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Hello Brighton Baseball Families!

What a fabulous 2024 season we have had in Brighton! 

A HUGE thank you to all of our fabulous community sponsors

We had a Brighton team in every A pool QBL championship final except one (and U9/U11 won!)  and many teams that played the best baseball of their lives in their final games : ) We have been very proud of how well our teams represented Brighton both at home and on the road with responsible and respectful behaviour.

  • Watch for registration to open again in February for 2025!
  • Considering umpiring? You may have noticed there is a need for more umpires in our region! Contact us for more info
  • Considering joining the executive committee? We are always welcoming new volunteers to help our organization run smoothly.

To finish off this 2024 season, we have a day planned for jersey return and to show our appreciation with a little snack. 

  • U6 Teeball players are very welcome to attend to be appreciated but do not need to return anything.
  • Saturday, Sept 7th, 11am-2pm 
  • Players can return their jerseys to receive the deposit return. If you can not make it at that time, you can send your jersey with any trusted person to sign for the deposit. We will give the deposit $ to the person that brings the jersey.
  • Please contact us if you will NOT be able to have the jersey there that day to make other arrangements
  • Coaches can also return your gear, any extra borrowed equipment and any keys.

Thank you everyone!



