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League Rules

PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK! You must sign a waiver before participating in any official Central Ohio Volleyball Event!

Sixes Rules
1. A team consists of 6 players. You must play with at least 5 players, 2 of which must be women.   

2. It is considered a forfeit for your team if you have less than 5 players. You are welcome to play an “exhibition” game, but it will count as a loss in the standings. (Even if the other team agrees to allow you to play with 4 players, Central Ohio Volleyball will recognize the game as a loss).  This must be called before the game so if the 4 player team wins no conflict can ensure. All players must be present within the 10 minute grace period.

3. Each member of the team shall serve in turn, (rotating clockwise).

4. Teams will volley for first serve. The team winning the volley will serve the first game. The team that loses serves the following game.

5. The server shall stand with both feet behind the rear boundary line and may not step on or over the boundary line until after the serve has been hit.

6. If a player touches the ball or the ball touches a player, he/she is considered as having played the ball, (exception: a block is not considered a hit). Each team may hit the ball 3 times before the ball is hit to the opposing team.

7. Players are not permitted to scoop, hold, or lift the ball. Players may not touch the net.

8. Players are not permitted to spike the ball on the serve. Players aren’t allowed to come from back to front to spike.

9.  Kicking is permitted, but not on the serve.

10. It is permissible to run out of bounds and play a ball before it contacts an object out of bounds. Once it hits an object out of bounds it is a dead ball.

11. When a ball touches a boundary line, it is considered good.

12. A ball touching the body more than once in succession is considered a double hit and is illegal except when blocking or on a hard driven spike.

13. A ball hit into the net by a team may still be kept in play provided the net isn’t touched by the players or it is not the third hit.

14. A ball is still in play if it hits the net and goes over into the opponent’s court during the volley and the serve.

15. If 2 players contact the ball simultaneously, it counts as one hit and either player may play the next hit.

16. A spiker must contact the ball on his/her side but may in the course of the follow through cross over, but not touch, the net. A player may never cross the plain of the net while blocking.

17. Twenty-one points wins the match. Teams must win by 2 points with a 21-point cap. Games will be best of 3 or 1-hour MAXIMUM matches.

18. Substitutions may be made during the game but must be into the same spot.

19. Players may cross the center-line below the net during play provided that this does not interfere with the opponent’s play. If you touch soeone under the net, it is a daedball and the other team scores the point.

20. Players are not permitted to walk on the court while another game is taking place. If a game is running late, you may ask the team how much time they have left. If you feel it is running unreasonably late, please find a volleyball coordinator and he/she will address the issue.

21. All team names should be fun and good sports. Central Ohio Volleyball has the right to ask any team to change names should we feel it is inappropriate.

22. Central Ohio Volleyball's volleyball coordinators have the authority to make any/all final decisions regarding anything questionable and/or not covered here.

Quad Leagues: 

  • Teams must consist of 4 players 
    • Must play with at least 3 players, 2 of which must always be women in coed leagues
  • Players cannot use open hands or set a served ball.
  • Players can contact the ball with any part of their body including kicking the ball as long as the contact is a clean hit and does not come to rest on the body part.
  • In a defensive action of a hard driven ball, the ball can be held momentarily open handed only if it is a reactionary action.
  • Players cannot attack or spike a serve as it is coming over the net.
  • Players cannot tip the ball using an open hand.  The ball can be legally “dinked” using straight, locked fingers; knurled fingers or knuckles
  • Accidental sets over the net will result in a point for the other team.
  • The server can serve the ball anywhere from the back line, provided it is within the sidelines extensions.
  • The server cannot step on the line while serving the ball.  Doing so will result in a loss of rally and point for the other team.
  • A served ball that tips the net is still a live ball.
  • All players are eligible to attack and block, regardless of court positioning.
  • Players cannot contact the net with any part of their body at any time between the antennas.
  • Players cannot run into an opposing team’s players under the net.  they can cross under the net, as long as it does not interfere with play.
  • If a ball hits the net outside of the antenna or any part of the net support, the play is dead.
  • A block does not count as a hit.  If a blocker makes contact with the ball, his or her team has three hits to return the volley.
  • A blocker cannot touch the ball when it is on the other side of the net until the ball breaks the “plane” of the net. 

    All players present for a team on tournament day must have played at least one set for that team during regular season play
    An individual may not play for more than one team on the same tournament day. 

    Right of Refusal  - Central Ohio Volleyball reserves the right to refuse service and participation to any individual for any reason as deemed appropriate by the league administrators.