Believe and Achieve Sports



The goals of SBA is to 

  • Create a recreational and competitively friendly environment in which children of varying skill levels have fun with basketball
  • Teach basketball skills, rules and strategy to our player
  • Model and teach competitiveness with an emphasis on good sportsmanship
  • Promote increased self-esteem among our children
  • Provide equal playing time for all participating players; this is discussed more thoroughly in Game Rules section
  • Safety is of utmost concern to the SBA. Coordinators, coaches, and referees should strive to avoid injury whenever possible.SPORTSMANSHIP

Coaches are responsible for ensuring that all members of the team and their fans practice good sportsmanship before, during and after the game. Coaches should

  • Support the referees and refrain from making derogatory comments towards or about them
  • Refrain from actions or words that undercut the self-esteem of players on other teams or their own team
  • Not allow your players to make derogatory comments towards other players, coaches or referee
  • Not allow “talking trash”
  • Support post-game “nice game” exchange between players and coaches
  • Good sportsmanship includes avoidance of unnecessary rough and ‘dirty’ play. Players, coaches, and referees should all strive in this regard.
  • Good sportsmanship also includes not running up the score. A team that is ahead by 20 points or more must pull its defense back to the 3 point line, not run fast breaks, and no full court defense


    Except where modified below, our games shall be conducted according to Maryland public high school rules in effect at the time of a game. In all disputes, a referee’s decision is final.
  • HEAD COVERINGS All players must wear head coverings at all times. We have provided bobby pins for each gym with the scorekeepers.  If a cap with a brim is worn, the brim must be facing backwards.  If a head covering falls incidentally during a play, play does not stop.  If play must be stopped so that a head covering needs to be found for a player, that team will be assessed a time out.
  • JUMP BALLS:  There will be an actual jump ball only at the beginning of the game (and overtime during a playoffs game).  After that jump ball, the alternate possession rule will apply, which will also determine who gets the ball at halftime. 
  • Amount of Players on the Court at One Time: ​​​​​​ Games are to be played generally as 5 players vs. 5 players.  Teams that don’t have 5 players show up on a given day can play with the number of players that are there at the time.  If only 4 players are present for a team, the other team should only play 4 players.  If 3 or fewer players are present, the other team should still play with 4 players..
    • First Grade Division: Practice is from 1:00-1:15 or 2:00-2:15. The game will be two  15 minute halves (running clock)  with subs every 5 minutes. At the end of the game each player shoots two free shots. 
    • Second Grade Division: Practice is from 2:00-2:15 or 3:00-3:15. The game will be two  15 minute halves (running clock)  with subs every 5 minutes. At the end of the game each player shoots two free shots. 
    • Third Grade Division: Practice begins at 3:00, games should begin at 3:20.   Emphasis should be on practice and teaching basic skills. The games will include two 20-minute halves, with 3-minute half time.  Court needs to be cleared by 4:15.
    • Fourth Grade Division: Practice begins at 4:15, game begins at 4:35 or Practice begins at 5:30 and game begins at 5:50.  During practice focus should be on skills. The games will include two 20-minute halves, with 3-minute half time.  Court needs to be cleared by 5:30 or 6:45. The JCC closes at 6:45 so please clear out right away!
    • Fifth: Practice begins at 2:00, game begins at 2:10.   The games will include two 25-minute halves, with 3-minute half time.  Court needs to be cleared by 3:15.
    • Sixth Grade Division: Practice begins at 3:15, and the game begins at 3:25.   The games will include two 25-minute halves, with 3-minute half time.  Court needs to be cleared by 4:30, depending on the time slot.
    • Seventh Grade Division:   Practice begins at 4:30, game begins at 4:40.   The games will include two 25-minute halves, with 3-minute half time.  Court needs to be cleared by 5:45.
    • Eighth Grade Division:   Practice begins at 5:45, game begins at 5:55.   The games will include two 25-minute halves, with 3-minute half time.  Court needs to be cleared by 7:00.
    • During the game there is a running clock except for the final two minutes of the second half when the clock stops for all referee whistles and out of bounds. 
    • The clock stops for time-outs. Time-outs are for 40 seconds. Each team is allowed 2 time-outs per half.
    • Regular season games that have a tied score at the end of regulation are treated as a tie. For playoff games, overtime periods will be played. Overtimes are 3 minutes in length, with a running clock for the first 2 minutes and with the clock stopping for all referee whistles during the final minute of the overtime.
    • Halftimes are 3 minutes
    • 3/4 Grade: A junior-sized 28.5-inch ball is used
    • 5/6/7/8 grade: A 29.5-inch ball is used
    • Third/Fourth Grade Divisions:  “Five minute shifts” (games have 20 minute halves/40 minutes total):  Approximately every four minutes of game time, the ref will stop play (clock does not stop) and all players currently on the bench must be placed in the game, with the coach deciding which players should sit next.  Coaches are expected to provide similar playing times for all players (total playing time should be within 5 minutes (e.g 3 players 35 min. 4 players 30 min.), and to be aware of the playing time they have provided for each player.
    • Fifth/Sixth/Seventh/Eighth Grade Divisions.  “Five minute shifts” in (games have 25 minute halves/50 minutes total): Approximately every five minutes of game time, the ref will stop play (clock does not stop) and substitutions take place, with the coach deciding which players should sit next.  No player should sit for more than 2 consecutive shifts.  Coaches should be aware of the playing time they have provided for each player., and are expected to provide similar playing times for all players, the total playing time of each player should be within 5 minutes for each player.
    • These rules apply to all games, including close games and the playoffs, and apply to all players regardless of age or ability.
    • Referees use common sense on violations. They should allow the kids to play. No advantage, no call.
    • If in the judgment of the referee a player goes over the line on a foul shot because of his strength, and clearly is not attempting to get an offensive rebound, no violation is called. Running in early by the shooter should always be called.
    • 5th- 8th divisions shoot 1 and 1 beginning with the 7th foul of a half. There is no double-bonus.
    • A player fouls out of a game upon receiving his 5th foul.
    • Any player or coach who is assessed two technical fouls is disqualified for the remainder of the game.  The referee has the discretion to disqualify a player or coach from the game upon a first technical foul, based on severity of the infraction.
    • Pressing past the half court line is allowed ONLY during the final 2 minutes of both the first and second halves
    • Third and Fourth Grades – No pressing past the half court line.
    • There are no three-pointers.
    • 5th-8th grade, the rule commonly known as the ‘three second rule’ (violation for being in the lane too long) will be enforceable after 5 seconds instead of 3 seconds.
    • The standard 10 second in the backcourt rule will be applied in 5/6/7/8 grade divisions, but not in 3/4 grade divisions.
    • The standard backcourt rule will be applied in 5/6/7/8 grade divisions, but not in 3/4 grade divisions.
    • First, Second,Third and Fourth Grade – no playoffs
    • Divisions with Four Teams – all four teams are in playoffs with #1 team playing #4, and #2 playing #3.
    • Divisions with Six or more Teams – top four teams are in playoffs with #1 team playing #4, and #2 playing #3.

