V. LEAGUE AND GAME RULES (Does not apply to tournament play)
A. To be eligible for assignment to a team, players will register approximately January 1st through February 1st, for Spring league play and approximately July 1st through August 1st for Fall league play at a time to be announced through the local press and/or schools. Membership in the DGSA will be continuous until registration of the following year unless suspended.
B. Registration fees for Spring league play shall be $110.00 for first child in family and $85.00 for all remaining registrants in family. Registration fees for Fall league play shall be $90.00 for new players and $70.00 for players returning from Spring league play. In the event a participant signs up after final registration the fee will be increased $10.00 per player for Spring and/or Fall league play (late registration). T-Ball registration will be $75.00 for the first child and $50.00 for each additional.
C. Registration for each league shall be closed after the draft is completed for that league except for T-Ball, which will be closed one week after the draft.
D. Registration after the draft must be approved by the board.
E. The draft of a specific age group (league) may be postponed by draft manager in order to better divide the participants.
F. Drafts will take place within a week after the last registration date.
G. Players that physically move into the association, after the draft must be approved by the Board of Directors. If they are approved, then the team next in line in the draft would receive the player.
H. A photo copy of proof of birth must be submitted to the Registrar.
I. Players will be assigned to league in accordance with rules established by the Amateur Softball Association. Specific requests to play in a league other than the age you meet must be approved by the board, requests shall be granted based on league circumstances.
J. All players not having played on a league team or returning to a league team as a returning player must be placed on the Draft List.
K. The list of eligible draftees will be submitted by the League Representative (Board member) to each manager of their respective leagues prior to tryouts.
L. Age groups for the current season will be as follows:
1. Senior League – Age 17 before January 1st, but cannot be 19 before January 1st of the current year.
2. Junior League II – Age 15 before January 1st, but cannot be 17 before January 1st of the current year.
3. Junior League I – Age 13 before January 1st, but cannot be 15 before January 1st of the current year.
4. Sophomore League – Age 11 before January 1st, but cannot be 13 before January 1st of the current year.
5. Freshman League – Age 9 before January 1st, but cannot be 11 before January 1st of the current year.
6. Coach Pitch II – Age 7 before January 1st, but cannot be 9 before January 1st of the current year.
7. Coach Pitch I – Age 5 before January 1st, but cannot be 7 before January 1st of the current year.
8. T-Ball – Age 3 before January 1st, but cannot be 6 before August 1st of the current year.
M. Select Teams (A Ball):
1. Select teams wishing to register through DGSA shall pay a minimum of $500.00 per team per year for scheduled practice time. Teams will be required to register with ASA and pay any fees associated with registration. No uniforms or equipment will be provided to select teams.
C. All optional players and protected players will be placed on the roster prior to the draft and removed from the draft master list. Protected players (i.e. sister on the team) will be placed as a returning player in the next available draft slot for that particular team. Optional players are defined as approved managers, 1 assistant manager, and/or sister.
D. All returning players that have not requested to be returned to the draft will be placed on the roster following optional and protected players prior to the draft and removed from the draft master list.
E. Player team requests will be considered by the coaches but the player team requests are not guaranteed. Any serious concerns by parent/player may be submitted to the board upon registration for individual approval, with understanding that said submission does not guarantee approval.
F. The team that had the worst record will have first pick of each round and continue to the team with the best record. Ties will be determined by random draw.
G. As the manager announces the draft choice the player’s name will be removed from the master list.
H. If a manager moves a daughter and/or sister to another team, within the same league, then that team will forfeit its first round draft choice to the donor team, and will place the player on the receiving team as a returning player. If more than one player is involved then the receiving team will forfeit its first and second round draft choices to the donor team.
I. After the draft, a manager may trade a drafted player to another manager for a drafted player, one time, with the approval of the Draft Manager and a majority of the managers in the respective league. The trade must be completed prior to the end of the draft.
J. Players are drafted individually and not as groups.
K. Returning players will have the option to re-enter the draft upon completion of their registration form, this does not guarantee placement with a specific team. No requests will be honored after registration form has been submitted to registrar.
A. The home team manager will mark the field, keep the scoreboard, and set bases at least five minutes prior to game time. Visiting Manager must provide official scorekeeper.
