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Youth Sport FAQ

Q: What age group can play?
A: Ablaze Athletics allows Pre-K-8th graders to play. 

Q: What sports do you offer?
A: Basketball and Flag football are currently offered, but we are open to the possibility of offering other sports in the future.

Q: What is the cost to play?
A: Basketball is $112/kid and Flag Football is $90/Kid

Q: Do you offer a multiple child discount?
A: Yes, during basketball registration it will substract $10 for every player you sign up after the first one

Q: Do you offer scholarships to allow children to play for free or a discounted rate?
A: We do have scholarships available for kids who can't afford to play. Please email for more information.

Q: When are practice and game days?
A: Basketball: Practices will be 1 day a week and will be on a Mon, Tues, or Thurs. All practices will be 1 hour and will take place between 6-9pm. All games will take place on Saturdays.
A: Flag Football: Practices will take place 30 min before the game and all events will take place during a select week day that will be called on in the registration

Q: Can I become a sponsor or help out in any way?
A: We will take all the help we can get! We greatly appreciate anyone or business who wants to be a sponsor or volunteer! Check out our sponsor page on our website or email to find out how you can help.


