Rivers Edge Ladies Golf Association


By Maralee Martin - JULY 21, 2023

Hello Lady Golfers!! It seems we went from cool, windy mornings to sweltering heat!  We are still showing up to play with our cart fans and cool neck cloths.  Many of us have only been able to last nine holes.....yeah, yeah we are getting older and can't take the heat and humidity, but that is OK!!!  We are still out there giving it our best!

We have had several Ladybird events this Spring and Summer.  Recently, we played Compass Pointe, a private course in Leland.  We had several WINNERS!

On July 21st, we had a 9-hole golf day with a going-away party for Kathy Strunk.  It wasn't a good-bye as we hope we will see her frequently at Rivers Edge.  RELGA members were very generous in their donations for a gift for Kathy!  She was given a lovely Julie Voss necklace and a gift card to Lori's Golf Shop.  

Hope to see you on the golf course!!

By Kathy Strunk   January 12, 2023

Happy New Year Ladies!

I was hoping to have this written a few weeks ago, but time has gotten away from me. This will be my last note for the President’s Corner and I want you know how much I enjoyed these past few years. I am thankful for having all of you in my life! 

We wrapped up our 2022 RELGA season with a fun filled, Christmas at Tiffany’s golf event.  Our ladies looked beautiful,with many decked out in their Audrey Hepburn finest and bling.Two of our ladies were so creative and dressed as festive Tiffany Blue packages. Who doesn’t love a little blue box! Golf was fun, the luncheon was delicious and I think it was our best event yet!

Here are the cliff notes for the day:

First Place for the Stableford event went to the team of: Maralee Martin, Joan Lund, Kim York, Sally Johnson

Closest to the Pins: Jean Arnold and Kathy Carmody

Best Costumes: Diane Saunders, Susan Raad and Linda Lynes

We held our annual meeting, thanked our past board members and welcomed the new members.  We also discussed a tribute to Sandy Keck, who is greatly missed. (If you look at our archive pictures on the website, Sandy loved this holiday event!) After speaking with the Pro Shop, it was decided that a tree will be we planted a in memory of Sandy. It will be planted overlooking the 5th, 9th and 18 holes.  Once the weather warms up, more information to come. 

So, those are the quick notes on that day.  I know Maralee and the RELGA board will do a great job. Thank you again for the very generous gift. I see a visit to the PGA store in the near future! 






By Kathy Strunk, December 8, 2021

Happy Holidays Ladies!

RELGA hosted our final tournament and annual meeting of the year on Monday. It was a great day and I encourage you to go to the TEAMLINKT app to check out the photos of the Santas Helpers on our website!

This past year, RELGA hosted 3 birthday bashes, one free clinic and 2 tournaments. This takes a lot of work and sometimes our personal funds, so we 

have updated our bylaws for 2022 to state  that any woman who participates in any  RELGA sponsored event, will need to join RELGA. There is a nominal fee of $10.00 and will allow you to participate in our quarterly birthday bashes, free clinics and tournaments. (The tournaments do however require a player to have a handicap).  

 The RELGA membership form can be found in our RELGA corner of the Pro Shop. 

Let me know if you have any questions. 

Thank you,





By Kathy Strunk, May 23, 2021

What a difference a year makes! This time last year, we were in the early stages of learning about the pandemic.Today, most of us are vaccinated and see a light at the end of the tunnel.  Who knows what the remainder of the year will have in store for us, but you can certainly detect the level of optimism now that we are able to see family, travel and HUG!  


As I reflect on the past year, I’m not sure what I would have done without golf and all of you. Golf provided exercise to help balance all of the cooking and wine consumption I did, much needed socialization and a deterrent from spending too much time on social media!  


The next few months will be busy for our Ladybird and Interclub Teams.  On Saturday, June 5th, we will be hosting 4 other clubs for our first ever Ladies Interclub Event at River’s Edge.  We are still looking for ladies to join this team.  Please reach out to Shirley Arnold if you are interested in learning more. On Thursday, July 15th we will be hosting our annual Ladybird Tournament. This event usually attracts about 90 plus golfers from other local courses.  We will need volunteers to make this a successful event, so please be on the look out for emails with the request.


We also hope you can join us on June 18th for our RELGA sponsored ‘Plant the Flag Tournament”. We all had such a great time with our Ugly Sweater Tournament; we thought we would offer another fun golf event! Sign up is in the Pro Shop, and please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. 