B. Prospective manager’s application is due by application deadline. The Board of Directors must approve all managers and assistant managers.
C. Each manager must hold a parent’s meeting prior to the beginning of the season with their division representative or Board member requested by the representative, and submit an attendance roster to their League Representative.
D. Managers will be held responsible for equipment and uniforms issued to their teams and clean up in and around dugouts and stands.
E. Managers and assistant managers must follow the rules and regulations of DGSA and ensure that their teams follow all rules and regulations as well as established principles of good sportsmanship.
F. Managers and assistant managers may be suspended by the Board of Directors for not carrying out the rules and regulations of DGSA, or for disorderly conduct presented to the Board of Directors. A manager/assistant manager may be removed from participation with DGSA by a 2/3 vote of the full Board of Directors.
G. A manager may not suspend a player for more than one (1) game without the approval of the Board of Directors. Requests for suspension must be in written form outlining reasons and amount of time for suspension, and should be made available to the parents of the player in question.
H. If a manager or assistant manager is ejected from a game then the Board of Directors must be notified and shall consider whether or not that person shall be suspended from the DGSA for the remainder of the season. All incidents and documentation will be kept on record.
I. If a manager resigns after being approved by the Board of Directors then the Assistant Manager can become the manager of the team but will not be allowed to protect an optional player other than his own option.
J. Managers must inform their League Representatives and the DGSA Board of any deletion of players from their rosters as they occur.
K. Managers must communicate any scheduling situations with Association Scheduler.
A. All equipment shall be obtained through the equipment manager, which includes catching gear excluding mitt. T-Ball is excluded from receiving catching gear. All equipment will be turned in immediately following the last game of the season to the equipment manager or team will not participate in Closing Ceremonies. The players’ parents will pay for any uniform ruined by the use of chlorine bleach. A complete inventory must be done at the end of each season.
B. Under no circumstance will a player, or coach, intentionally throw a bat, headgear, or any equipment on the ground or in the dugout. Violation of this rule may result in the ejection of the player, or coach, and/or forfeit of the game.
C. All players must have 6” numbered shirts and the Board of Directors must approve additional printing on any part of the uniform.
D. Players will be responsible for picking up their own headgear and bats from the field during play. Non-team members will be allowed in the dugout, or on the field during play at the coach’s discretion.
E. The player is out if she slings a bat during a game. This is a safety rule, and is a judgment call on the part of the umpire. Manager will enforce this at practice as well.
F. A first aid kit must be maintained in concession stand at all times.
G. All Division B teams will have uniform lettering approved by the Board
V. LEAGUE AND GAME RULES (Does not apply to tournament play):
A. Rules regarding the base the ASA will govern distance, pitching distance, and the type of ball. Specifically, those rules will be as follows:
1. Pitching:
a). Senior, Junior and Sophomore – 40 feet
b). Freshman, and Coach Pitch – 35 feet
2. Bases:
a). Senior, Junior, Sophomore, Freshman – 60 feet
b). Coach Pitch – 60 feet
3. Balls:
a). Senior, Junior, and Sophomore – 12 inch
b). Freshman and Coach Pitch – 11 inch
B. Regulation time will be as follows, or will be adjusted to match Angleton Girls Softball Association.
1. T-ball – A minimum of two full innings or up to 55 minutes maximum.
2. Coach Pitch – 1 hour, or 5 innings
3. Sophomore and Freshman – 1 hour and 10 minutes, or 6 innings
4. Junior and Senior – 1 hour and 10 minutes, or 7 innings
C. Run Rules will be as follows:
1. Junior and Senior – 20 after 3, or 10 after 4
2. Coach Pitch and Freshman – no more than 6 runs will be scored one inning with no continuation runs allowed. (7 after 4, or 13 after 3)
D. All games shall be regulation games if called by the umpire, because of rain after three full innings or fifty-five minutes of playing time. If an inning is not complete, it shall revert to the last full inning to determine status of the game, unless the home team is batting and is ahead, the score will remain.
E. Rules specific to T-ball:
1. Each child will receive up to 4 pitches from coach, on the 5th pitch a tee will be used, no exceptions.
2. A coach/parent from the batting team shall be catcher, no kid catcher.
F. Rules specific to Coach Pitch:
1. Adopt the State rules with the following exceptions:
a). A team will be allowed to start a game with 9 if only 9 are present, but must start all 10 if 10 or more are present per state rule.
b). Fifty-five minute game time will be extended to 1 hour and 10 minutes.