      New for 2024

      First - Six players will play at the same time, coaches are in the game with the focus of assisting kids when they are trapped with the ball and getting the ball to all kids to have a chance to shoot. Kids should not walk with the ball but double dribbles and carrying is allowed. If a kid does carry the ref will give him three steps and then say freeze and he may not dribble or walk and must pass or shoot the ball. Once the ball is advanced into the key (blue square tape) the offense gets a free shot that can not be blocked by the defense. Each basket in regulation is worth 3 points. Defense can stand straight up with enough space for the player to take a shot. Players may block a shot or pass but may not strip or knock the ball out of a kid's hands. There is no backcourt defense. Every five minutes the referee will blow the whistle and the game pauses for substitutions. The kids who just sat will come in the game, and the kids who played two shifts in a row sit. At the end of the substitution the kids from opposing teams face each other so each coach can line up his players opposite the kid he will guard. At the end of regulation both teams line up in a pattern. Each kid takes two free shots each worth one point. The teams should line up and shake hands at the end of the game.

      Second- Six players will play at the same time, coaches are in the game with the focus of assisting kids when they are trapped with the ball and getting the ball to all kids to have a chance to shoot. Kids should not walk with the ball but double dribbles and carrying is allowed. If a kid does double dribble or carries the ref will give him three steps and then say freeze and he may not dribble or walk and must pass or shoot the ball. Once the ball is advanced into the key (blue square tape) the offense gets a free shot that can not be blocked by the defense. Each basket in regulation is worth 2 points. Defense can stand straight up with enough space for the player to take a shot. Players may block a shot or pass but may not strip or knock the ball out of a kid's hands. There is no backcourt defense. Every five minutes the referee will blow the whistle and the game pauses for substitutions. The kids who just sat will come in the game, and the kids who played two shifts in a row sit. At the end of the substitution the kids from opposing teams face each other so each coach can line up his players opposite the kid he will guard. At the end of regulation both teams line up in a pattern. Each kid takes two free shots each worth one point. The teams should line up and shake hands at the end of the game.

      Third/Fourth Grades-  Five players play at a time with there being substitutions every five minutes. Kids should be able to not double dribble and keep travels and carries to a minimum. All out of bounds shooting fouls, obvious fouls and jump balls will be called. Kids must take the ball from out of bounds and pass the ball in on out of bounds plays. There is no backcourt defense. There is no grabbing the ball or knocking the ball out of the offensive player's hand, and there is no double teams or zone defense. Games that are tied in regulation end in a tie. Game is two 20 min running clock halves, except for the final two minutes of the second half when the clock stops for all referee whistles and out of bounds. The clock stops for time-outs. Time-outs are for 40 seconds. Each team is allowed 2 time-outs per half. Practice should be focused on team offense and team defense. How to get open, score, pass, rebound, and shoot.