Enjoy this beautiful weather, the great roll we are getting on the fairways, and of course your family and friends,






PS. I’m curious if anyone is reading this! If you are, please send me a quick email to let me know!


By Kathy Strunk, January 27, 2021

Rain, rain, go away!  January has certainly been a wet, muddy mess and kudos to all of us that have tried to golf in this weather. I can’t even imagine dealing with the pandemic without the ability to golf, but preferably not in hip waders! Desperate times call for desperate measures as we are ALL getting a bit stir crazy. 


In looking forward to better weather, the RELGA board on Monday to review 2020 and start making plans for 2021.  


Teamlinkt golf sign up has been successfully implemented, and all Rivers Edge Golf Club members have been signing up without a problem. This app has made it much easier for Sandy and I to schedule golf.  Besides scheduling capability, this app has a tremendous amount of additional functionality.  Were you aware that you can access our RELGA website via the Teamlinkt app or a web browser? 


Thanks again to Linda’s talent, the website contains information such as: an Events calendar, Golf news, Etiquette tips, a blog from RJ plus many other categories. I encourage you to explore as we add to this site. 


In January we initiated our new Welcome Packet and have shared the packet with 7 ladies that have joined us within the last year. We will have the information on the TEAMLINKT app for anyone interested. 


As we planned for events this year, clinics and fun tournaments were high on the wish list. Unfortunately, until the weather improves, clinics are on hold, but we have reserved dates in June and December for tournaments.  For those of you interested in competitive, fun, golf, and a chance to play other courses, the Ladybird and Interclub information will be shared in the next month.  There are opportunities for ladies at all skill levels to play in Interclub.  Our first scheduled event to date is the First Quarter Birthday Bash, Friday, March 26th.  


We hope that 2021 will allow us to return to a degree of normalcy. In the meantime, we are looking forward to better weather and an opportunity to enjoy our beautiful course. Stay safe.  If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me:  kstrunk57@gmail.com.



Kathy Strunk












********************************************************************************By Kathy Strunk November 2020

Congratulations! If you're reading this, you have successfully uploaded the new TeamLinkt app and are navigating our new website.  We are so appreciative of all the time Linda has spent, not only developing this new site but also training many of our lady golfers. There will be a small learning curve initially with all of its functionality, but it really is  a very user friendly site.  Please take the next month to explore!   Don't forget to schedule your tee times requests on both the new site as well as the old one for the month of December. We need to do a final comparison to make sure we have any glitches worked out. If you have any questions, please let us know. 

 Additionally, we are excited about our first ever RELGA Stableford Tournament on 12/4/20.  Don't forget to sign up in the Pro Shop no later than 11/27 ( by the TV ) and also drop off your $5.00 in an envelope in the slot where we place our scorecards pre-Covid.  This tournament will take the place of our year end luncheon as well, so if you are unable to play, please plan on stopping by the clubhouse around 1:30-2:00.  I can't wait to see the ugly sweaters and have a great day. 


Kathy Strunk

***********************************************************************************************************************By Kathy Strunk, August 2020

As I sat down to write my article, I looked back at the previous newsletter from January when a big concern was understanding the new GHIN system. Little did we know how trivial that would be!

It’s been almost 5 months since our life, as we knew it came to a screeching halt.  We had such plans for our lady golfers this year; playing off site, more fun golf games, clinics etc. All of that was placed on the backburner for obvious reasons.   The RELGA board will be meeting this month to readdress our original plans. Since the majority of us are not willing to play offsite, we need to focus on what we can offer on our beautiful Rivers Edge Golf Course.

I sent a questionnaire out a few weeks ago and had a tremendous response for clinics.

Due to the pandemic, we are all playing a lot more golf and wanting to improve, which is a wonderful.  The board will be working with RJ, Sebastian and Jason to put a schedule together in the next few weeks.  Keep your eye out for those emails.

You will also be receiving information on the Sign Up Genius tool, the new scheduling program I have mentioned in a prior email. We will be piloting this program in the next 2 weeks. I will send instructions when we are ready to begin the trial. As with all new information, it might be a challenge at first but we’re getting use to those!

Finally, I would like to say how happy we our to have some new neighbors and golfers in our community. We welcome you and look forward to seeing you on the golf course.  I hope you will love your new community as much as we do.
