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Little League Boundary starting at the Dartmouth Coastline from Point A: 44.69726, -63.62309

Heading north toward Akerly Blvd.

Once at intersection of Windmill Rd., and Akerley Blvd head north following Akerley Blvd. until it connects to Forest hills Parkway.

Following Forest Hills Parkway South until it ends at the Intersection of Forest Hills Parkway and Cole Harbour Road. Turning right onto Cole Harbour Road and heading west, continue Cole Harbour Road until you come to the intersection of Cole Harbour Road, Portland St. and Caldwell Road, turn left onto Caldwell Road and follow Caldwell Road until you get to Nova Terrace, turn right off Caldwell Rd. and go straight across Morris Lake to Mac Donald Beach Rd.

Follow MacDonald Beach Rd. south until it meets Caldwell Road, turn right onto Caldwell Rd south until it meets Hines Rd. Turn onto Hines Road south until it meets Auto port Ave, turn right onto Auto Port Ave until it meets Bonadventure St. turn left South onto Bonadventure St. to Main St and go south onto Marine Parade Drive

Follow Marine Parade Drive South to Point 25 on the Dartmouth Coastline.

Follow the Dartmouth Shore West line until you come to Point A below Akerley Blvd.

Little League Boundary starting from Point A: 44.69726, -63.62309

Heading East along the Dartmouth Coast line until you reach Point 25, Head straight North to Marine Parade Dr.

Once on Marine Parade Dr. follow north to Main St.  Go north on Bonaventure Dr. and turn Right onto Auto Port Dr. at the intersection for Auto Port Rd and Hines road turn left onto Hines Rd. Follow Hines Rd., until the intersection with Caldwell rd., go straight onto Caldwell Rd. and follow north.

When Caldwell RD., meets Mac Donald Beach rd. Turn left onto MacDonald Beach RD., and follow North to point 22 on MacDonald Beach RD.  Then go East directly across Morris Lake to Nova Terrace and Caldwell Rd., turn left onto Caldwell Rd heading North. 

Following Caldwell Rd. North until you come to the Portland St. and Cole Harbour Rd intersection turn right onto Cole Harbour Rd. Follow Cole Harbour Rd., East to the intersection of Cole Harbour Rd. and Forest Hills Parkway.  Turn Left onto Forest Hills Parkway and follow North to the intersection of Forest Hills Parkway and Main St.  Go North through this intersection and continue Forest Hills Parkway.

Follow Forest Hills Parkway north until it connects to Akerley Blvd. 

Follow Akerley Blvd South until it meets the intersection of Akerley Blvd. and Windmill RD. 

Go South Through the intersection and connect with Point A 44.69726, -63.62309

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