Aurora Mixed Slo Pitch League
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2024 SPN Rule Book


AMSPL is governed by the rules of Slo Pitch National with the exception of the following  AMSPL League Rules below.

AMSPL Printable League Rule


Updated:  April 26, 2024
Balls - Each team will be given a case of brand new 12” softballs.  When you are listed as HOME team on the schedule, it will be your responsibility to provide the umpire with a new ball for the game.  Visiting teams will provide a used ball for the backup ball.  These balls are your responsibility to maintain and secure for safekeeping.  When a home run ball is hit, please make every effort to recover the ball.  If these balls are lost or stolen, please be advised that you will be accountable and may be asked to replace them.  
Bases - Home team must supply bases.  If home team does not have bases, visitor team will supply the bases and become the home team.  In the event both teams do not have bases, it will be declared a double default with both teams with a score recorded as 0-0.
Helmets - Helmets and all other protective gear are recommended to be worn. No player shall be made fun of, or negatively demeaned in any way for wearing such equipment. 
Strike Mat / Home Plate - A 2’ x 3’ wooden board will be provided to each team and used for the strike zone/home plate.  The home team is responsible to have the board and to put in the bases.
Uniforms - All teams must be in matching tops for all games.  There will be times, such as weather, where they may not be visible.  Substitute players from another team, may wear their own team’s jersey or wear the team colour.  All players must be in matching jersey (or same base color shirt) to play.   Players being borrowed from other teams within the AMSPL should wear their own Team jersey when playing for other teams.
Bases - Bases are to be placed 65 feet apart from each other.  All bases must be in prior to the start of the game time.  Any delays will be added to the game time.
Batting - “Rotating Females” - The “Rotating Females” are positions used when a team has 10+ players in the line-up but have only 3 females but must bat 4 female positions.  The “Rotating Females” may also be used if there are extra males in the line-up and the team wants to add additional female positions in order to follow the no more than 2 male batters in a row rule. Upon using “Rotating Females” for the line-up, the team must have the list of female batters listed somewhere on the game sheet in the order the females will be batting.
If playing with 8 or 9 players, the minimum number of females in the line-up is 3.
Batting Count - The Batter will begin with a 0 strike 0 ball count.    
Batting Order - 6/4 - The batting line-up shall have no more than 2 male batters in a row.  Late players may be added to the bottom of the order up to the end of the 2nd inning as long as there are not more than 2 males in a row.
Borrowing Players - Players may be borrowed from any of the other AMSPL registered teams to a maximum of 4 borrowed players.  A team can only borrow if the team has less than 10 players in order to reach 10.  A team with 10 or more players may also borrow if the team does not have a pitcher.  The borrowed pitcher must pitch the entire game.  Players may NOT be borrowed for playoffs.
Courtesy Runners - A maximum of 7 courtesy runners per game.  There is no maximum number of times a player can be used as a courtesy.  Where a courtesy runner is used a male must be placed for a male, a female for a female, or a female for a male.  A batter must make it to 1st base before requesting a courtesy runner.
Default Time -Teams may start or play a full game with a minimum of 8 players, rather than the specified 10 to be an official game.   If you play with 8 or 9 players, there must be a minimum of 3 females in the batting line-up.   A team is allowed a 10 minute grace from the time of the start of the game time if they anticipate additional players arriving.  The grace period will be part of the 1 hour 40 minute game.  The grace period time will commence at the game time start or the discretion of the umpire (in the case of something unexpected).  Bases must be in prior to the start time.
Fielding – Player Requirements
# of Players
# of Females in Line-Up
Minimum Females in
Field Defensively
Maximum Males
in Field Defensively
3 + “Rotating Females”
Fielding - Throws to 1st - No outfielder may throw the ball to first base in an attempt to force out the batter.  Any such attempt by an outfielder will result in the runner being called safe at first with all base runners advancing one base, if forced.
Fielding - 150’ for Outfielders - All outfielders must start approximately 150’ from home plate until the ball crosses the plate.  The 150’ distance will be marked by cones on the foul lines.  If outfielders are too close, the umpire will remind the outfielders to move back.
