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Parents Code of Conduct

Our teams strive to build self-esteem, good sportsmanship, ethics, and positive character growth. In doing so, it is essential that both coaches & parents demonstrate the core principles of respect, responsibility, fairness, and good citizenship. 

As a parent (including any parent participating in a PGSA event), I hereby pledge:

  • I agree to provide positive support and encouragement for each child participating.
  • I agree to let the coaches’ coach, the umpires umpire, and the players play.
  • I agree to respect the schedules of the coaches and teammates by having my child arrive on time for practices and games and will notify my coach if my child will arrive late or not be able to attend.
  • I agree to be a positive role model and will not engage in public displays of anger.
  • I will promote good sportsmanship by respecting opposing fans, coaches, participants and umpires.
  • I agree to respect coaching decisions regarding playing time, position, and placement; and will refrain from coaching any player during games.
  • I will not approach players or coaches before, during, or immediately after games with anything other than support. All questions/concerns regarding players or coaches will be addressed the day after the game in an atmosphere conducive to problem solving.
  • I understand as a parent that I am not allowed in the dugout or on the field during games without permission from a coach.
  • I agree not to coach my child from the stands or hover near the dugout.
  • I agree not to ask my child’s coach or coaches about playing time or position in the lineup. All coaches will gladly discuss any questions concerning a player's development or health at the appropriate time and place.
  • I agree not to carry my child’s softball bag.
  • I agree to give all beverages, sunflower seeds, gum, etc. to my child prior to the game/practice. If it's a must to give your player something after a game has started please send the item through a coach. 

PGSA Parent Code of Conduct Agreement.pdf