or contact Alisha Melton with questions about training requirements.


