True North Football Premier League


We know it can be a daunting task to captain a team, but we hope that those of you who are interested in the role will find it a fun and rewarding experience.

There are a few hard rules that must be followed by captains, so we'll start with those:

  • You will need to do a weekly roster check to make sure you have enough players for the game. The minimum before a forfeit is 5, but ideally you should be looking to have a minimum of 8-9 confirmed players so that individuals can rest during the game.

  • You will have access to the call-up list, it is your responsibility to message and arrange call-ups if you are low on numbers for the week. You can also borrow players from other teams if the call-up list has been exhausted and other teams have extra players. Teams that use players who are not listed on a current team roster or the call-up list may be subject to default and/or ejection from the league.

  • You should know the rules and policies of the league and know where to find them on the website to show teammates if they have questions.
  • You are responsible for keeping games flowing by being the point of contact between the two teams as the league is self-refereed. You will need to step in if players from your team try to speak directly with players from the opposing team over game disputes.

You can make as much or as little of the role as you wish, ultimately your main responsibility is to ensure everyone is having a fun and fair game and that everyone on the team, no matter their skill level, feels like a valued member of the league.