Game - Regulation (Regular Season) A game can be considered complete after 5 innings. Games will be 9 innings or 1 hour and 40 minutes whichever comes first.  No new inning will start after 1 hour and 35 minutes.  If home team is AHEAD going into the bottom of the open inning, they will NOT bat. The game will end, and the score will be recorded as is.  If home team is BEHIND, they will bat until 3 out, or until they take the lead (+1).  Regular Games can end in a tie.
If a game is to be called for any unforeseen reason (weather, time constraints, etc.) and the home team has not scored more runs, or does not score as many or more runs in their half of the uncompleted inning to tie or win the game, the game REVERTS BACK to the last inning that was fully completed after five innings. 
A team must have a minimum of 8 players to start, throughout and complete a game.
Game Sheets - All line up cards (Home & Away) must be submitted to by Sunday at 12:00 noon after your game.  Any line up card not submitted on time will result in that team scoring a “0” for the game, regardless of actual outcome.  
Home Runs - Match +2 will apply.  Walk Off/Hit and Sit.  When the umpire declares a Home Run or a Four Base Award, the batter may proceed directly to the team bench.  All on base runners will also proceed directly to their bench.  All runs are added to the team score.  If the team is already at +2, any ball hit out will be declared a strike. 
Home Plate - All plays at home plate are considered a forced play.  If the runner touches home plate or the mat, the runner is out. Tagging will be allowed between the commitment line and the safety line at home plate. 
Injury - Any injured male player may be removed from the line-up without penalty.  The injured player may NOT re-enter the line-up once removed.
4+ Females in the line-up - Any injured female player may be removed from the line-up without penalty.   The “Rotating Females” line-up can be used if there are 3 females but require 4 female positions or if  there are more than 2 male batters in a row.
3 Females in the line-up – Any injured female player injured will result in a default.  You must have a minimum of 3 females in the line-up.
If you are playing with the minimum of 8 players, any injured player will result in a default.
Mercy Rule - The mercy rule (12 runs) is in effect after six or more complete innings (or five and a half innings, if the home team has scored the 12 runs to mercy). 
A 6 run rule will be used in each inning except when an inning is declared an "open inning" by the umpire.
Pitching - If a male pitches, a female or male may be the catcher.  If a female pitches, a male must be the catcher.  This rule does not apply if you are playing with 8 or 9 players.
Walk - AMSPL will be following SPN Rule 8 - Section 3 - The batter is awarded first base:  A. When four balls are called by the umpire; B. When the pitcher tells the umpire to intentionally walk a batter. EFFECT Sec. 3 A-B If a male batter is walked, he will be awarded first base. If a female batter follows him in the batting order, he will be awarded first and second base. The female must bat. If an incorrect batter is standing in the on deck circle, a male batter that is walked, goes to first base only. Ball is dead and base runners advance only if forced.
Conduct & Suspension - AMSPL will be following SPN Rule 5, Section 10, Rule 13, Section 1 with the exception of the following:  At the discretion of AMSPL Executive Committee, if they deem a League Member is not following SPN and AMSPL Code of Conduct and Mission Statement, the League Member will face immediate suspension.  AMSPL will be operating with a ZERO TOLERANCE Policy for such behaviour.
Insurance - All players who play in an AMSPL game (regular game or playoff game) MUST be an insured player and on a team roster in the AMSPL.  Any teams that allow outside, uninsured players to play will result in immediate disqualification and team suspension from the AMSPL League.
No Smoking - There will be no smoking or vaping on the playing field or in the dugout/team benches during the game. The Smoke Free Ontario Act (SFOA) makes it illegal to smoke, vape or hold lighted tobacco within 20 meters of playgrounds and sporting areas, and on spectator areas adjacent to sporting areas.
Protests - If a game is to be played under protest, an official protest request must be made to the Executive Committee immediately following the completion of the game under protest, and submitted with a non-refundable payment of $150. Umpires discretionary calls are ineligible for protests.
Use of Alcohol - Due to AMSPL’s park permit with the Town of Aurora, its insurance and the SPN Rule Book, alcohol is not permitted at the diamond or park facilities.
Borrowing - Players may NOT be borrowed for playoffs.
Playoff Eligibility - A player must play at least 6 regular season games to be eligible to play in the playoffs.