G. Rules specific for Freshman:
1. The dropped third strike rule will be in effect.
2. The infield fly rule will be in effect.
3. Players will be allowed to steal one base at a time, no stealing of home base.
4. A player, who has regularly attended practice, team meetings, appears on time and in uniform, and is physically able must play a minimum of one inning in the field and take one turn at bat at each game; provided at least three innings are played. Any protest should be made to the Board Officer on duty.
H. Rules specific to all leagues:
1. Teams must turn in line-ups (substitutes listed) prior to the game time to the Official Scorekeeper and the opposing Team Manager. Starting line-ups must be present at that time.
2. Any team that fails to appear fifteen minutes after scheduled game time shall forfeit.
3. There will be no practice or warm-up for regularly scheduled games within 50 feet of the bleachers.
4. The Scheduler will reschedule make-up games as soon as practical. The manager or assistant manager will be notified at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance, and the game will become a regularly scheduled game. A game may be rescheduled with less notice if both managers give their consent. Each team will be allowed only two (2) rescheduled games; excluding those caused by bad weather. All make-up games to determine League Championship will be scheduled by the Board of Directors.
5. League games will take precedence over Invitational Tournaments when deadlines need to be met within the league. Keep this in mind when accepting tournament invitations. Any change is to be rescheduled by the Scheduler and the two concerned managers.
6. Protest should be made in accordance with ASA rules and notification should be
given to the Board member on duty at the time of protest.
7. In the event of an injury, a player can be freely substituted into the ball game to keep from having to forfeit the game (even if all substitutions have been made).
8. Any team may use pickup players from their division (only 1) or a lower league (up to 3), with a maximum of 3. Pickup players must be from a DGSA Danbury team. Pickups cannot be entered into the game until after three innings, or 2 if the time limit has expired, and all team members present 15 minutes before game time have played or are playing (unless injury or illness occurs).
9. A player picked up may not pitch or catch unless coop or fall ball rules allow.
10. A player who has regularly attended practice and team meetings, appears on time and in uniform, and is physically able, must play a minimum of two innings in the field and take one turn at bat in each game, provided at least four innings are played. They must play all physically able players at least one inning of less than 4 innings are played. Any protest should be made to the Board Officer on duty.
11. If, at the end of regulation play, a tie exists, all leagues shall play a modified international tie breaker, putting the last completed at bat on second base, with two outs on the board.
12. If a player does not play per rule 10, they get to start the next game for 2 consecutive innings in the field and bat. This rule only applies to teams that have more than 13 players.
A. All sponsorships both during league play and post-season play shall go to DGSA.
B. A team sponsorship will be $300.00 and have the sponsor’s name on the back of each uniform, and a team photograph for the sponsor.
C. Team sponsors must have money submitted to the treasurer before uniforms are handed out.
A. Sign sponsorships will be $300.00 for a 4’ x 8’ sign.
B. Returning sign sponsorships will be $200.
DGSA will pay for one tournament entry fee up to $150 for each team. The parents, managers or sponsors will pay for any other tournaments for that team. All DGSA teams will be required to participate in any home tournament with no entry fee required. Pay at the plate fees are not covered by DGSA.
All players will receive a participation reward at Closing Ceremonies.
A. Field Rules:
1. Pick up trash in dugouts, batting cages, and around stands.
2. Dump all trash receptacles in dumpster outside the complex beside the Little
League field.
3. Put tools away in the appropriate locations.
4. Turn out lights.
5. Lock up.
Notice: Failure to comply with these rules will result in loss of field and batting cage privileges for one week. Repeat offenses will result in loss of field and batting cage privileges for the rest of the season.
B. The scheduler will provide a practice schedule for the field. Field will be left in acceptable condition. If privileges are violated, privileges may be revoked.
C. Anyone or an organization who schedules events through DGSA for profit gained personally or through an organization shall donate a minimum of 10% of their proceeds back to DGSA for field or facility usage. The Board may make other agreements on this matter with the event coordinator.
