2 Pitch League Rules


Chilliwack 2-Pitch Rules

·       Ten (10) players on each team of which (4) must be female, to be positioned (5) in the outfield and (5) in the infield.

·       If a team is not able to field 10 players, then that team may play with 9 players of which at least 3 must be female. In this case, the 10th batter is automatically out.

·       All ten players must bat each inning. All runs are counted until the 10th batter has been put out. The 10th batter can only be put out by tagging a base in front of him or her. You cannot tag the 10th batter. Any attempt to tag the 10th batter will result in them being scored as a run.

·       The batter receives only 2 pitches and must hit a fair ball within those 2 pitches or he or she is out.

·       Your own pitcher pitches to you from a minimum distance of 30 feet.

·       If a foul or tipped ball is caught then the batter is out.

·       The fielders have to throw the ball to the infielders, not directly to the pitcher to stop the play.

·       Only infielders may put a runner out at first base. No outfielder or rover can make a direct play at first base, they must relay the ball through an infielder first.

·       Runners cannot advance or be thrown out on a caught fly ball, runners get a free base back to the base they were on.

·       On all overthrows out of play, the runner advances one base from the last base the runner tagged. This does not count in the case of the 10th batter.

·       The runner has the right to the base. If an infielder is blocking the base preventing the runner from reaching safely then the runner shall be called safe. Infielders are to use the outside of the base when fielding.

·       Only regulation softball and slow-pitch bats may be used. Trappers can only be used at 1st base or by the catcher. Keep all equipment off the playing field when not in use.

·       NO METAL SPIKES, this will result as a forfeit game, or potential fine for repeat offenders. 

·       No Flip flops, sandals, work boots, or bare feet.

·       ABSOLUTELY NO SLIDING. Safety bag must be used at 1st base.

·       Your lineup can not have more than 3 guys batting in order.

·       You must bat in the same order as you submitted the opposing team

·       All substitutions must be made at the beginning of the inning unless injury occurs or unforeseen circumstances (Someone’s child is in danger etc….) A female must sub for a female, and a male for a male. The original player cannot return to play until the end of the inning.

·       Any batter can have a substitute runner. The batter must make it to 1st base before a pinch runner can run for him or her. This rule is intended to help injured players and is not meant to be abused. Once you use a substitute runner, that player may not run again for someone else that inning.

·       A male runner can only run for a male runner and a female runner for a female. When possible the runner should be the last male or female put out. If nobody has gotten out then you chose your runner based off the top of the lineup.

·       No bunting, chopping, stealing or leadoffs. A leadoff is when the runner leaves the base before the ball makes contact with the bat. (This includes lifting foot off base) the runner will be called out on leadoffs.

·       All games are 7 innings. If you must end your game early then you forfeit the game. There may be circumstances where the league will decide if a forfeit was necessary or not

·       You must have 8 games to be eligible to play in the year end tournament.

·       There is a 20 foot commitment line from home plate towards third base. Once you cross this line you are committed to go home. The catcher just has to tag home plate not the runner.

·       Any player running home will automatically be out if they touch home plate…conversely the runner will automatically be called safe if an attempt to tag the runner is made. This rule is to avoid potential collisions.

·       GAME TIME IS 6:30. A team will lose by default if they cannot field a team by 6:45. Team reps are in charge of any rained out games, they must be made up by the end of the season.