Board Officer Positions (VOTE):
President: The President shall preside at all general meetings and at all meetings of the Executive Board.
The President shall call special meetings as they may be deemed necessary. The President shall preside
over ceremonial events and provide general representation for the organization at all football events
and in the community. The President and Secretary will have custody of the VFB by-laws. The President
will automatically be an ex-officio member of any and all committees. The President shall serve as the
liaison to the Verrado High School Football staff and athletic director. The President shall oversee
Sponsorship / Fundraising in conjunction with the Vice President.
Vice President: The Vice President shall act as aide to the President and shall perform duties of the
President or inability of that officer to serve. The Vice President shall take over responsibilities of the
President in the event that the office is vacated. The Vice President will oversee all sub-committees. The
Vice President shall oversee Sponsorship / Fundraising in conjunction with the President.
The Sponsorship / Banner committee shall be responsible for soliciting monetary donation as
well as goods and services in kind from corporate and individual sponsors. The committee shall
coordinate its activities with the Treasurer. The committee also shall oversee banner
advertising, collect art work, get signage approval, make sure art work gets printer format
requested and will pick up completed banners in a timely manner. Banners will be hung around
the football facility. The committee will create advertising prices with Board approval. The
Committee shall coordinate its sales with the Treasurer.
Secretary: The secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceeding of all regular and special
meetings, keep a record of the decisions of the Executive Board, distribute meeting minutes to members
of the Executive board, conduct the official correspondence of the VFB and maintain a file for all such
correspondence and shall have custody of the VFB By-laws along with the President.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all funds and disburse those funds as approved by the VFB
Executive Board. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed and
submit a financial report at all scheduled VFB meetings. The Treasurer shall deposit all money received
in an account in the name of the VFB. The Treasurer shall arrange for an informal audit of the books at
the end of the fiscal year by a person other than the Treasurer.
Chairman Concessions: The Chairman of Concessions shall organize and manage the concession stand.
They shall communicate to the board information on concession stand business. The Chairman shall
work with the Treasurer with regards to purchasing and sales money. The chairman will oversee
concessions committee’s and volunteers.
Chairman Merchandise: The Chairman of Merchandise shall organize and manage the merchandise
table at home games. The Chairman will oversee merchandise committee and the merchandise table at
games. Merchandise Chairman shall be responsible for soliciting vendors to provide spirit items for sale
by the VFB and presenting the designs, merchant selection, and quantities to the Board for approval.
The Chairman shall be responsible for the ordering and sales throughout the year. The committee shall
work with the Treasurer for areas including, but not limited to, purchase orders and deposits.
Chairman Team Meals: The Chairman of Team Meals shall organize and manage team meals and work
closely with volunteers and Meal sponsors to ensure the teams are feed before games. This person
needs to be available to be present at Meals or have a designated volunteer present to help with
feeding. The Chairperson will be responsible for organizing with each level representative for the pick-up
of meals from donating restaurants, set up, service and clean-up for pre-game meals.
Chairman Special Events: The Chairman of special events will oversee the following events and
committees (i.e. Homecoming, Senior Night, Banquet, and any planned events that may arise or be
proposed). The Chairman shall work with the Treasurer with regards to purchasing supplies. This
chairperson shall also coordinate with Coaches on current roster lists and possible programs for said
special events. Examples of the above-mentioned events are:
Homecoming Committee: Must work closely with school appointed director; facilitate theme
given, floats, vendors, items to sell.
Banquet Committee: Must work closely with head coach and follow school guidelines to have
one or more banquets that include dinner, drinks, decorations, dessert, senior gifts and coach’s
gifts and any other items that may be requested.
Senior Night Committee: Must work with head coach and school officials to provide appropriate
appreciation: i.e.: decorations for field/fence areas, gifts/tokens of appreciation for Senior
Players and mothers (or significant mother figure)
Committee Chairs or Co-Chairs to Board Positions (ASSIGN)
Social Media Chair: The Social Media Chair will promote Verrado Football on Social Media sites. They
will promote Sponsors on Social Media as required. The Chair will create the VFB Game Program as
required by the Board.
Co-Treasurer: The Co-Treasurer will assist the Treasurer with team purchases, Camp Signup, Banquet
Signup, Player Pack, etc.
Co-Concessions: Assist Concession Chair in the management of the Concession Chair. Work together to
divide the work and management on game days.