Chelsea Auskick
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When do registrations open?
Registrations for the 2023 Cheslea AFL Auskick season are now open.

How much does it cost and how can I pay?
The cost to enorl your child into Chelsea AFL Auskick for 2023 is $91. Each registration also comes with a registration pack.

I missed a couple of weeks, is there a reduced fee?
Unfortunately, not. Our AFL Auskick registration fee is a flat fee and there is no reduction if you have miss a couple of weeks.

Do you have any girls only groups?
Yes, we do. We run girls only groups from grade 1 and above.

Do I have to wait with my child?
Yes. An adult needs to be present for your child for the duration of the session. We love all parents/guardians to assist at Chelsea Auskick so why not get involved in your child’s group.

How long does Chelsea AFL Auskick run for?
Sessions commence at 4:30pm on Friday's and finish no later than 6:00pm

Who delivers the Chelsea Auskick sessions?
Our centre has an AFL Auskick Coordinator who runs the centre. This is a volunatary role. Each age group will have a main coach and helper coaches. All parents/guardians are encouraged to get involved in Chelsea Auskick and no experience is necessary.

Can my child try a session for free?
Sure can! We’re pleased to offer the first session of every program for free to trial Auskick before registering. Just make sure you chat to our coordinator before the session starts to let them know you’re there to try it out.