A. It will be the manager’s responsibility to have at least one worker to work the concession stand for each game. Workers will arrive at the concession stand thirty minutes prior to scheduled game time.
B. The concession stand director shall have a minimum age limit of at least 15 for workers posted in the concession stand.
C. Only designated workers and committee members will be allowed in the concession stand.
D. The entire concession operation may be contracted out any given year.
A. The approved manager and/or assistant manager shall be solely responsible for the conduct of the team and the fans.
B. A team manager, assistant manager, player, or spectator shall not make any insulting remarks to the umpire or opposing member of the team in question.
C. Un-sportsmanlike conduct will result in the person being removed from the SOFTBALL COMPLEX by the Board member on duty. If the person will not leave, then the Danbury Police Department will be called.
The DGSA insurance is a secondary policy and will only honor after the primary policy has exhausted all resources afforded to it. Claims should be submitted to the Association President with documentation as to any primary coverage before being forwarded to the District Commissioners for validation.
Upon request of the Association President, rule interpretation can be referred to the Executive Committee, made up of past Association Presidents, for clarification. Three members of the Executive Committee shall issue an opinion as to the specific interpretation of a rule.
A. At the conclusion of the regular season the post season will begin with the selection of the manager of the post-season team.
1. Managers will be given priority for consideration in the following order:
a) The manager of the team will be the manager with the best record of at least three games played during league play. In good standings with DGSA. In case a tie occurs:
1) Play-off game
b) The assistant coach will be the manager of the runner up team.
*** Managers and assistant coaches must complete the ACE Certification.
B. DGSA will sponsor one post-season team per Division.
C. Sponsored post-season teams will be provided league equipment, and entry fees for District Tournament.
D. The managers and assistant coaches of each team will select post-season teams in that league at a time, date and place determined by the Vice President with the League Representative present. Each manager and assistant coach should attend with a list of 10 top players. There will be a maximum of 13 players selected and played. The manager of the post-season team will have final say of how many players he/she will carry on their post-season roster. The manager and assistant coach’s (manager of runner of team) children will be placed on the post-season roster. Any players that are listed on both managers’ list will be automatically added to the post-season roster. Players that are not listed on both managers’ list will then be voted on by the managers. In the event of a tie, the division representative will make the final decision.
E. After the draft election the manager has 48 hours to contact the players selected in order to determine if they will be going to play during post-season.
F. No manager or coach will be permitted to contact post-season draftees prior to the post-season draft or Closing Ceremonies, whichever comes the last.
G. Teams representing DGSA in post-season play will be the Association representative teams. The coaches of the post-season teams may draft players and assistant coaches from throughout the league. However, players are not eligible unless they were participating on a league team at the conclusion of the season, and have not turned down a request to participate on another post-season team with first commitment to the division that they are registered in. Post-season teams may draft players from other leagues ONLY IF there are no other DGSA players available to complete the team and only after the other leagues have completed their post-season draft. These players must provide their ASA Membership cards and a letter from their league President giving them permission to play.
H. After the post-season draft, the manager of the post-season team will hold a parent’s meeting with their division representative or Board member requested by representative, and submit an attendance to their League Representative.
I. No money shall be solicited in the name of the DGSA without the approval of the DGSA Board and must be used for DGSA sponsored activities. No money shall be solicited from DGSA sponsors without approval of the DGSA Board for the duration of the All-Star season only. All money raised in the name of DGSA must be turned in to the Treasurer for accounting purposes. All receipts must be kept with an expense record to be turned in to the Treasurer. These records will be kept until the start of the next season in case of review of expenses is necessary.
J. Any leftover money should be returned to the DGSA Treasurer.
K. Post-season teams are allowed to practice on the game field, but times and days must be scheduled with the DGSA scheduler.
L. All post-season teams are required to play until elimination at the State Tournament.
Each year the President forms a committee to choose a graduate from Danbury High School as a recipient of a $500.00 scholarship given by DGSA. Any graduate that has been a member of DGSA for a minimum of three (3) years and a graduate of Danbury High School will be considered. She will have to complete an application survey and have it turned in to the President by a posted deadline. The committee will consist of the DGSA President, two (2) additional board members. The applicant with the most votes will receive the $500.00 scholarship from DGSA. The board may elect to offer more than one scholarship in increments determined by the board.